Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 19: Pear Meatballs

Last night, I watched the light show with the little girl. It was quite fun at first, but after it lasted for several hours, Akimoto felt a little bored, so he pulled Hosono Yumo away who wanted to continue watching.

I heard that there was almost a stampede when I left the venue at 11 o'clock. Well, I was lucky I left early.

After getting up and having breakfast, Qiu Yuan locked himself in the room and tinkered with some Pokémon food. If he didn't get it out, he would have to sleep on the street tomorrow and he wouldn't be able to afford the accommodation.

"Hmm... the ratio of cranberry to pear powder is 2.1:3.4, how about adding a small amount of blue tangerine fruit and some spicy eggplant fruit, it doesn't seem to work..."

Qiu Yuan sat in front of the makeshift workbench and muttered, his hands full of pureed fruit.

Looking at such a gray-red crude food product in front of him, Qiu Yuan felt that he couldn't go wrong. He must have done it this way. After all, he failed twice, but he still succeeded once when making fairy food.

Using a mold to make small gray-red balls, Akimoto called his four Eevee to his side and fed them one by one.

"Does it taste good? How do you feel?" Qiu Yuan looked at them expectantly.

The two little Ibrahimovics shouted happily: "Ibrahimovic, Ibrahimovic, Ibrahimovic~! (It's delicious! I want more!)"

The female Eevee was also reminiscing about the delicious food she had just received. The food this time was much more delicious than the previous two times.

The male big Eevee was more stable and told Akimoto how he felt: "Eevee, Eevee. (It's delicious. I feel that my strength has become a little stronger, and the power I can gather seems to be greater."

Big Ibrahimovic made a striking gesture, accumulating energy on the spot, using his own personal experience to prove the success of Akimoto's production this time.

There is no problem in enhancing the elemental power, and the taste is also very good. As for the beauty effect of cranberries, there is definitely no need to test it.

Qiu Yuan nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, let's make the seven ingredients into the finished product! Let's call it Setuli Meatballs!"

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully inventing Pokémon food: Jieli Meatballs (green)]

[Inventing green and above quality Pokémon props and food five times in total, or cultivating green and above quality Pokémon eggs, you can get achievement rewards]

[Host please keep up the good work, current achievement progress: 2/5]

"Huh?" Qiu Yuan was a little disappointed, "I thought I could get the reward directly again."

Inventing Pokmon props is a job that destroys brain cells. Akimoto has been deducing formulas whenever he has free time these days. This is still based on a strong theoretical basis with comprehensive and detailed primary breeding knowledge, but he has failed twice.

Feeding all the newly made pear balls to the Eevees can be regarded as compensation for their misfortune of testing the poison twice just now.

Akimoto spent the whole morning making pear balls. If he wanted to maximize the effectiveness of the fruit, he had to squeeze and stir constantly, which was very time-consuming.

Using the price of white quality Pokémon food on the market identified by the system as a reference, my Jieli Meatballs must be a high-end brand, but the problem now is that it has no popularity and credibility.

The white-quality Pokémon food in the Pokémon store is priced at 200 yuan per can. It is universal for all series and can only fill your stomach.

Corresponding series of yellow-quality Pokémon food began to appear, and the taste was relatively better. They were made by breeders and sold in Pokémon stores. The price reached 2,000 yuan per can, which was a tenfold increase.

This is the huge profit brought by the title of breeder. Breeders certified by the alliance are themselves brand names.

Akimoto's green quality pear meatballs can theoretically be sold at ten times the price. Even because of the unique elemental power-enhancing ability and the life force added by Akimoto himself, selling a can of 50,000 yuan is considered very cheap.

A portion of the ingredients can produce three cans of finished product. Excluding the ones for the Eevees to eat, Akimoto made a total of 18 cans of Setuli Meatballs in one morning. If one can is priced at 50,000 yuan, it can sell for a huge sum of 800,000 yuan!

It’s a pity that no one may buy it!

Qiu Yuan sighed, put away the pear balls, and prepared to try the beauty salon yesterday.

He poured out the Pokémon food that Hosono Yumo bought before from the jar and replaced it with Setsuri balls. Akimoto also tore off the paper wrapper on the surface of the jar and wrote "Setsuri balls" in ugly characters.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Qiu Yuan opened the door of the beauty salon and looked around.

The door to the small room on the left was opened, and the young store manager from yesterday came out.

"You are the brother of the little beauty yesterday, do you want something? Please sit here and wait a moment."

Qiu Yuan didn't say anything and asked again: "Is Sir doing beauty treatments for Dolemia again?"

The store manager smiled and said, "Yes, you can come in and have a look if you are interested."

Qiu Yuan followed the store manager into the beauty room. There sat a young man who was dressed in a more fancy, um... how should I say, more artistic sense. On the table in the center stood a Dolly who had not yet finished her beauty treatment. mia.

"Excuse me sir, let's continue to beautify your Dolemia." The store manager said to the young man. Qiu Yuan sat down next to the young man, but he was not watching the store manager's beautification, but looking around absently.

The young man looked at Qiu Yuan curiously and asked, "Are you also here to beautify the Pokémon?"

Qiu Yuan was staring at the various beauty tools on the cabinet at this time. When he heard the young man's question, he casually responded: "No."

"Isn't it?" If you come to the Pokémon Beauty Salon to get a Pokémon beauty treatment, then what is the purpose? The young man asked again, "Then what are you doing here?"

Akimoto looked at him with a strange expression. He said "Ah" and touched his head with one hand: "Sorry, sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Mikoli. I'm just curious that you come to the Pokémon Beauty Salon but you are not here to get a Pokémon beauty treatment. I want to know what you are doing here."

"Mikoli?" Akimoto looked at Mr. Mikoli suspiciously. It can't be the Mikoli I know. Besides, looking at your killer Matt style, you may not have the potential to become my customer.

"If you are the champion Mikoli, then I'd be happy to tell you."

Mikoli raised his lips and said proudly, "I am the champion Mikoli you mentioned. Can you tell me now? I haven't asked for your name yet."

"I am Akimoto. Um... don't be funny. The Mikoli I'm talking about is not only a champion, but also a top-level coordination trainer. How could he dress so shamatte?"

"Shamatte?" Mikoli was stunned. Although he didn't know what Shamatte meant, the disgust in Akimoto's tone told him that this word was definitely not a compliment to him.

Being questioned by Akimoto, Mikoli's stubborn temper came out. He took out a space backpack that was too delicate to be used by a man, searched inside, and muttered: "Damn boy, you actually don't believe in the noble Mikoli, today you will be shocked!"

Akimoto was confused by his reaction and didn't hear what he was mumbling. Suddenly, a shiny medal was held in Mikoli's hand and almost hit Akimoto's face.

"Look carefully, this is the exclusive logo of the alliance. You should know what this medal represents!"

Seeing Akimoto take the medal, Mikoli looked proud, which reminded Akimoto of a naughty panda.

"Hmm...this medal..."

Akimoto looked at the medal, and Mikoli had an expectant expression, just short of writing "I am the famous Mikoli".

"Oh! This medal!"

Finally believe that this sir is Mikoli, Mikoli thought happily.

Hmm? No, why should I be happy? Is it worth being happy to prove that I am myself? ?

"I don't recognize this medal." Qiu Yuan didn't keep Mikoli's appetite any longer and finished his words smoothly.

Although he didn't recognize this medal, he looked like Mikoli. But we won't recognize it, just to piss off this arrogant guy. I thought Mikoli was always elegant and noble, but he looked like a little brat.

Mikoli was almost unable to breathe because of the sudden turn of events. His face flushed and he hammered the sofa, angrily saying, "How could you not recognize this medal!"

"Tsk, who should recognize your broken medal? What a self-righteous little brat." Qiu Yuan laughed jokingly and proudly.

Finally realizing that he was fooled by Qiu Yuan, Mikoli didn't care about elegance and pounced on Qiu Yuan with his teeth and claws.

"Damn it, who are you calling a kid? Your stinky face is really annoying!!!"


Mikoli used crazy grabbing, which was very effective. Akimoto lost his ability to fight and fell into a dying state. He died. This book is over.


I recommend a new book by a girl. If you are interested, you can take a look. The car is going fast, so fasten your seat belt. (The author of this book is really a girl. I have already checked the goods for you!)

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