Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 250 Vientiane Heavenly Influence x2

In the Akatsuki organization at this moment, except for Uchiha Itachi, who was deliberately let go by Dark, and Zetsu, who was captured by Darkrai.

Only Konan and Nagato were left alive.

Everyone else has been wiped out.

It doesn't matter whether Konan dies or not, Nagato still has to die. After all, even if Zetsu and Madara Uchiha are gone, Nagato will continue to implement the Eye of the Moon plan.

For peace.

Speaking of which, it is true that the Akatsuki organization is acting for peace.

Starting from Madara Uchiha at the top, and then down to Nagato, Konan, Kisame Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, and Obito Uchiha, all of them are not fighting for the little peace in their minds, but they have more peace. There are more or less other thoughts and desires of your own.

Including Dak.

He also wanted to make the Ninja World peaceful, but his purpose of making the Ninja World peaceful was to make the Pokémon living in the Ninja World live easier and happier in the future, and to allow Pokémon to enter the Ninja World faster. Dream time.

At this time, it is not a question of who is more right and who is more wrong, but a question of who is stronger.

Because whoever is stronger will be the direction the world will go.

Palkiya, reduce the closed area.

Although Dak did not get a response from Palkiya later, he knew that the scope of the closure must be shrinking.

This is relatively simple for the gods in charge of space.

Even things that can be done in the nautical world are not difficult to do in a place as big as the ninja world.

Dak gently closed his eyes and continued to expand the range of his vision and color until he could no longer extend outward.

The reason why it cannot be extended is because it has reached the limit of space, not the limit of Dark's ability.

In the world of pirates, when a person's domineering power reaches its limit, some strange abilities will emerge, including but not limited to predicting the future for five seconds, influencing other people's minds, reading other people's hearts, etc.

The abilities derived from Dak are very simple and cannot even be called abilities.

That's the ultimate range.

The range of his knowledge and color domineering easily exceeds the range of Enelu's Heart Network.

You must know that Anilu's heart network is assisted by the ability of the Thunder Fruit, and Dak can reach that level just by relying on his domineering power. If full-level superpowers are added as assistance, the range will be even more terrifying.

The maximum it can reach has not been tested, but currently Dak already has a resume of using the domineering power of knowledge and superpower to perceive the entire Alliance City.

The [entire Alliance City] here includes the suburbs.

And the range of Dak's perception is also the range of his superpowers, but the ability will become weaker and weaker as the distance becomes farther and farther.

For example, the sound transmission effect can be heard extremely clearly at close range, but standing on the suburban border of Alliance City, you can only hear half of a sentence.

found it.

It only took Dark two seconds to detect where Konan and Nagato were.

They are now at the edge of space and have discovered that this space is isolated.


Dark's super power suddenly took effect, and the next second he appeared behind Konan and Nagato.

Who are you?

In the Land of Rain, where it rains everywhere, Nagato's Rain Tiger Free Technique can almost be said to be the largest sensory ninjutsu.

As long as there is a place covered by rain, he can feel it immediately no matter where Dak appears.

Similarly, the current Nagato can also notice that there is another person in the Akatsuki organization who has stopped there.

Is he dead?

Nagato's expression turned uglier again. Considering that Zetsu had disappeared, he now felt that the one who had just been killed was 'Uchiha Madara'.

Even that guy was killed.

They all call me the God of Creation.

Dark thought for a while before introducing himself, But I have other names, what do you think of 'King of Peeping'?


Nagato and Konan were held captive for two seconds.

At this moment, all the six paths of Pain controlled by Nagato with the Samsara Eye have been eliminated by Dark.

Speaking of which, it was a coincidence that those six puppets were all ninjas that Jiraiya had met or even fought with. Maybe Nagato was targeted because of his encounter with Jiraiya.

Jiraiya wrote many books in his life, among which The Legend of Strong Perseverance is the only serious one.

There are three books in this book, starring Naruto Uzumaki, but with different sources of inspiration.

(The following is my second set)

This movie originates from the prophecies of Yuryu Jiraiya and Mount Myoboku, and uses the perspective of the protagonist, Master Uzumaki Naruto, to introduce the existence of the prophesied son and the story of Jiraiya's journey.

In this story, Jiraiya also included the original owner of Pain's Six Paths.

After Nagato read this part, he naturally found the other five people and made them into puppets.

Regarding this part, Nagato’s evaluation was ‘perfect’.

The second part is about Nagato, the son of the prophecy who was mistakenly believed to be a prophecy.

For this part of the evaluation, Nagato gave an 'average' rating.

The third part is the unfinished story of Uzumaki Naruto, the true son of the prophecy.

Nagato died before this story, and before he died, he placed his hope on Naruto, hoping that Naruto's final chapter could end perfectly.

However, at this period, Jiraiya's story has just finished the second part and has not started the third part. Because he has not yet met Uzumaki Naruto, he may not have the opportunity to start the third part in this life.

Actually, you are already dead, so there is no need to know who I am. Rather than this, I think what you need to know more is the truth about the 'Eye of the Moon'.

Dark shook his head when he saw Nagato and Konan looking wary.

In fact, the two people in the Akatsuki organization who deserved to die the most were these two. At least these two really wanted to bring peace to the shinobi world.

It's just that Nagato was bewitched by Obito, thinking that the Eye of the Moon can make everyone have a sense of yearning for peace in the painful reincarnation, thus ushering in true and permanent peace.

Although Xiaonan has her own insistence on peace, she has no independent opinion and just keeps following Nagato's footsteps.

If Yahiko hadn't died, I can't imagine what an incompatible organization Akatsuki is now in this ninja world.

What's the meaning?

Well that's probably it

Dark revealed all the fundamentals of the Eye of the Moon plan.

From Uchiha Obito's real plan to later Uchiha Madara and even Black Zetsu and Otsutsuki Kaguya.

After finishing speaking, Konan and Nagato were stunned.

Do you believe it?

Do not believe.

Nagato shook his head.

In fact, he already believed most of it in his heart, otherwise he would not be able to explain the reason why Dak knew so much.


The core members of Ma Dexiao wanted to be wiped out and turned into traitors.


Xiao Nan remained silent.

Thinking of that 'Uchiha Madara' and Zetsu's weird actions all the time, she felt more and more that what Dak said was true.


If that's the case, then what does all their hard work count?

Xonan, what we did is not wrong. Only by making people in the ninja world feel pain can they understand what peace is.

Nagato seemed to sense Konan's wavering.

But he still didn't think they made any mistakes.

Even if Eye of the Moon's plan is fake, so what, at least what they are doing now is still making people in the ninja world feel pain?

It doesn't matter if it's slower, as long as everyone can feel the pain.

You are as naive as Yahiko, no, you are more naive than him.

Because I feel pain, I yearn for and understand peace and so on.

In any other world, how could anyone have the same idea as Nagato?

Pain only brings more pain.

Look at how much pain Sasuke feels, look at Obito's kaleidoscope, and what will happen to the two of them?

So many wars broke out in the five great ninja villages, causing so much pain.

But has the war stopped?


On the contrary, it got worse and worse. People only thought about how to take revenge and how to kill other ninja villages. Peace only came briefly because of the excessive consumption of war.

This method of ‘nurturing peace in the cycle of pain’ is not as good as Yahiko’s idealistic and naive method.

What do you know?!

Nagato seemed a little angry because Dak mentioned Yahiko, but he still maintained a certain calmness, Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for helping me deal with the two traitors Uchiha Madara and Zetsu. Next, I will Then you can safely launch the Moon Eye Project to bring peace to the ninja world.

Raising his hand, he seemed to be preparing to give Dak a [Wanxiang Tianyin] or [Shenluo Tianzheng].

What Nagato said is indeed true.

Uchiha Obito and Madara wanted to use Infinite Tsukuyomi to create a false and dreamy peaceful world, where of course people would not feel any pain.

And Zetsu just wants to use that thing to resurrect his mother, and then create a large number of White Zetsu to prepare to deal with Tengai Otsutsuki.

Now both of them were gone. After Nagato launched the Moon Eye Project, no one could stop him from using genjutsu to reincarnate the entire ninja world in endless pain.

This is why I have to kill you.

Dark had no intention of convincing Nagato from the beginning.

After all, he is not Naruto, has no relationship with Nagato, and has no way to talk. He cannot convince Nagato to give up that idea and find his former self.

But fortunately, Dark also has strength that Naruto does not have.

Now Naruto and Sasuke are almost half of Pokémon Island, and they may not come to save the ninja world in the future.

Needless to say, the Eye of the Moon plan later, just in the early stage, when Nagato took Konan to destroy Konoha, no one could stop him. Without Naruto's mouth escape, who would convince Nagato?

Jiraiya who died before that? Or do you expect Nagato to wake up on his own?

At that time, Konoha will feel the pain and disappear from the ninja world. Konoha will be gone. What will the other four ninja villages do to save the ninja world and prevent everything that follows.

Of course, Dak couldn't just sit back and watch something like this happen, so why not let Uchiha Obito or Uchiha Madara succeed.

At least people who are trapped in infinite Tsukuyomi can have a beautiful, happy and peaceful dream.

All things are attracted by heaven! x2

Dark and Nagato shouted the name at the same time.


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