Kabimon! Come on!

Let them see how powerful our Whitebeard Adventure Group is!

Thatch, beat that navy chick!

In the audience, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates waved their flags high and shouted loudly for Sachi.

As Sage's 'parent', the entire Whitebeard Adventure Group is eligible to watch the event.

Humph, a bunch of idiots.

Tsuru, Gion and others sitting on the other side were quite disdainful of these former pirates.

Peacock is still immature. Her classmates don't seem to want to obey Peacock's orders.

As Peacock's aunt, Gion could see the problem with Class 1 at a glance.

Almost everyone in Class 1 is an elite student who ranks at the top of their grade. Even though their scores are not much different from Peacock's, they are not very convinced by Peacock.

Not just Peacock, it should be said that no one obeys anyone. Although they are strong as individuals, they also fight on their own and there is no unity at all.

Although Peacock is the squad leader of Class 1 and has the best grades, she does not show the charisma of a 'captain', so it is difficult to convince the public.

They are all young and frivolous. There is no saying that I must obey your orders. It is normal. Just get used to it slowly. Maybe they will be the team of Peacock in the future.

He was very open-minded and not anxious at all.

The current Pokémon Academy does not have a stipulated number of years for graduation, but graduation is based on requirements.

If you meet the graduation requirements in the chosen professional field, you can get the relevant diploma. As for whether you want to switch to other majors or leave the school, it all depends on your personal wishes.

Peacock's chosen personal profession is 'trainer'.

You need to be recognized by the alliance as a 'senior trainer' before you can successfully graduate from the Pokémon Academy. The requirement for a senior trainer is to have 6 Pokémon, and the level of each Pokémon must not be lower than Lv.30. .

This is obviously not something that can be accomplished easily, especially when Peacock has to study other public courses.

These people in Class 1 today will have to get along with each other for at least another year in the future.

It's you, I heard that the leader is still single, on your side

Crane suddenly shifted his focus and glanced at his sister beside him.

Sister He, are you serious? I'm at least 20 years older than him.

Gion was a little speechless, feeling that as an old sister, she was really messed up.

Well, in two years you may be old enough to get pregnant. Can I not worry about that?

Crane was a little sad.

Stop talking, no matter how old the leader is, girls of the age of Tina and little Sadie should go.

Gion shook his head.

Although I have to admit that the leader of the alliance is indeed very good-looking, it is a pity that Gion does not like men younger than himself, especially men shorter than himself.

She is nearly three meters tall, while Dak is only 1.8 meters tall, which is a problem during sex.

A pony drives a big car, right?

All calm.

That kid Tina kind of likes Smoker, little Sadie.

A drop of sweat could not help but flow from Crane's forehead as he thought about the character of little Satina.

Little Sadie's character is really not something that ordinary men can handle. At least He thinks that Dak would still prefer normal women.

Dak, who was sitting in the principal's office at this moment, had no idea that He was worrying about these things.

As the 'Creator God' of the world, Dak now has the authority to make his life span almost unlimited, so naturally he has no intention of finding a lover.

If a person's life span is only seventy or eighty years, then when he is 20 years old, he will indeed be in a hurry to find a partner.

But when a person lives as long as God, he will not think about ending his single life so early.

Dak has such a mentality now.

Only in the future, when he feels tired of his current job and is ready to retire, will he consider finding a partner.

But now, he still wants to spend more time on his 'career'.

Principal, which class do you think will win the final victory?

Dark looked at Robin boredly.

Nowadays, Pokémon Island is not as busy as before. It is just starting to prepare for things in Yggdrasil City.

Now all he has to do is wait for Commander Cleaver to complete his training in Armed Color Haki, forge himself into a 'Black Sword', and then evolve into a 'Servant Sword General'.

By then the last main mission will be completed, and Duck will know how to open the next world.

That's when it might get busy again.

It has now been more than four months since Commander Pi Zhan started practicing Armed Haki. Under the guidance of him and others like Zefa, Garp, and Sengoku, the progress can be said to be rapid.

There is a big difference between how Pokémon practice armed Haki and how humans practice armed Haki. It stands to reason that humans should practice faster, because this is something that humans have researched.

But Commander Cleaver is an exception, because although he is a Pokémon, his true essence is a 'blade'.

To put it more bluntly, the commander is like a knife.

Weapons are easily affected by people's armed color Haki. Under the influence of so many armed color Haki masters, the body of Commander Cleaver has gradually begun to darken, and the color of the blades on his body seems to be covered with a layer of gray.

Judging from this progress, the task will be completed about one or two months before the first battle competition.

If the speed is fast enough, maybe people in the new world can catch up with the live broadcast of the first Pokémon Battle Contest, and it is even possible to come to watch the event live.

In a team battle, Team 7 has the highest probability of winning.


Duck was stunned.

He thought Robin would say Class 1 or Class 2, but he didn't expect that an unknown Class 7 would suddenly appear.

Speaking of which, since Olvia and Perona taught Class 1 and Class 2, Dak only paid attention to the students in these two classes. He didn't know who the students were in the other six classes.

A student from Class 7, I guess.

Robin thought about it, took a list and handed it to Dak, and then said, The average score and average strength of Class 7 are the highest among the eight classes, and there are no problem students. Everyone is very happy. Unity.”

Dak took the list and his eyes suddenly widened.

Peru, the adjutant of the Kingdom Guard from Alabasta.

Dalton, captain of the Kingdom Guard from Drum Island.

The former second prince from Fishman City, Emperor Xing.

The little princess from Dressrosa, Violet.

One of the Nine Red Scabbard Heroes from the Kingdom of Wano, the Prime Minister of the Bloody Kiku.

A villager from an unknown village in the East China Sea, Dasqi.

Dark never expected that so many supporting characters who appeared in the original work would be gathered in his Pokémon Academy.

No wonder Robin thinks that Class 7 has the greatest chance of winning. Although these characters don't have many roles in the original work, their characters are all middle-class and upper-class.

Furthermore, Class 7 is the only class without a monitor. They have always used 'discussion' to decide matters.

Robin focused on this class, and then told Duck, The head teacher of Class 7 is the bear's wife, Ginny.

Ah her.

If Robin hadn't reminded him, Dak would have almost forgotten such a character.

At first, when the bear came to tell her that he wanted to resurrect Ginny, Dark was still confused.

Because when Dak traveled through time, the character of Ginny had just been created by Oda. He only had a vague understanding of this character and did not leave a deep impression on her, so he had no idea about Ginny’s love for bears. What kind of existence is it?

However, Dark would not refuse his partner's request, so he resurrected Ginny.

When she was resurrected, a woman with pink hair was covered in cyan crystals that looked like fish scales. She looked very terrifying, almost inhuman.

To be honest, if Dak hadn't forcibly controlled his body, he might have subconsciously taken half a step back.

But he didn't want to make his companion Xiong and his wife sad because of his actions, so he controlled himself and did not show any discomfort.

After that, Dak used the same method as he used to treat Bonnie, using the weakened 'Holy Fire' of Emperor Yan to heal.

Only then did Ginny regain her health.

Ginny, who had returned to her original state, reacted in an exaggerated way, saying that she was willing to give everything for Darhk.

After all, it allowed her to return to her favorite bear and daughter. This kindness was indeed quite great for Ginny.

Dak didn't have any special reaction at that time, he just handed it over to Robin for distribution.

After asking the bears and Ginny for their opinions, Ginny hopes to become a teacher at the Pokémon Academy. She wants to take care of the children and teach the students at the same time.

It's just that Dak forgot about it.

It was okay if Robin didn't say anything, but once he said it, it awakened a very interesting thing in Duck's mind.

That was about two months ago at night, Ginny came to the door, awkwardly asking Duck to help see if there were any props that could help Ginny repair the 'membrane'.

Duck was still stunned for a few seconds.

What ‘membrane’?

But she soon realized that it was a membrane that all women had. Ginny had once lost her virginity to a Draco, and she always remembered this in her heart.

Although the bear didn't mind, Ginny refused to let the bear touch her now so dirty, but she also wanted to give herself to the bear and then give birth to a biological child for the bear.

There is no other way but to come to Dake to find a way.

Although it can't change the essence, it can at least help Ginny get over the hurdle in her heart.

Then the possibility of Class 7 winning is really high.

Dark raised an eyebrow.

Ginny has a very high level of teaching students and knows how to unite the students. After all, she has had experience teaching children in an orphanage before.

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