Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 270 Dak wants to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his honour.

February 23rd of the league calendar year 2 is the first day of the group stage.

Logically speaking, with such an exciting lineup of contestants, Dak would not be absent, but he couldn't stand his colleagues and forced him to work in the office.

"I always feel like there are more things going on."

Dak looked at the pile of documents on the table and couldn't help but sigh.

How can there be a boss who forces his employees to work?

Dak has already begun to think about retiring and selecting the next leader of the alliance.

But after thinking about it, there seems to be no suitable candidate now, and Pokémon Island is still under construction. At least until the overall situation of Pokémon Island stabilizes, there is no way for him to get out of this position.

Documents from the Finance Department:

[Expenses for forest environment maintenance in Alliance City outside Alliance City this month]

[Approval of funds for tourism creation and promotion of Uktra Hill. 】

"No, shouldn't you ask Tezzolo for this kind of thing?!"


Duck patted the pile of documents.

He had already arranged for Tezolo District to handle this kind of matter with full authority. He really didn't know which idiot or newcomer in the finance department had sent the documents to him.

Does he know anything about financial management?

The group of people under him seemed to really think he was omnipotent.

If he was so awesome, how could he have been so anxious to recruit talents at all costs at sea?

This is actually not surprising. The only ones who really know how much Dak weighs are the friends in the breeding house.

Not even people like Sengoku, Garp, Long, etc. would know that Dark doesn't even have basic financial management skills.

Documents from the Engineering Department:

[‘Yuktra Hill’ has been built and population recruitment can begin. 】

[Application for the construction of a round-trip high-speed train road between 'League City-Yuktra Hill'. 】

"The construction of Yggdrasil is completed. It's time to think about the population problem there."

Dark frowned and began to think.

As far as he knew, at least half of the residents of Angel City wanted to live on the ground. This might be an opportunity.

There are also the nautical world and the ninja world. Dak knows very well that many people are eyeing this spot.

"Let Robin do the statistics later."

Documents from the environment department:

[Yunren City Dragon Palace City applies for the title of five-star scenic spot. 】

[Angel City applied to create a green forest. 】

"This Neptune, he really has nothing to do. Even Dragon Palace City deserves five stars?! Reject it and give him three stars."

Dak picked up the document and took a look at it, and immediately came up with the answer, "The people in Angel City are going crazy. Let's transplant a piece of it from the uninhabited island in the windless zone."

Documents from the Education Department:

[List of second class students]

[Pokémon Academy grade reform and subject division plan]

【Fishman City and Angel City Educational Institution Construction Plan】

"Is the new semester about to start again? It's so soon."

Dak murmured a few words, then picked up the student list.

I saw a lot of familiar names on it, basically from the new generation.

People such as Luffy, Hinata, Naruto and even Sasuke are all among them. Look, there are quite a few familiar names.

Ten-year-old Princess Nefertari D. Vivi of Alabasta.

Nine years old, the ghost-handed boy who was rescued during Kuzan's trip (because he accidentally ate a devil fruit and could not control his power), Gurant.

Nine years old, the eldest daughter of Xiluobu Village in the East China Sea, Keya.

12 years old, Nuo Qigao, a girl from Cocosia Village in the East China Sea.

Unknown age, Zefa student at the same time as Alliance ranger Ain, Binz, a user with lush fruit ability.

They are 13 and 10 years old respectively. They were once the second and third princes of Dragon Palace City, the Emperor Star and the Overturned Star.

"In the next class, the other children from the ninja world should be enrolled."

Duck raised his head and thought for a moment.

It is estimated that after a year, the situation in the ninja world should be almost the same.

Documents from the Research Department:

[Application for deployment of experimental subjects of the ‘Seraph’ project]

[Results of the third phase of the Pokémon Fossil Resurrection Machine Test]

[Electric/Light/Air Pokémon Island Security Protection Restricted Tech Gun]

"Well, it's very good. Vegapunk and Monet have been doing business, and the progress is very fast."

Duck nodded with satisfaction.

The scientific research department was the department that reassured him the most. Nothing had happened.

Documents from the security department:

[Weapon update application]

[Application for manpower expansion]

[Application for logistics props]

"Dismiss them all!"

Dak slapped the table angrily, "Apply every day, apply every day. When it comes to Hiruzen Sarutobi, I thought this damn girl was going to rebel."

He didn't understand what that kid Sugar was thinking. He spent the whole day thinking about how to expand her security department and strengthen its force.

Among the three major armed forces departments, the security department is the least in need of expansion of force.

Because the activities of members of the security department are all in Pokémon Island.

Not to mention that there are almost no criminals here, and there is no value of force. The weapons of the security department are completely sufficient now.

Not to mention in this Pokémon Island.

As far as their technological weapons are concerned, it is completely enough to unify the small countries in the ninja world. As long as they don't meet Kage-level people, the basic problem is not big.

Documents from the inspection department:

[The work of the inspection team and the Gechu Army overlaps]

[Application for increasing review standards and conditions for new members of the inspection team]

[Application for building an inspection team fleet group]


Duck knew at a glance that these documents could not have been created by Bellamy and Akin.

These two leaders are very good at fighting, but it is impossible for them to think about how to maintain and develop these two departments.

For this reason, Dak specially found a few smart people to be their assistants.

These should be the reports made by their deputies, Bellamy and Akin cannot consider these contents.

Especially Ah Jin, that guy is lazy as hell.

If it weren't for Akin's deputy, Wanda the Fur Tribe, who was very responsible, the inspection team in the ninja world would have been basically useless.

Documents from the medical department:

[Application to create an agricultural department to grow various medicinal materials for the medical department]

[Results of the Phase III Clinical Trial of Pokémon Trauma Special Drug]

[Apply to expand the manpower of the medical department and increase the number of surgeons, and it is recommended to conduct a worldwide recruitment]

"This girl Reijiu really gave me a big surgery."

‘Create an agricultural sector. ’

Dak had never thought of this idea before. After all, he had never thought that the alliance needed to use this department before.

But I have to say that the league does have this part of the work, but it's all handled by the Bears.

For example, residents of Alliance City rent farmland on the outskirts of Alliance City for planting, which is something that should be done in this aspect.

Not only the agricultural department, but also the legal department must follow up.

The laws of this Pokémon Island are not detailed at all. They are all listed as much as possible based on the impressions of his previous life. They are not comprehensive. Dark must keep the laws updated to make Pokémon Island better.

"We need to think more about the candidates in this area. If it doesn't work, people from the ninja world can also be considered. The people from the Nara clan are very flexible and suitable for this department."

Duck pondered for a moment.

He decided to wait until the situation in the Ninja world entered the "peaceful" Pokémon era, and then began to introduce talents from the Ninja world into the Pokémon League.

There is also a refereeing department.

However, this department is a small department, managed by Perona, and there are usually no major events, so there are no documents to report.

It took Duck almost a whole day to process all the files on the table.

"Phew, it's finally done."

As night fell, Dak lay on the table and looked out the window, sighing, "What a suffering in the world, hurry up and find a capable person to take my place."

At this time, what Charlotte said before suddenly popped into Dak's mind.

The second generation and the third generation served the shortest time. They were kicked out by everyone within two years of taking office. It was not until the fourth generation came up.

Charlotte is a girl from a hundred years later.

In other words, excluding the time of the second generation and the third generation, he and the fourth generation would probably serve for about ninety-five years in total.

"No, I won't have to work hard for another few decades."

Dak slapped himself in the face, "Yondaime, please show up quickly."


There was a knock on the door, and someone broke in before Dak could say anything.

There are only two people who dare to do this, and that is the two external and internal secretaries, Feng Kley and Robin.

In fact, compared to the time that Dak sat in this office, these two people spent more time sitting in the office for him.

"Robin, what's wrong? I'm already off work."

Duck looked up.

It was Robin with a subtle smile on his face, and a wary look suddenly appeared in Dark's eyes.

He was really afraid that Robin would bring another bunch of documents to him.

"Don't be afraid, there is nothing you need to review personally."

Robin couldn't help but feel secretly happy when he saw Duck's vigilant look, and then said, "There is a happy event."

"Huh? Happy event?"

When Duck heard this, he was a little confused.

Why didn't he know there was another happy event?

After thinking about it carefully, I didn't think of anything related.

"Tezolo and Stella are getting married."


Dark stared, he had really forgotten this matter.

He remembered that he was still thinking about holding a grand wedding for these two people, but in the end he forgot about it.

"Stella is pregnant. Reiju estimates that she is already three weeks pregnant."

"I see, this is indeed a happy event."

Dark nodded, then looked at Robin, "Ask them if they plan to hold the wedding in Nautical World or on Pokémon Island."

"Already asked."

"How to say?"

Robin first showed a dark and weird smile, and then spoke,

"The wedding will be held in the ruins of Mariejoia - the ruins of Pangu City."


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