Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 258 Rosinandi vs. Blue Beast

When night fell, Kakashi originally planned to take the croaking frog back to the hotel.

But unexpectedly, Guaguapao Frog didn't want to go back.

You mean, you want to stay here tonight?

Kakashi looked at the croaking frog and asked again.

Quack, quack.

‘Yes, I will do morning exercises with Master tomorrow morning. ’

The croaking frog nodded.

Now he can be regarded as a frog who has learned from him. He must train hard and then go on missions with Kakashi early.

Okay, then I'll ask Dr. Vegapunk if I can stay here with you.


‘Are you going to stay too? ’


Kakashi didn't think anything was wrong.

When going out on a mission, never leave your partners alone, they must always be together.

Kakashi quickly went to find Vegapunk and received a camping tent and a full set of camping equipment as a gift from Vegapunk.

If you want to have a good understanding of Guagua Pao Frog's life, my suggestion is that you'd better live here with him for a week. That way, your relationship will be greatly improved.

Vegapunk gave Kakashi some advice.

Is that so? I understand.

Kakashi hesitated.

But considering that there is exactly one week left before the competition, and there is no place to go before then, it is better to practice well here with Guagua Paofa.

Then, please let me stay here for the next week, Doctor.


. . .

Entertainment Street, Pokémon Club.

Come on, the blue beast from Konoha, Metkai!

Woof woof woof!

‘Come on Riolu, the fierce blue wolf from Konoha! ’

On the side where the user name is [Maitkai].

Kai and Riolu jumped onto the side of the field with energy.

This is already their tenth battle today, and they have not won a single victory so far.

Because the Pokémon Club during this period has almost become a place for contestants to find a feeling, and there are basically no new trainers.

And as Riolu, who had just emerged from his infancy, was naturally no match for these contestants.

Despite this, Kai and Riolu continued to compete energetically.

Today I basically spent my whole day running back and forth between the Pokémon Center and the Pokémon Club.

Ah, it's him again.

Sabo stood in the audience and smiled helplessly.

This was the first time that he saw a player participating in a battle using his real name. Even Newgate used the pseudonym Whitebeard.

Sabo first noticed Gai because of Riolu.

Riolu is a Pokémon that is explained in class as an example alongside Cadydog.

Like Katy, Riolu will be close to those with good intentions and hate bad guys with evil intentions. It can be said that if the Pokémon is Riolu, then the trainer is basically impossible to be a bad guy.

Similarly, Riolu's evolved Lucario was also used as a case in the [Special Power - Power of Waveguide] class.

Riolu can use a power called 'Ripple'.

This power cannot be used to attack, but it can convey inner feelings and achieve spiritual communication with companions.

When Riolu evolves into Lucario, the power of 'ripple' will also evolve into the power of 'waveguide', and that power will have a very wide range of effects.

Because I have studied and understood these contents.

Therefore, Sabo is basically certain that Kai and Riolu will become powerful and well-known trainers in the future.

But for now, it seems there is still quite a long way to go.

He is a gentleman with a distinctive personality.

There were two people standing next to Sabo, one of whom was Brooke who helped Sabo train the Fire Beast.

No, no, no, no matter how bright it is, it's still almost boring compared to you.

On the other side of Sabo is his roommate and good friend, the breeder Saatchi.

The three of them were chatting here and at the same time turned their attention to the battlefield.

The Pokémon across from Riolu is a Mengsong Cactus.

And his trainer's name is [Rosinandi].

That's right, it's one of the eight fire bearers.

Trafalgar D. Rowe is the new star in the Pokémon world who inherited the name of Corazon Rosinand.

It's this guy again.

Luo had already defeated the [Blue Beast] once in the morning.

Luo described the battle as 'very boring'.

The Magnemite stood there and let Riolu hit it, but Riolu couldn't hit it, it was like scratching an itch.

Moreover, he hates this kind of person who is always startled and makes a fuss. He always feels that if he spends a long time with such a person, he will become a fool.

He didn't know where this feeling came from, he could only say that it was a mysterious feeling.

Currently, [Rosinandi] has three Pokémon displayed in the Pokémon Club.

Magneto, Mengsong Cactus, and Absol.

There are still three Pokémon that have not been exposed. It seems that Luo has no intention of exposing them before the elimination round.

The most powerful of the three Pokémon is undoubtedly Magneto.

That almost unsolvable attribute advantage made everyone feel sick.

In addition, the level of the self-destructing magnet monster is quite high, perhaps more than Lv. 40, which makes many trainers tremble.

As for Mengsong Cactus and Absol, they are not as strong as Magneto, but they are still better than most trainers' Pokémon.

Not only does Mengge Cactus look terrifying, but its fighting style is extremely brutal, scaring the courage of many young trainers.

Absol is good at kiting and roaming, and can harass his opponents and break their defenses on the spot.

It seems to be the Rodeo Beidi player from this morning, Riolu, be sure to deal with it carefully!


Riolu nodded and shook his two little hands.


‘It’s Rocinante, bastard, what kind of wilderness is this rare beast that ran out of? ’

There were veins popping out on Luo's temples as he heard what Kai had just said.

It should be said that Kai did not suppress his voice at all, or he did not realize that his voice was loud.

Mengge Cactus, give me a stern lesson for the puppy on the other side later.

Luo felt a little unhappy now.

If others make fun of him, that's okay.

But joking about the name ‘Rosinandhi’, no.

And this was a misunderstanding. Kai didn't mispronounce it on purpose. He really couldn't remember it. In other words, Kai never remembered the name of a mortal enemy.

The only thing Kai could remember was the name 'Kisaki Kisame', and he only remembered it when Kisame died.

Riolu, we must burn our youth to the fullest in this battle!!!


As Kai and Riolu roared, the next moment Riolu moved his calves and rushed towards the big cactus opposite.

The performance of Kai and Riolu did not silence the audience, but instead aroused enthusiastic cheers.

This is the characteristic of this era.

There is no saying or concept of being good or bad here. The passion and enthusiasm can arouse the empathy of the audience and the players.

The cheers from the audience also made Kai and Riolu's youthful fire intensify and burn brightly.

Riolu, use Steel Release·Metal Claw!

Kai stretched out a hand towards Mengge Cactus from a distance, as if he was the one fighting on the field.

As for the [Metal Claw] skill, it has nothing to do with Steel Release. Kai himself has obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he had to add the prefix of Steel Release.

Riolu is currently less than level ten, but he has already mastered four skills.

Flash of lightning, hold on, feint, metal claw.

Although the four skills can be learned at a very low level, they are practical skills that can be used for a lifetime.


Riolu ran toward the Mengsong Cactus while stretching out his two claws that emitted gray-white light.


Luo and Mengge Cactus on the other side are like a robot duo without emotions.

The moment the move was used, the figure of Mengge Cactus suddenly disappeared from the field.


Riolu suddenly lost his target and looked around in a panic.

Although Riolu couldn't see it, Kai saw the location of the Mengsong Cactus. This was also one of the roles that trainers could play in fighting together on the field.

At this moment, Mengge Cactus has appeared behind Riolu.

Off the field.

Assault is a skill that determines the speed of both parties and determines the order of the first attack. It is very scary.

The top student Sabo immediately knew what moves Mengge Cactus used.

Raid is a move that will definitely attack first in the game, provided that the opponent also uses an attack move.

In the game, it is already a rule-based and concept-based skill.

But in the real world, it is not so invincible.

The surprise move will determine the speed of both parties. Mengsong Cactus must be faster than Leolu in order to trigger the effect of the first attack.

As long as the Mengge Cactus is faster than Riolu, even just a little faster, it can still be attacked by Riolu's claws.

Even if Riolu is about to catch his face in the next second, Mengsong Cactus can still attack the opponent one step ahead of Riolu.

【later! 】

Kai's voice came from the ripples of power in his heart.

Riolu suddenly slapped his claws behind him, but he was still a step too late. The Meng Song Cactus' attack had already arrived.

The latter swept out his leg and kicked Riolu seven or eight meters away.


Riolu was paralyzed on the ground by the ruthless whip kick, but he quickly got up again full of energy, but he looked a little embarrassed.


Riolu clenched his little fist and told Kai that he was fine.

Very good! Very good! This is youth!

Kai was so moved that he almost shed tears, and then roared, Keep fighting, Riolu! Konoha's blue wolf!

Seed machine gun, get rid of him.

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