Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 56 System Upgrade

Kalos Union Station.

Akimoto looked at the eleven Poké Balls neatly stored in the system warehouse.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Akimoto left the starting point and finally took a small Togepi with him.

He promised that he would not let Togepi cook him.

As for why there were ten Poké Balls besides Togepi, it's a long story.

Originally, Akimoto only planned to take the Jigglypuff that had been with him, but when Akimoto asked it to return to the tribe to say goodbye, Jigglypuff brought all the Jigglypuffs with him, and also brought two Pokémon eggs of Baby Jigglypuff!

So there is the current situation.

Now the Pokémon that Akimoto carries with him include a level 35 Gardevoir, a level 40 Axefang, a level 29 Jigglypuff, a level 15 Togepi, seven level 20 Jigglypuffs, and three Baby Jigglypuffs.

It is worth mentioning that Gengar finally followed Akimoto out.

It just didn't want to be conquered by Akimoto, and just hid in Akimoto's shadow.

Akimoto didn't care about it. Anyway, you still have to follow me in the end, you little guy.

When he arrived at the station, the train to Mingshui Town was about to depart, and Akimoto hurried to the counter to get the ticket and get on the train.

Because of time, Akimoto didn't buy a luxury ticket, so he had to squeeze into the carriage with others.

Leaning on the back of the chair, Akimoto closed his eyes and outlined the energy trajectory of the secret technique in his mind, striving to reach the standard of performance as soon as possible.

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded, interrupting Akimoto's thoughts.

[Ding! ]

[The breeding house has been built, the system is being upgraded, and it is expected to be completed in 4 hours...]

"Upgrade? Are you finally going to awaken!"

Akimoto burst into tears when he heard the voice of the system.

Thinking about how long I have had the system, I have only been constantly issuing tasks, and there are no benefits. This time I hope to arrange it. It would be best to send a few mythical beasts or something. It would also be good to send a basket of super evolution stones again.

However, the agreed time of 5 days has not come yet.

Without hearing the system's reply, Akimoto went back to practice the secret technique.

The train was moving slowly, passing through the city and the forest.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the train arrived at Mingshui Town.

As soon as they left the station and walked onto the dirt road, Gengar jumped out of Akimoto's shadow happily.

"Wooha wooha, wooha~"

Genger jumped forward along the path and sang the song of Gengar.

As for how well he sang, you can refer to what the ghost howl sounds like.

[Ding! ]

[System upgrade completed, new system store function added! ]

[System upgrade rewards have been issued, please check in time! ]

[Main Quest (III) Release: Now that the breeding house has been built, let its name resound throughout Carlos!

Promote to an intermediate breeder within one year, and make the breeder a well-known breeder in Kalos - Reward: Life Core (Purple)]

[Optional side quest release: An excellent breeder must not only have a wealth of breeding knowledge, but also have strong strength!

Prove yourself, establish an alliance primary gym in Chaoxiang Town within two years, and become a gym trainer - Reward: Keystone x1, designated super evolution stone x1]

[Optional side quest release: As a breeder who cultivates all fairy-type Pokémon, how can you be plain and simple?

Participate in the Kalos Gorgeous Competition within two years and get the top three.

Third place reward: Blue item exchange voucher x1

Second place reward: Blue item exchange voucher x1, Tide Stone x1

First place reward: Purple item exchange voucher x1, Qualification Appraisal Instrument Manufacturing Technology]

A series of system prompts made Akimoto not know which one to look at first.

Regardless of these, Akimoto hurriedly entered the system warehouse to check the upgrade rewards, and found a rolled-up paper lying quietly next to the Pokémon ball.

I thought that since the system has been upgraded, the reward should not be too stingy.

[Item Information]

Name: Pokémon Egg Culture Solution Formula

Quality: Blue

Use: Improve the qualifications of unhatched Pokémon

Introduction: Put Pokémon eggs that have been laid for no more than 24 hours into the culture solution to upgrade the Pokémon's qualifications by one grade. White and yellow are stably upgraded to green qualifications, green qualifications are upgraded to blue qualifications with a certain probability, and blue qualifications are invalid.

Seeing the introduction of this paper, Akimoto fell into ecstasy.

Guigui, with this thing, are you still worried about not being able to complete the main task three within a year? Are you kidding!

What does the breeding house rely on to become famous? It relies on the business level.

And this Pokémon Egg Culture Solution is simply a cheat, which means that Akimoto can purchase a large number of low-quality Pokémon eggs produced by low-level breeding houses for cultivation, upgrade their qualifications, and hatch them, and then sell them to trainers.

And another point is that it can upgrade Pokémon with green qualifications to blue qualifications.

What is the concept?

Blue-qualified Pokémon already have the potential to become a king. As long as the Pokémon's racial value is not too low, basically if the trainer trains step by step, it will reach the quasi-king level sooner or later. However, whether it can be promoted to a king depends on the training level of the trainer.

Akimoto spread out the culture solution formula with a smile, and the next moment his face changed.

"Wish powder, sweet sweet, lost flower, windward grass, what the hell are these? I've never heard of any of them except sweet sweet!" Akimoto only read the first half and started to doubt his life.

Then he continued to read and felt like he was being tricked by the system.

"Grind the blue quality awakening stone into powder and add the gems with the corresponding attributes of Pokémon to grind into powder..."

"Why don't you just use gold coins as culture medium? Are you robbing money?"

"System, come out, if you don't give a reasonable explanation, this matter will not end today!"

[It's none of my business, I'm short-sighted. ]


Akimoto heard a lot of disdain and ridicule from this sentence, "Are you so humane?"

[The system has been upgraded. In addition to the opening of the store function, the system's intelligence has also been improved. Don't make a fuss.]

"What the hell are these wish powder, lost flower and windward grass? They can't be things from the Pokémon world, right?"

Akimoto really hasn't heard of any of them.

[Wish powder and Lost Flower are products of Galar, and Windward Grass is from Alola. Short-sighted]

"But I can't go to these two places, so wouldn't it be useless if I got this recipe?"

Akimoto wanted to hit someone. The stingy system finally gave out benefits, but it was still a thing that could only be seen but not used.

It's like the goddess you've been chasing for a long time suddenly took the initiative to send you a photo, and you were excited for a long time but couldn't load it...

[Wish powder can be purchased directly in the system store, Lost Flower and Windward Grass only have seeds, and can only be obtained by lottery]

[Please check the specific price yourself]

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