Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 124 Moving the Fishman Island in

The mainstream style of the future world of Pokémon Island must be the style of the Pokémon world.

There is absolutely no doubt about this.

Dark must ensure that Pokémon Island can become such a peaceful and relatively peaceful world for him, otherwise he will use the strongest combat power in the store to eliminate all uneasy factors.

But this world is more colorful than the world of Pokémon.

The world of Pokémon is: people and Pokémon.

And Pokémon Island is: All races and Pokémon.

Therefore, everyone on Fishman Island can become permanent residents of Pokémon Island. When they give birth to the next generation, they will be local residents of Pokémon Island from the next generation on.

Similarly, Pokémon Island also has the peace that the residents of Fishman Island want. Complete peace is impossible, and there will definitely be some minor frictions between different races, but at least there will be no such thing as human trafficking.

After all, slave traders like that don't have to think about surviving on Pokémon Island in this life. They should think about how to survive in the new era.

Go and bring her in.

After Dark thought clearly about Fish-Man Island, he nodded to Robin beside him.

Let’s take White Star as the starting point and let this little guy fall in love with this endless land first, and then Neptune, Otohime, and the people of Fishman Island.

If there is a better and more ideal place to go to without having to pay such a big price, then who would think of going to all the trouble to lick the World Government?


Robin responded and turned to leave.

While Robin was away, Duck began to think about some things in the future.

He was confident that the people on Fishman Island would beg him to come to Pokémon Island to survive within a year, no, within half a year.

There are huge lakes, land, and endless oceans here. There are not that many humans and other races yet. Even if they come, everyone is an equal ordinary person. There is basically no requirement for force. How could they not want to come here.

The void suppression rules of Pokémon Island are a huge suppression for the world's top forces such as the Navy and White Team, but for vulnerable groups like Fishman Island, it is the basic rule to ensure their survival.

But what will this group of people do to survive after they arrive?


There is one big difference between Pokémon Island and the outside world, that is, food freedom has not yet been achieved here.

Previously, Pokémon Island was an empty island, and no living creatures lived here except for a few Pokémon in the store. Naturally, there was no need to consider this issue.

But the families of those preparatory employees and Fishman Island will be coming soon, so they have to think about it for a while.

At the very least, let them be self-sufficient.

It's not too difficult, it just requires a little more money.

Duck can purchase a variety of terrains in the magic mall to allow these people to farm and livestock, as long as some seeds are brought back from outside.

We might as well just move the entire Fish-Man Island in.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Duck's head.

He used to think about letting all the fishmen and mermaids on Fishman Island come to Pokémon Island to survive, but now, he thinks about simply moving the entire fishman island into Fishman Island. .

It is incredible to say that a living space like Fish-Man Island, thousands of miles under the sea, can develop a biological system to allow the creatures on this island to survive.

The reason why the plants on Fishman Island can survive is that the trees in the Shampoo Islands guide sunlight to the seabed. This kind of sunlight is also available on Pokémon Island and will not destroy the ecosystem of Fishman Island.

Moreover, the huge inland sea next to the alliance base is more than enough to place a fish-man island.

Dak, this is Shirahoshi.

Next to him, Robin led an oversized loli over.

Dak turned around and was involuntarily stunned for a moment. After all, it was the first time he saw such a large mermaid child.

Hello there.

Coming to a new environment, Shirahoshi seemed to be back to his timid appearance.

At this time, Shirahoshi had an extra circle of bubbles around his waist that separated humans and fish. This was a way for mermaids to move on the ground. At least this is what the mermaids on Fish-Man Island did.

Without such bubbles, they could only skip forward on land.

But Bai Xing's eyes can't help but look around.

Doesn't it look good? This grassland.

Dark followed Bai Xing's gaze and looked around.

The endless prairie may sound a bit monotonous, but countless people may have never seen such a monotonous scenery once in their lives.


Bai Xing nodded vigorously, with twinkling little stars in his two big blue eyes.

Her eyes would look at this grassland for a while, and for a while she would look at the giant trees in the distance. She would also take time to look at the huge lake.

She even had to stare at the battle tournament venue and alliance base for several minutes.

You can come and play often in the future.

Can I?


Dark nodded.

If Shirahoshi doesn't come, why will Neptune and Otohime come?

If they don't come, how can they realize how beautiful Pokémon Island is? How did you come up with the idea of ​​bringing the people of Fishman Island to live and survive on Pokémon Island?

Well, there are two little fish there.

Bai Xing's face turned a little rosy. It seemed that being able to come here and play at will was a very happy thing for her.

But she also noticed two auras.

She looked behind Duck, and there were two strange-looking little fish staring at her in the lake.

She could feel the breath of these two small fishes, or in other words, she could feel all aquatic creatures.


Duck turned his head and saw Magikarp and Ugly Fish.

These two little guys usually hide in the lake in pairs and play by themselves, and rarely poke their heads out in front of outsiders, but today they took the initiative to show their heads.

Poseidon, King of the Sea.

Dark realized the reason, probably because Shirahoshi, the King of the Sea, had too high an affinity for water Pokémon.

Dark thought for a moment, turned back to look at White Star, and then turned to look at Magikarp and Ugly Fish again.

King Carp, Ugly Fish, do you want to leave with that little girl?

Duck walked to the lake, squatted down and looked at the two little guys in front of him who didn't have much presence.

Gulu gulu.

The Ugly Fish didn't speak. She has a cold personality and usually doesn't speak. However, Magikarp is a talkative and responded to Dark.

What Carp King meant was that they didn't intend to leave with Bai Xing, but they just felt a very comfortable aura on Bai Xing's body, so they came to take a look.

It's like if a boy sees a girl who is attractive to him in appearance, he may take a second look, but he will not fall in love with the girl at first sight.

The probability of love at first sight happening to Pokémon is still very high, but unfortunately, at least it has not happened to Magikarp and Uglyfish at this moment.

Okay, it seems I misunderstood. It doesn't matter. She will come often in the future, and you may become good friends.

Dark nodded, reached out and tapped the heads of the two small fishes, then turned back to Bai Xing and handed the other party a token, Here's this for you.

this is?

Bai Xing stretched out her hands to catch it. She looked at the sign curiously, a little confused.

This is a pocket token. From now on, as long as you hold this token, you can open any door and enter our cultivation house. This is the certificate leading to us.

Oh, thank you Lord Dark.

Shirahoshi bowed politely to Dark.

You probably want to continue playing here, right?

Um, please, what time is it now?

Five-thirty in the afternoon.

Dah! I have to go back for dinner. Queen Mother and the others will be worried about me.

Bai Xing shook his head firmly.

Although she really wanted to continue playing here for a while, she cared more about her family's feelings and didn't want them to worry.

Well, let Robin take you away. You can come over anytime you want. Next time you can just go around by yourselves. You don't have to come over and tell me every time.

Dark nodded to Robin and watched them leave the Pokémon Island.

Dak stood there and fell into deep thought. He opened the [Magic Mall].

[Black soil terrain]

【Red soil terrain】

【Quick Fertilizer】


【Want Want Valley Seeds】

【Bundling Bean Seeds】

【Healing grass seeds】

【Emperor Leaf Seeds】

【Waterside Vanilla Seeds】

【Sakura fruit seeds】

【Muzi fruit seeds】

Food sources must be put on the agenda first, before Pokémon Academy.

Dark frowned and looked at everything on the panel.

He wanted to make sure there was an environment where people could be self-sufficient before anyone could live here long-term.

We need to recruit a group of preliminary employees. The families of these employees must be farmers, herdsmen, botanists, zoologists, etc.

Dak muttered and returned to the office at the alliance base.

There is currently only one chair and a table here, and he has not yet taken the time to decorate his office.

He sat on a chair with a piece of paper on the table. He picked up a pen and wrote down everything about Fish-Man Island and the food source today. He was worried that he would forget.

The next day.

Dake took care of the recruitment of employees himself.

There is no way, the manpower is still insufficient. Originally, this kind of thing was supposed to be left to Feng Clay, but the other party is now sending Pokémon eggs.

Dak took out the list of people who wanted to join the Pokémon League again. There were many names that had been crossed out and could be re-checked.

It took about two days for Dake to recruit 500 preliminary members again.

Some of these people were locals from the City of Seven Waters, some came from overseas, and they had various professions. Duck even saw two or three people who studied plants and animals.

In short, these people's wishes include the hope that their families can live in Pokémon Island.

Judging from the filled-in family information, 70% to 80% of them basically have experience in growing crops and raising animals.

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