Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 186 Alliance Yujiu Family (Part 2)

After everyone’s discussion and competition, the other six Pokémon were finally decided.


Electric dragon.


Scorpio King.

Alureto or Gardevoir.

Mountain King (Alola form).

Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird.

The final evolved types of the nine Pokémon cover a total of fifteen of the eighteen attributes.

Only the three attributes of general, insect, and rock are not included.

This same choice also meets the needs of the eight gym leaders, so that no one can find anything dissatisfied.

And the most important thing.

In fact, it was not that no one proposed to cultivate those quasi-god Pokémon as the Yujiu family at the beginning, but after careful consideration, it still felt inappropriate.

Quasi-god Pokémon are powerful, but their growth rate is too slow.

The Pokémon Battle Contest is held once a year, but one year may not be enough for a quasi-god Pokémon to evolve to its final stage, especially for those who do not have the halo of the protagonist.

Moreover, quasi-god Pokémon have a high demand for resources. For example, Pokémon such as Kitlas are not recommended to be raised if there are no mines at home.

Therefore, the final conclusion is that those quasi-god Pokémon are not suitable to be partners of new trainers for various reasons.

Then, the Yujiu family of our alliance is settled.

Seeing that the goal of the meeting had been completed, Dak stood up and announced the end of the meeting, Next, I will spend about a week building the alliance training base, and ask the navy and the army to each send a squadron or three squads. The forces will go to the Monet Research Institute for guarding, and the alliance cultivation base will be one of our most important strategic locations.


. . .

Walking on the way to the outskirts, Dark was holding a Pokédex in his hand.

The above is a dialog box similar to WeChat.

[King of Love]: People in the future will definitely choose the three Pokémon Charmander, Ghost, and Laruras.

[Shanai]: Indeed, the advantages of the final evolution of the three Pokémon are too obvious. For example, the two Pokémon whose final evolution is a single attribute, such as Monarch Snake and Electric Dragon, will suffer more.

This is one of the communication functions of the Pokémon Pokédex.

It was developed by Monet after the appearance of the Pokémon Global Terminal. However, it can only be used within the Pokémon Island. It cannot chat across the world and can only make calls across the world.

As for the person who is in contact with Dak, it is naturally Dr. Monet, who is now vaguely called the humanoid Gardevoir in Alliance City.

Monet's appearance and outfit are almost similar to her partner Gardevoir.

Therefore, when people in Alliance City see Monet, they will think they are seeing a humanoid Gardevoir.

The issue the two people discussed was also about the current Yujiu family.

Monet's consideration was more focused on the combat effectiveness of Pokémon, while Dak was influenced by the popularity of these Pokémon in previous lives.

There is another reason.

There is no such thing as super evolution in Pokémon Island right now.

When the super-evolution module is opened in the future, those who are handsome and strong after super-evolution will definitely become more popular.

As for the Scorpion King and the Sand Mountain King not super evolving?

No, they all do.

Just because there are no corresponding Mega Evolution Stones found in the Pokémon World, it does not mean that these Pokémon do not have Mega Evolution forms.

But in the Magic Mall, all Pokémon's Mega Evolution Stones exist.

If the world of Pokémon opens up in the future, he can even use these super evolution stones to gain great fame in a short period of time.

Of course, there is also the possibility of being targeted by evil forces over there.

That's no joke.

The hard power of those evil forces may not be particularly strong, they may at most be at the level of a champion, but they have many evil methods.

Throughout the history of Pokémon movies, many evil organizations have relied on technology or ancient means to control these legendary Pokémon to cause destruction.

Generally speaking, there is not much problem with Yujiu's choice.

It's just that some Pokémon feel a little abandoned, but there is nothing more suitable in this attribute.

Dark knew that this was the psychology of his previous life. If he were from Monet's perspective and didn't understand the future popularity of these Pokémon, it wouldn't be surprising.

Without hesitating for too long, Duck quickly arrived at the Monet Institute.

It is located on the outskirts of Alliance City and is very quiet. Usually only some assistants from Monet's department work here.

But things are different now.

The navy sent a squadron, led by an old acquaintance, Gion.

The size is roughly equivalent to the original force of a vice admiral.

On the other side, the Gechu Army sent three teams, and the people leading the teams seemed to be small cadres in the Gechu Army.

Guaranteed 5 million magic coins.

Duck pondered.

It doesn't cost much to transform the terrain and environment of the breeding base. As long as someone provides food, the grassland is already the second most comfortable living environment for these Pokémon.

Because the terrain here is open, you can run around and play in the sun with your friends.

As for the first comfortable living environment, it must be a place that suits their own attributes.

This kind of place must be built.

Why the Charizard in Charizard Valley is so powerful? The abundant fire elemental energy in the environment must have played a key role.

Soon, six days passed.

In the past six days, Dak has been tinkering with this breeding base, and it can be said that he is quite concerned about it.

He placed the habitats of these nine groups far away from each other to prevent the mixing of elements from affecting the baby Pokémon.

The grassland in the middle remained unchanged, only a lake was added to give them a place to play together.

We went to the grassland to play together during the day, and our mother took us home at night.

That's probably it.

A double-layer guardrail has been installed around the breeding base.

The first floor is the single-sided thorn guardrail that Duck bought in the magic mall.

Ten meters high, the outer side is covered with sharp thorns, mainly to prevent outsiders from breaking in without permission.

Then about fifty meters away, Bega Punk installed an electric fence.

Fifteen meters high, continuously powered.

The center of the two-story fence was patrolled by three teams of the Gechu Army.

The interior of the breeding base is patrolled by a naval squadron led by Gion.

Monet also added surveillance cameras everywhere in the breeding base. Firstly, she wanted to observe the daily living conditions of these Pokémon. Secondly, she also wanted Porygon B to be able to check the entire breeding base at all times and see the first strange figures. time to report.

The safety factor of the entire breeding base can be said to be quite high.

If Dak gets another full-level Pokémon in the future, then this breeding base can be called an iron wall.

As for the next step, you need to buy the corresponding groups of these nine Pokémon in the Magic Mall and train them.

This requires careful selection.

Dak wants to ensure that the Pokémon of each group have at least dark blue qualifications in the first stage, and must reach purple in the final stage.

Only in this way can we call it the existence of the Yujiu family.

This is not difficult for groups such as Charizard, Koga Ninja, Gardevoir, etc. Their racial values ​​determine that their average qualifications will not be low.

But for Pokémon that only have two stages, such as Chuanshan King and Tanabata Blue Bird, and the racial value in the final stage is still below 500, this is relatively difficult.

【Magic Mall】

Opening the magic mall, Dak gave priority to those that were easy to find.

Choosing a Pokémon group also requires a leader. Dak hopes to find as many groups with stable and mature leaders as possible to enter the breeding base.

Dark thought he could select all nine species of Pokémon in one day.

But it actually took longer than he thought.

Because the need for the tribe will last longer than Dark imagined.

First of all, there are many groups that appear in the Magic Mall. There are hundreds of wild groups of rare Pokémon like Charizard alone.

But the sizes of these groups are quite small, basically three to five, seven or eight.

This scale is certainly not an option.

If you purchase multiple small-scale wild groups, racial conflicts and leader competition may occur.

This isn't a big deal, but it can be avoided as much as possible. Duck doesn't want the environment he carefully created to be destroyed so quickly.

And those with large ethnic groups face various problems.

For example, a fire-breathing dragon group with a group number of 20 happens to be in the period of leadership competition.

For another example, a Scorpio King group with a group number of 40 belongs to the era of three-thirds of the world.

All in all, the situation within the group is more complicated than Dak imagined.

Small ones fail to meet the standards, while large ones always have various problems.

By the time all nine Pokémon groups were selected, it was already the third day.

The number of each race is not too large, and it takes some time to cultivate before it can officially become a Pokémon that new trainers can choose.

Fortunately, nowadays, whether it is the Pokémon League, the Navy, or the Pokémon Army, the recruitment standards for personnel are extremely high, and the criteria for judging 'outstanding staff' are even higher, so people who are qualified to choose the Yujiu Family in the future will not many.

At this point, the alliance cultivation base has been completely implemented.

To build the entire breeding base and purchase nine Pokémon groups, a total of 12 million magic coins were consumed.

There were 7 million more magic coins than expected.

This is mainly because purchasing a Pokémon group is more expensive than Dak imagined. You must know that the leader of a group alone may be worth hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of magic coins.

(I’m only here to play with the fantasy beast Palu, so the updates are slow, hahaha)

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