Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 242 Notes before the game

January 23rd.

A card room in the Entertainment Street of Alliance City is in full swing at the moment.

This is a store built during the seven days when the Alliance City was ready to be opened to contestants.

It’s called ‘Alliance Kill’.

It is surrounded by a group of young people, ranging from seven or eight years old to those in their thirties. It is a very popular card and board game these days.

At a table in the corner, the Monkey family was surrounding and guiding Hinata through the play.

Hinata, use 'Guard'!

Ace noticed that a member of the family used the exclusive skill of the hero character 'Palkia', 'Arkon Slash', and quickly asked Hinata, who was sitting on the stool, to do the move.

This Aerial Break is an incredible move. It randomly selects any player on the scene, randomly crushes a card in their hand (excluding equipment cards) regardless of distance, and reduces the opponent's physical strength by one point.

Don't listen to Ace. The Guardian card has many uses. Stay here. At this time, you should use Grandpa's exclusive skill 'Love Iron Fist' to forcefully crush this move.

Luffy obviously has his own opinions too.

Garp's Love Iron Fist can forcibly crush the opponent's skills and render them ineffective, but this move can only be triggered after other heroes release their skills.

The iron fist of love.

Hinata had a little tangle on her face, and finally decided to listen to Luffy.

Because Luffy has a good relationship with her and takes her with him wherever he goes, and Ace is more training with the Flame Monkey, so Hinata prefers Luffy as a little brother in her heart.

Hahaha, I'm waiting for you, 'Guardian'!

The player from the previous family jumped up and a card fell, blocking the 'Iron Fist of Love'.

‘Guard’, cannot resist, ‘protect’.

Therefore, it is useless for Hinata to use guard anymore, and in this kind of game, Hinata can no longer use guard to resist the opponent's last move.

This also means that the Iron Fist of Love is invalid and the Aerial Splitting Slash can continue to be used.


A virtual light and shadow suddenly appeared on the shooting table.

[The half-human-tall Palkiya swung his hand through the air, slashing the air and hitting Garp].

Garp's last remaining strength was gone.

No!!! Grandpa!

Luffy suddenly let out a wail as he watched Garp's light and shadow dissipate into pieces.


The Flame Chicken couldn't stand it anymore and hit Luffy on the head with a knife.



Hinata lowered her head sadly.

It doesn't matter, just win the next one and it will be fine! I will take the next one, and Hinata will watch from the side.

Ace reached out a hand and stroked Hinata's head in comfort.

This type of 'Alliance Kill' is now quite famous in Alliance City. The friendly store even sells cards. You can buy a deck of cards and take them to Central Park to play.

Many trainers who came to Alliance City to compete couldn't help but buy a pair so that they could play with their friends in the sailing world when they went back.

Some people have even come up with the idea of ​​using this kind of card to open a casino.

There are also many contestants who are so happy that they are immersed in various entertainment projects and scenery in Alliance City all day long, forgetting to practice.

Of course there are people who are not attracted by these temptations.

For example, Sabo is not here at the moment.

In the public training ground on the outskirts of Alliance City, Sabo was conducting special training with the Fire Beast.

“It still doesn’t work”

Sabo pinched his chin and couldn't help but frown.

After his observation at the Pokémon Club a few days ago, he found that most trainers did not have a concept of the 'skill pool'.

Those skills are basically mastered naturally by increasing the level of Pokémon, and after mastering, there is no special intensive training.

People in the nautical world seem to have a very different approach to cultivating Pokémon than those in the ninja world.

People in the nautical world focus on cultivating the physical fitness of Pokémon and constantly strengthening their physical strength.

People in the ninja world pay more attention to the skills of Pokémon, thinking about letting Pokémon learn skills with various other attributes, and trying to develop new usages or combinations.

To be precise, the way of training Pokémon in the ninja world is more inclined to the native world of Pokémon.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the maritime world is wrong.

Maybe the training methods here in Voyage World can train a stronger group of Pokémon.

At least currently, judging from the body plate, the Pokémon in the Nautical World are generally one or two circles larger than those in the Ninja World.


The fire beast was panting from exhaustion.

What Sabo wanted to do was to catch everyone here who didn't know much about the skill pool and take action against it. After all, the skills that can be mastered naturally by just raising the level are generally Pokémon-specific skills with monotonous attributes.

Sabo didn't want to face a Pokémon with inferior attributes during the battle.

He knew very well what his weaknesses were, it was just that he was now forced to become a trainer specializing in the attributes of 'Fire plus Fighting'.

The reason why I say I was forced is because I actually only have one Pokémon, Firemonster.

In fact, according to the standards of a trainer, the other Blazing Monkeys, King Yanwu, etc. are not considered his partners on the career path, they can only be said to be his family members.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

The requirement for the Pokémon Battle Contest is to have at least six Pokémon to participate, so Sabo can only ask Flame Monkey and the others to help.

And even including Flame Monkey, there are only four Pokémon.

I also had to borrow two Fighting-type Pokémon from Garp.

Borrowing Pokémon is actually an act that is not allowed morally and allowed by the rules.

Situations like this are not uncommon in the Pokémon world. Even Cerulean Gym Leader Xiaoxia once mentioned lending her water-type Pokémon to Ash to help him get the gym badge.

However, this team configuration.

Saab was forcibly branded with the Fire and Fighting logos.

It's the same situation with Garp, but Garp is not a contestant, so of course he doesn't care about this situation.

Shadow Ball

Sabo frowned and began to think.

He went to ask the skill class teacher, and he was very sure that the fire beast could learn the ghost skill Shadow Ball.

But why couldn't his fire beast feel anything?

This point involves the content of the professional course [history course] that Saab did not study.

In the Xicui area a long time ago, people were still in the era of Warcraft.

The Pyromon of that period was a fire and ghost-type Pokémon, and the Pyromon at that time was very calm, elegant, and gentle.

According to the instruction book created by Dak, it was because the aura of the Lingshan Mountain in the Xicui area at that time gave the Firestorm Beast the ghost attribute.

But as the turmoil in the Xicui area broke out from Tianguan Mountain, Lingshan also disappeared in that disaster.

Since then, the ghost attribute of the fire beast has gradually been lost with the passage of time, and it has slowly transformed into a form with only fire attributes.

The character of the fire beast has also become more and more irritable and irritable.

It is precisely because the ghost-type energy gene still remains in its bones that Pokémon like Fireblast can learn some ghost-type skills.

But Sabo didn't know all this.

By the way. I remember that the skeleton before seemed to be a ghost trainer. Why not ask him.

Sabo suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Ghost-type Pokémon are rarely seen in Alliance City.

Because now, except for the students of Pokémon Academy, most people have a subconscious prejudice against ghost-type Pokémon.

If anyone had to tell me, they would definitely say they don’t hate ghost-type Pokémon.

But if they really want to cultivate ghost-type Pokémon by themselves, they will subconsciously feel resistance and fear.

Even the Eight Avenues Pavilion in Nautical World can't see the ghost type.

Therefore, Brooke's existence became extremely precious during this period.

Firestorm Beast, let's go and find him.

It has been a week since Alliance City opened to trainers like them.

The last time Sabo saw Brooke was four or five days ago, and now he really doesn't know where Brooke has gone.

But that's not a problem.

With Brooke's appearance and that Pokémon team, he must have become very popular in League City these days. Just ask anyone.

As Sabo expected, he quickly found out where Brooke was.

It is said that Brooke and his Pokémon often train during the day these days and play and sing for young lovers in Central Park in the evening.


When Sabo arrived at Central Park, it was already occupied by a large group of young lovers.

He even saw a few familiar faces among them.

For example, Smoker and Hina, who are very famous in the navy, are sitting on the lawn together listening to Brooke and the others playing and singing. The two of them are making love to each other and it seems that they are in love.

the other side.

Smoker and Hina didn't know what they might have caused other people to misunderstand by sitting together in this place at this time.

They had no idea that this place had been a paradise for lovers since evening. They thought it was a paradise for children.

Smoker called Hina here today because he planned to give Hina a message.

Are you serious?

Yes, the Nautical World Coordination Competition will officially start after the Pokémon Battle Competition. Haven't you and your Pokémon always wanted to perform on stage? A coordinator may be a good fit for you.


Just do whatever you want to do. Now the situation on this sea has stabilized.

Smoker encouraged Hina.

He knew that his childhood sweetheart liked the feeling of being under the spotlight, and the coordination competition was a very suitable occasion.

After finishing speaking, Smoker turned his attention to the skeleton and the group of Pokémon in front of him.

I don’t know if it’s his imagination

He always felt as if the skeleton was about to cry.

‘Do skeletons also cry? ’

The cursed doll plays the tuba, and Gengar holds the violin.

Brooke sat at the piano chair and sang

【Binx's Wine】

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