The coordination tournament venue is the easiest building to complete.

A ready-made product is there, just pay the magic coins to buy it.

Unlike Pokémon Academy and the natural environment.

The former was pieced together by Dak looking for buildings in the Magic Mall bit by bit, while the latter required Dak to build it based on all the current types of Pokémon.

So Dak immediately spent 100,000 magic coins to seat himself at the coordination competition venue.

Unlike the venue for the battle competition, which is divided into multiple competition areas, there is only one venue for the coordination competition, and it is a closed building.

Because the effect of Pokémon's skills will be greatly reduced when exposed to sunlight, the coordination competition was designed from the very beginning to have a ceiling, and the internal environment was a stage like an opera house.

The purchase price of 10w also includes additional products such as void barrier, so the actual price of the coordination competition venue is lower than that of the battle competition venue.

After that, there are still 900,000 magic coins left, and Dak must prioritize creating a natural environment for Pokémon to survive.

First, use 100,000 magic coins to expand the forests on the east and west sides of Alliance City to 13,000 square meters each.

No matter what era, the forest must be a place with the largest variety of living Pokémon.

After all, the food resources are the most abundant in the forest.

Among the Pokémon drawn, most are Pokémon that can live in forests, and a small number of water-type Pokémon can also be placed in inland seas, Alliance City Park lakes, and forest lakes.

The few remaining Pokémon are types that live in relatively special environments.

For example, Magnemite, Fist Stone, Bronze Mirror Monster, Sand Hippopotamus, Snow Lime Monster, Scorpio, etc.

These are the types of living environments that need to be created separately.

Dak already has his own idea, but he can't realize it yet. He needs to wait until after New Year's Day, so he can only place these Pokémon in the forest or park.

Pokémon do not have to live in a specific environment, otherwise they would not be able to travel with their trainers.

But for wild Pokémon, it is definitely better to live in a comfortable environment.

As for whether these wild Pokémon will be too panicked and cause restlessness.

Probably not.

Looking at the previous situations of the four groups including Mongoose Zhan and Warrior Eagle, the system must have made them understand their situation through some means, so it is unlikely to cause restlessness, but some troubles are inevitable.

This requires Dak to send people to monitor and explain, and at the same time supervise humans not to mess with Pokémon.

Well, there's a New Year's Day party tonight, so I'm not busy.

Duck looked at the time, it was almost evening.

New Year's Day begins the night before. This process of celebrating the New Year and welcoming the new year together is the most meaningful.

For tonight's New Year's Day party, he even asked the ministers of various departments in the alliance to stop what they were doing to think of a way to put together the entire program.

. . .

In the food court in Alliance City.

“It’s amazing that a place like this can be created.”

Koushiro still had the same squinting look. He crossed his hands in the sleeve of his other arm and walked quietly in front, holding a Pokémon egg in his arms.

And beside him is one of his most proud disciples and his good daughter.

One person?

Koushiro glanced at his side again.

Yes, there is indeed only one disciple, Ju Dao Xiaobing.

Father, don't look anymore, Zoro ran away again at some point.

Kuina was holding a bunch of candied haws in her hand, and she could see Koushiro's doubts.

She didn't know when Zoro disappeared. This guy's skills in getting lost were getting better and better, and even she and the Kotala soldiers couldn't find him.

Having said this, Kuina glanced at the Kodama soldier who was standing there obediently and as calm as a pine tree.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Kuina would never have understood how fast Pokémon progressed.

It has only been a little over a month since Kotaku Xiaobing joined Isshin Dojo.

But in just over a month, Ju Dao Xiaobing went from being useless to being able to draw a level with them.

And it is said that Pokémon have their own skills, but the only time Kuina has seen it was when she almost fell from the attic a few days ago, and the Kotaba soldier used it in desperation.

According to what my father learned later, the name of that trick seemed to be ‘Lightning Flash’.

It's a very powerful move, at least Kuina has a hard time catching the speed of the Kotala minion.

Kuina guessed that if the Kodora Soldier used his own skills during normal competitions, then she and Zoro would definitely not be able to defeat him.

This made Guina feel anxious but helpless.

The speed of Pokémon's progress is simply too exaggerated.

Just like there are no bottlenecks, if you keep fighting and exercising, you can become stronger steadily.

Getting lost in a place with so many people.

Koushiro sighed.

If this wasn't Pokémon Island, he would definitely be anxious.

Martial arts are prohibited in Alliance City. If you want to fight, you must go to the battle center in Entertainment Street. There are very complete battle venues there.

Pokémon vs Pokémon, trainers vs Pokémon, trainers vs trainers.

There are roughly three types of battle methods.

Those who fight in the street will be arrested and imprisoned by the League City police team, and will be detained or fined.

Koushiro looked around the street. There were basically people everywhere. Where could he find a lost child?

On the other side, there is the entertainment street and the alliance battle center.

This is one of the busiest architectural facilities in League City.

Because you can try Pokémon battles here that you have never tried before.

There are also those who are stronger outside. They want to see their strength on Pokémon Island, so they fight against their own Pokémon, but they are beaten to the point where they can't find anything to do.

Any Pokémon that is not an infant has the ability to defeat humans, even green caterpillars.

But there is basically no person vs. person.

Everyone has just lived in Pokémon Island not long ago, and the relationship between them is relatively good.

But today, there is.

At this moment, on the third-party duel battlefield, there were two little potatoes standing face to face, looking at each other extremely dissatisfied.

one party.

It's the lost green algae-head Zoro.

the other side.

It's the yellow-haired Sanji with curly eyebrows.

Sanji's arrival was an invitation sent by Reiju to the sea restaurant Barati, with the intention that he would come and learn how to make Pokémon food. In fact, it was Reiju who wanted to see her free brother now. how are you.

I don't know why, but I feel so unhappy with you.

Look, me too.

Zoro and Sanji looked at the little ghost opposite them with grins.

The next moment, they rushed towards each other at the same time.

In terms of time, Zoro during this period was undoubtedly stronger than Sanji. Sanji and Tetsuo had just established the maritime restaurant Barati not long ago, and Sanji was still a weakling at this time.

But the problem is that Zoro didn't bring a weapon, he was using bare hands, and he didn't understand the skills of the swordless style at the moment.

When two people fight together, it's basically a tortoise punch.


In the audience, a little girl with orange hair shook her head, thinking that the two boys fighting in the venue were too stupid.

Her name is Nami, and she comes from Cocosia Village in the East China Sea.

Nami can come because she is Granu's best friend.

A few days ago, Nami accidentally entered the nursery's main store and got acquainted with Sugar.

Sugar has been staying in the breeding house. Apart from Perona, there is no other child of the same age as her friend. She was very excited to see Nami. She asked Dak directly for a pocket token and gave it to Nami. The two little girls That's how they became good friends.

Really? It's okay.

Sugar, who was staying with Nami, felt fine.

The nightmare stood behind the two little girls to prevent some perverted lolita from getting close.

I hope I won't find such idiot companions when I go to sea in the future.

Speaking of Nami, what happened to the child?

At this time, Sugar noticed a small yellow thing on top of Nami's head.

She wanted to ask just now, wouldn't it be heavy for Nami to hold a Pokémon on her head?

Sugar saw that Nami's neck was bent, and she still looked like she was fine.

Huh? Oh, when I was passing by the park just now, I fed this little guy an apple candy, and then he followed me.

Nami picked up the Pokémon that looked like a little mouse on her head.

He's Pichu, an electric Pokémon. He's so cute.

Sugar introduced Nami, then reached out and gently stroked Pichu's little ears.

Now she also has a basic understanding of Pokémon.

After all, as the future head of the security department, he must have certain knowledge.

Really? What should I do if he keeps following me?

Nami also thinks Pichu is cute.

Ask him if he wants to be your Pokémon. If he is willing, you can take him away and become his trainer.

Huh? But I don't have any money.

No money is needed. He is not a Pokémon from a nursery. He should be a wild Pokémon from Pokémon Island.

Is that so?

This was the first time Nami knew such a thing.

Originally, she planned to buy a Pokémon egg for Bellemere. She and Nokigao had been saving money and already had hundreds of thousands of beli.

I didn’t expect that there was such a way to obtain Pokémon.

However, it seems that only people living on Pokémon Island have such benefits. After all, people like her who live in the pirate world cannot stay on Pokémon Island and deal with wild Pokémon.

Pichu, will you be my Pokémon?


Pichu grinned, then stretched out two short arms to hug Nami's face.

The two little guys became partners.

The Aaron Pirates, who were floating around the East China Sea, didn't know that their future trajectory had changed.

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