Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 158 10,200 Pokémon Eggs

The battle in Wano was in full swing all night long, and the commotion was very loud.

The main reason was that there was too much movement in the other five places in Wano except the Flower Capital. The appearance and participation of Hana no Hyougoro and Ashura Doji attracted too many people's attention.

But this is beneficial to the battle situation.

Because of the two titles of 'Uncle Soldier' ​​and 'Nine Red Scabbard Heroes', many Guangyue retainers and knights hiding in the crowd jumped out one after another.

'Plague' Quinn was killed by Hana no Hyogoro, Asura Doji, Kawamatsu and Akiku who joined the battle midway.

Asura Doji and Aju were seriously injured.

Other battlefields also suffered heavy losses, with thousands of warriors wounded and thousands dead.

But it should not be said that the strength of these warriors is very good. Each one of them is a swordsman who can fight one against a hundred in the paradise.

The Beasts Pirates still don’t have artificial devil fruits to eat, and the pirates who broke into the new world can’t find the Beasts Pirates, so Kaido hasn’t started recruiting a lot of troops yet. The strength of these people in the Beasts Pirates Although they are not weak, their numbers are not large, so the samurai can still resist.

After the battles on other battlefields were won with difficulty, it was almost dawn.

Flower Hyougoro and Kawamatsu took the remaining people and rushed to the Flower Capital for support.

But the Flower Capital was quiet as if nothing had happened. When everyone arrived there, Hiyori Kozuki was already sitting on the general's seat, with Denjiro standing by.

According to the two of them, the ‘Nightmare God’ Darkrai has eliminated all the Heitan family members in the Flower Capital.

Afterwards, everyone changed direction and planned to go to Ghost Island.

Finally, we stopped at the coast of Wano Country and stared at the sea in front of us in a daze.

There is no ghost island on the sea ahead. Half of the sea is frozen into ice, and the other half is covered with leaves.

The samurai who arrived one step late saw Hana no Hyogoro and others standing motionless on the beach, and were suddenly frightened and did not dare to approach.

Since then, the other two gods of Wano have left their own legends.

‘Ice God’ Laplace.

‘Konoha God’ Lizard King.

One week after Kozuki Hiwa, the wisest princess in the history of Wano Country, ascended the throne, she immediately built temples for the three gods and ordered her retainers to leave the legends of the history.

However, in the process of understanding the deeds of the three gods, many accidents happened.

Because no one had seen the fighting power of the three gods with their own eyes and only had a partial understanding of them, Hiyori Kozuki could only rely on his own understanding to record these histories.

The Nightmare God, Darkrai.

A god whose head and tail are invisible. He has the supreme power to put people to sleep forever. He can take away other people's right to live with a wave of his hand. He is the most powerful guardian around the God of Creation. He silently lets the former general blackmail him. Tannorochi disappears from the world.

Ice god, Laplace.

An extremely powerful god who does not distinguish between friend and foe. He has the supreme authority to freeze time and space. When he uses his power, he will freeze all living things. He is a very cruel god. He almost killed Hana no Hyogoro and other Wano Country. The generals were killed together.

Konoha God, Lizard King.

A powerful, stable and benevolent god, he has the power to control nature and vegetation, and he has the best swordsmanship in the world. He once influenced the thug Asura Doji on Tou Mountain and persuaded him to join him in the crusade against Kaido.

Duck didn't know these things.

According to Hiyori Kozuki, there is no need to tell the busy leader of the alliance these little things.

But since then.

Every time Chenglong came to Wano to play, he would always be shunned by everyone. This made Chenglong feel very aggrieved, and he would often put his big head into Duck's arms and cry.

The Lizard King is the highest samurai in Wano Country, surpassing Shigezuki Ryoma. He is the hero and goal in the hearts of all samurai, and is deeply respected and sought after by the people of Wano Country.

The Lizard King just passed by on the street, and every time he walked around, he would be covered with all kinds of flowers and fruits. Every time he would get angry and complain to Dakko about the bad atmosphere in Wano Country.

As for Darkrai, he has become a being that in children's childhood, 'If you don't sleep well, you will be taken away', and 'If you cry again, the Nightmare God will give you nightmares'.

But these are at least a few years away.

. . .

December 31, year 0 of the alliance calendar.

Tomorrow is the first holiday that Pokémon Island will usher in - New Year's Day.

Today, Pokémon Island will be open.

This is open, not that.

The opening this time refers to the opening to places other than Pokémon Island, that is, the opening to the Pirate World.

But not everyone can come to Pokémon Island.

Only those who are old customers and regular customers of the breeding house, and those who understand the rules of the breeding house and Dark can come in, so as not to make the Pokémon Island a mess.

Needless to say, the Whitebeard Pirates, the Navy, and Mihawk.

Dak has asked Fon Clay to send invitation letters to these forces, inviting them to come to Alliance City to play.

It happened that the mayor of Fishman City, Neptune, had three days off on New Year's Day and could play with his family and friends. Neptune proposed to Duck that he wanted to meet Newgate.

The relocation of Fishman Island was very hasty, and Neptune had not had time to tell Newgate about it.

Newgate had sheltered Fish-Man Island for such a long time, and Neptune would certainly feel a pang in his heart, so he wanted to tell Neptune.

In addition to these forces, there are some who just happened to catch up with the time.

For example, Ge Chujun.

The egg of Karas the Gurdwara has hatched, and a Murkrow has hatched.

He seems to have a good compatibility with Karas.

After all, Karas likes to use his Devil Fruit ability to transform into various crow-shaped postures.

Moreover, Murk Crow's hearing is very keen. Even if Karas doesn't have his metal beak (loudspeaker), Murk Crow can hear his voice standing on his shoulder, which makes Karas feel very happy.

However, the successful hatching of Dark Crow also proves that the Gerald Army has the ability to take good care of Pokémon eggs and can purchase Pokémon eggs on a large scale.

In addition to working on the world government these days, Long is also preparing money to buy Pokémon eggs everywhere.

In the past, after destroying the class power of a country, the Gechu Army would distribute the money gained from the corruption and oppression of the nobles to the people.

But now they will keep some of them in the warehouse for future Pokémon training.

Long is very good at picking dates, so he arrived with all the cadres on the 31st.

Leader Dark, here is our transaction amount.

Long glanced at the cadres behind him, who came over with several large black boxes, placed them in front of Dak and opened them.

How much do you plan to buy?

Duck frowned and glanced at the money.

There are too many, at least tens of billions at a glance.

When the Navy bought hundreds of them, they almost scrapped them at the naval base. Why did the army buy so many?

It's not that Duck doesn't want money.

The main reason is that Nurture House now has a total of 6 branches open in Dahai, and many other stores are being renovated, making money very fast.

Especially since Dark had just wiped out the Beast Pirates and the Black Carbon Family, and there were tens of billions of Baileys in the warehouse that were useless.

If it weren't for the fact that these tens of billions of Baileys couldn't be converted into magic coins, Dark would have turned them into millions of magic coins.

But it’s not a big problem, because the Pokémon League’s various layouts in the Pirate World also require a lot of Pele.

10,000 eggs with green qualifications, 200 eggs with blue qualifications, 12 billion beli's funds, no matter what, it's all here.

Ten thousand pills are given to ordinary members of the Gepu Army who are away from home, and two hundred pills are given to core members and cadres.

Long had already thought about it.


12 billion Baileys = 1.2 million Magic Coins = 1 Legendary Pokémon.

It was impossible for Dak not to be moved, but there was another thing pressing on top of his heartbeat, Do you know what these 12,000 Pokémon cubs represent?

Not to mention the 10,200 Pokémon babies of all races, what would happen if 10,200 human babies gathered together?

Dare to think?

Don't worry, Leader Dark is talking about what happened in Malinfando. We have already investigated it and taken corresponding measures.

Talk about it.

If Long couldn't come up with a proper measure, Dak would not agree to the deal.

Before this transaction, we also allocated 8 billion in funds to build orphanages and nursing homes around the world.

Betty next to Long spoke, because she was responsible for this matter, There are probably hundreds of courtyards, and there are hundreds to thousands of members guarding them inside and near each courtyard. These orphanages and nursing homes are just Used to deceive others, they will serve as a secret base for us to take care of Pokémon pups.

cover up

You guys think too highly of yourself.

Duck raised his eyebrows and couldn't help shaking his head.

Without experiencing it personally, these people in the Gechu Army would never be able to understand it.

Pokémon pups are such a rowdy bunch.

The Whitebeard Pirates don't dare to acquire a new batch of Pokémon cubs right now, because the last batch of cubs haven't all left the juvenile stage yet.

The Whitebeard Pirates are now very experienced, and they know that in a place as small as the Moby Dick, it is best not to raise more than ten Pokémon cubs at one time.

Leader Dark, please tell me, how far do you have to go before you are willing to hand over the Pokémon eggs to us with confidence?

Betty looked a little worried when Duck shook his head.

She felt that what the Ge Shu Army had done was completely enough. Each orphanage and nursing home secretly raised dozens of Pokémon cubs, and they should not be discovered by others.

In this way, I can give you Pokémon eggs, but I need you to spend some more money to continue to build such hidden courtyards, and make sure that there are no more than 15 Pokémon cubs in each courtyard. The caretakers cannot Less than 45 people.”


Happy Trading.

Received 12 billion beli.

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