Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 231 Preparations before the competition

This way, right, the guardrail is up.

Remember to make it sturdy so that the guardrail will not be damaged by crowds of people.

Is the player village finished?

There are not enough hotels in the suburbs. Plus, this is not an ordinary holiday. The number of people coming will definitely exceed everyone's imagination.

One week before Alliance City opened to players, except for the engineers from Yuketra Hill, all other members of the engineering department had been transferred back.

Tom is in charge of the Yuktra Hill side, and Iceberg is in charge of the Alliance City side.

Bingshan even called Franm as a foreign aid.

In the past few days, builders can be seen everywhere in Alliance City who are building some unknown buildings. With the help of Pokémon, the process can be said to be extremely fast.

There is still a lot of snow in January, but it may not be there by the time the games officially start in February.

Fortunately, Alliance City has been equipped with Vegapunk's floor heating system, which prevents the temperature in Alliance City from being too cold and keeps it in a cooler environment as much as possible.

The Swampert is over there, please.

Bingshan pointed to his partner at the high platform ahead.

According to Dak's side, they need to build a high platform and altar to display and place the flame of the legendary Pokémon Ho-Oh in the most conspicuous position.

At that time, eight gym leaders will select the eight best and most recognized challengers to compete in the Ho-Oh Flame Relay Race.

The first runners started running with their Pokémon partners from the suburban dividing line in the south of League City to the high platform next to the battle tournament venue for the last leg.

This is a relatively long journey, with each runner having to run an average of 15 kilometers before meeting the next runner.

If this long-distance run was placed in the Pokémon world, it would be very simple. With the physique of the people there, it would be nothing at all.

But in Pokémon Island, everyone is basically within the boundary of 'mortal', so 15 kilometers does not become so easy.

What's more, not every player is a healthy, young, and physically strong male; there are also female trainers, child trainers, and elderly trainers.

Considering these contestants, Bingshan must take into account the safety issues of the track and the location of the medical team.

Although this journey may be quite tiring, there are still a lot of people vying to be one of the eight members. Among them, the first stick, the last stick, and the four or five middle sticks are the ones they are most jealous of.

These four positions are considered the most special.

The first stick means the beginning, and the last stick means the end, and the positions of these two sticks do not necessarily have the most people, but the big shots do. As long as you can get the appreciation of one of them, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

As the four or five clubs pass through the busiest central streets of Alliance City, even people who have not come to watch the opening ceremony will definitely go there to play. At that time, they will inevitably pay attention to the runners, who are the most conspicuous ones. s position.

You know, trainers have become a profession now.

In order to become famous, many emerging companies will specifically look for trainers to help them advertise.

Wearing short-sleeved shirts with a corporate logo on them for a race is a powerful advertisement.

Once you can become one of the eight relay runners, a large number of corporate personnel will come to your door asking for advertisements. By then, the runners will count the money until their hands cramp, and they will not feel tired even when they start running.

In fact, in the world of Pokémon, what this long-distance run conveys is the flame of the flamingo.

Maybe it's because people on the other side of Ho-oh's flames can't get it.

But it's okay on Dak's side. Although he doesn't intend to redeem the Phoenix King, things like the Phoenix King's flame are rare props and can be purchased directly.

In this case, he has nothing to save.

It is necessary to use the Phoenix King Flame with higher style and better appearance.

This is the tradition of starting a Pokémon battle tournament, and there must be such a process before every battle tournament.

And in the Pokémon world, it is a tradition that every region has.

Duck intends to preserve this tradition and pass it on.

There are still not enough players who can get eight badges to participate in the battle competition, so this long-distance journey is still relatively short.

When there are more people in the future, select hundreds or thousands of people to run for several days and nights, from Yucdra Hill to Murloc City, and then from Murloc City to Alliance City.


The bog monster easily carried a huge stone on its back and headed in the direction pointed by the iceberg.

The much-anticipated first Alliance Battle Competition is coming soon. Not only are people excited about it, but even the Pokémon are full of expectations and motivation.

The Swamp Monster is like this. He is in a very happy mood, and his waist, legs, and back pain are no longer sore when he works.

. . .

the other side.

It was a rare occasion for Dak and the eight gym leaders of the alliance to gather in the meeting hall.

They are discussing eight candidates to participate in the opening ceremony before the game.

As for me, my recommendation is 'Trafalgar D. Rowe'. He was one of the first people to challenge me. Although he was a little reckless at the beginning, the first challenge failed, but the second time The strength he showed when he arrived surprised me, especially his attitude towards Pokémon and the importance he attached to Pokémon battles, which left a deep impression on me.

Apayado Gym Leader Ganfor was the first to speak.

Everyone has a quota for recommendation, and generally speaking, other gyms will not have any negative opinions.

Unless this person performed very well in the previous gym, but turned into a mess in the next gym, then there will be a gym owner who will stand up and deny this person and give the reasons for the denial.

As for me, I would recommend General Kuzan. Whether it is his command level, fighting attitude, or tacit understanding with Pokémon, he is perfect.

Seven Waters Gym Leader Shark Star spoke.

The person who recommended it was the lazy Qing Pheasant.

Garp and Porusalino, who were sitting in the corner, couldn't help laughing when they heard Kuzan's name.

I met a very interesting guy here. I have high hopes for his future. What is his name? Yes, 'Brooke'! A skeleton with an afro.

Alabasta gym leader Zhan Momomaru proposed a character that surprised Dark, but Zhan Momomaru was a little worried, By the way, Dark's leader, that guy is a Devil Fruit user. He relies on the Underworld Fruit. He survived as a skeleton only because of his abilities, where is he going to Pokémon Island?

No problem, no impact.

Dak shook his head and signaled Zhan Taowan to feel relieved.

The ability of the Underworld Fruit is to allow the esper to master soul-related abilities and have a chance to be resurrected.

If Brooke dies on Pokémon Island, the Underworld Fruit cannot resurrect him, and his ability to resurrect will be suppressed.

But now that resurrection has taken effect and has finished its effect, Pokémon Island will naturally not be able to suppress it.

Brooke will still continue to live in that magical posture of a skeleton, and it can even be said that by some combination of circumstances, he can live forever in Pokémon Island.

As for the reason why Brooke participated in the Pokémon Battle Competition, Dark had already guessed it.

It was just for his comrades from the Lumba Pirates, but there were quite a few of them, and Dark suspected that Brooke planned to spend the rest of his life participating in the Pokémon Battle Competition.

I recommend the guy from Newgate.

To everyone's surprise, Karp recommended Newgate as the frontrunner.

Seeing the joking smile on Garp's face, everyone understood what he was thinking.

It’s such a great show to have the best in the world come and run for everyone to see.

I recommend Saab.

Long spoke silently, and at the same time looked at each other with a tacit understanding.

Others didn't know the relationship between Long and Sabo, but Duck knew it very well. Naturally, he knew that Long wanted to secretly use his power for personal gain.

But he didn't say anything. Sabo was indeed a qualified trainer.

But there was one thing Duck was confused about.

If he remembered correctly, Sabo's Pokémon companions should only be Firemonster. Could it be that he planned to call Flame Monkey and Flame King over for a fight?

This is not a violation of the rules, because the Pokémon in Golber Mountain are registered as the 'Munch Family', so they are considered Sabo's partners.

This is the same as Xiaozhi calling the fucking magic wall doll over to play a game. It doesn't violate the rules. This is the situation at Newgate.

What others recommend is the former Shichibukai's 'Joracole Mihawk' hip-hop~

Kamabaka Gym Leader Ivankov said something surprising.

Dark even said 'Are you serious' when he heard Mihawk's name? ’ expression.

Speaking of which, Dak was confused. With Mihawk's Pokémon, how did he get the gym badge? !

The last time Dak saw Mihawk was half a year ago. At that time, the number of Pokémon around Mihawk had reached four.

Can reach Duck, Slowpoke, Lotus Leaf Boy, and Natural Bird.

In fact, starting from Slowpoke, Dark has repeatedly recommended Pokémon eggs to Mihawk that are suitable for him.

But this guy doesn't know what's wrong with him, he insists on choosing by himself, and always chooses the egg with white qualifications.

That's it

Can Mihawk also participate in the Pokémon Battle Contest?

Dak can only consider him awesome.

The person I recommend here is also a former Shichibukai, 'Boya Hancock'.

Porusalino's speech also surprised everyone.

Because in the impression of everyone present, including Dak, Boya Hancock was not even qualified to be a trainer. How could such a willful and rude person become a trainer?

Just when Dak frowned and had the idea of ​​going back to investigate, Porusalino spoke again.

This woman has changed a lot. I recognize her identity as a trainer.

When Porusalino finished saying this, he calmly raised his head and glanced at Dak, which made Dak feel baffled.

You said Boya Hancock said, what does it mean to look at me?

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