Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 38 Conquer and Harvest

Axetooth's Ghost Face skill caused Chirulian's speed to slow down slightly, and at the same time, through Dragon Dance, it greatly increased its strength and speed.

After a roar, Axetooth rushed towards Chirulian at a very fast speed, and at the same time, it jumped up with all its strength, and attacked Chirulian with a powerful dragon claw.

Chirulian was slowed down by the Ghost Face for a while, and almost didn't react to the Axetooth's rapid attack.

"Chirulian, dodge quickly! Use telekinesis to control Axetooth's body!"

Akimoto commanded in time.

Chirulian dodged Axetooth's attack at the critical moment, and at the same time, telekinesis was activated, controlling Axetooth's body to smash to the ground.

However, due to the large level gap, the effect of the psychic telekinesis on Axetooth was not obvious, and Axetooth did not suffer much damage after landing.

"Right now, release the elemental shock while the Axe-tooth Dragon's body is not stable!"

The Axe-tooth Dragon pushed hard against the ground and jumped into the air with the reaction force, but was hit hard by the elemental shock condensed by Kirlia.

This elemental shock, which was mainly composed of fairy elemental power, caused great damage to the Axe-tooth Dragon, but it still persisted with its strong willpower.

Then the Axe-tooth Dragon gathered strength in its claws and swung hard at the ground, splashing sand and dust.

Akimoto was also surprised by the combat experience of this Axe-tooth Dragon, which was able to flexibly use terrain factors to make the battle more favorable to itself.

"Kirlia, be careful of it sneaking up from the sand and dust!"

Kirlia stared at the sand and dust, and suddenly, the Axe-tooth Dragon quickly rushed towards Kirlia from the sand and dust.

Kirlia was hit hard without being prepared, and then concentrated his mental power to attack the Axe-tooth Dragon, and at the same time, the second elemental shock began to condense.

The Axe-tooth Dragon roared, and after hitting it, it became more powerful and flew towards Kirlia again.

This time, without the cover of sand and dust, Akimoto didn't have to worry about Kirlia being unable to dodge, so he issued another attack order.

"Release the elemental shock while it's in the air!"

But what Akimoto didn't expect was that the Axe-toothed Dragon, who had suffered a loss, would never be so stupid as to take the elemental shock again.

Kirlia's elemental ball condensed in front of his chest, and when he was about to launch it, the Axe-toothed Dragon burst out with huge power in the air, a piece of reverse scales shone, and at the same time, the dragon power in his hand burst out!

In an instant, the Axe-toothed Dragon used two tricks! They were reverse scales and dragon waves.

Kirlia was caught off guard and was directly knocked away by the Axe-toothed Dragon, but at the same time, the elemental shock also attacked the Axe-toothed Dragon, and Kirlia and the Axe-toothed Dragon fell to the ground at the same time.

Axe-toothed Dragon finally fainted on the ground due to the impact of Kirlia's huge fairy elemental power.

The power of reverse scales and dragon waves mostly comes from dragon elemental power, so Kirlia only received damage from the attack of the Axe-toothed Dragon's physical power.

With a sigh of admiration for the power of Axetooth, the Pokémon Ball made by Akimoto's system captured Axetooth.

After successfully capturing it, Akimoto released Axetooth again, but Axetooth was in a coma at this time.

"Kirlia and Gilligan, you guys help it heal!"

Gilligan and Kirlia have made different degrees of progress during the time they followed Akimoto.

Now both of them have learned a trick that is not fairy-type but very practical: Life Drop.

Although the healing effect of Life Drop is not very obvious, the Axetooth was only injured by Kirlia's attack.

After Akimoto simply treated the wound, Kirlia and Gilligan's Life Drop successfully healed Axetooth.


Axetooth opened his eyes and looked at Akimoto with a complicated look.

In fact, from the perspective of Pokémon, the behavior of humans capturing wild Pokémon is very selfish.

Because of human capture, wild Pokémon have to abandon their original lives and fight for the ideals of trainers.

Akimoto placed Axetooth's claw on his hand, passed the life force to Axetooth, and expressed his inner kindness to it.

Axetooth felt the life force and looked very surprised.

In its inherited memory, there was a description of this power, which came from the legendary creator god Arceus, and now it was possessed by a human.

Perhaps he was recognized by the creator god. Axetooth thought silently.

Retracting his claws, Axetooth roared at Akimoto, signaling him to follow him.

Since Akimoto has become Axetooth's trainer, it means that he will leave the place where he lives, and some things still need to be taken away.

Following Axetooth, Akimoto came to a very hidden cave, the entrance of which was blocked by bushes, leaving only a gap for Axetooth to pass through.

Pushing aside the bushes, Akimoto saw many gems as soon as he came in, pink and purple dragon gems!

"Axetooth, Axetooth."

Axetooth pointed to the gems scattered on the ground and signaled Akimoto to collect them.

Akimoto didn't hesitate and collected all the gems in one go.

Anyway, even if they were to be used in the future, they would be given to Axetooth, and he didn't want to be greedy, so he naturally collected them all with peace of mind.

Then Axetooth jumped onto a natural rock step, like a screen, with a small space behind it.

Axetooth came from the depths of the cave holding a blue Pokémon egg, gently crossed the rock step, and walked in front of Akimoto.

"Axe-tooth! (Please help me keep this egg!)" Axe-tooth handed the Pokémon egg to Qiuyuan, then went into the depths and took out a round amber-like stone with an orange streak in the middle. The yellow spiral pattern, "Axe-tooth! Axe-tooth! (This evolutionary stone belongs to it! Please don't lose it!)"

Qiu Yuan was almost stunned by happiness. First, he conquered the axe-tooth dragon with blue qualifications and the potential of a king.

Then he found dragon gems all over the place and got a Pokémon egg.

This Pokémon egg was not as unidentifiable as the one previously rewarded by the system. Qiu Yuan knew clearly that it was an egg from a round land shark.

In the end, the Axetooth even took out the super evolutionary stone that bit the land shark! !

But why does Axetodon have a round land shark egg, and also retains an extremely precious fierce bite land shark super evolution stone?

Qiu Yuan asked this question to Axetooth in confusion.

Upon hearing Qiu Yuan's words, Axetooth Dragon suddenly showed a very angry expression on his face.

"Axe-tooth! Axe-tooth!!!"

It pointed at Akimoto angrily, and then pointed at the egg of the round land shark, roaring and expressing it with body movements.

Akimoto has the ability to understand the language of Pokémon, and the language of Axetooth is no exception.

As the Axetooth Dragon continued to speak, Qiu Yuan's expression became more and more solemn.


PS: Guys, I'm sorry for posting so late today. Yesterday, 360 Antivirus deleted my system files, which forced me to reinstall the system. I didn't back up a lot of the setting data for this article, and I had to spend a lot of time reorganizing it. Again, sorry sorry!

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