Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 286 The eight-to-four competition, Pokémon using ninjutsu

The eight-to-four competition is also a competition to determine the Four Heavenly Kings.

Compared with the rewards of the top four and the top eight, the only extra thing is an opportunity to be invited by the alliance to be one of the four kings. You can refuse, but after you refuse, there will be no difference between the rewards of the top four and the top eight. At most, they will be those of the top four players. More famous.

The eight-to-four competition schedule lasts for four days, one game a day.

The match on the first day was Hancock vs. Sauro. The venue was a forest, which was a big disadvantage for Sauro.

The most powerful thing about Hancock's 'snake' Pokémon is that all of them possess dual-color Haki.

When skills like 'Tie Tight' or 'Iron Tail' are combined with Armed Color Haki, the effect will become extremely powerful.

Especially after the Rock Snake, which originally had an exaggerated defense, was hardened with full-body armor, the physical attacks of Sauro's Pokémon were almost restrained, and the damage was greatly reduced.

The result was no surprise. Sauro's strength was very good, but it was difficult to compete with Hancock, who was at a significantly higher level. After persisting for a while, he was still defeated.

This made Sauro feel a little sorry.

After all, he wants to become the Four Heavenly Kings, because he has a higher reputation and status, and it is easier to carry out his own justice.

But there was nothing he could do if he failed. He would still choose to work in the Pokémon League. With his ranking in the top eight, he should be able to enter a job with a high status.

If possible, he hopes to enter the education department and continue to be companions with Olvia, studying blank history together.

The next day's game was supposed to be Brook vs. Mihawk.

However, because of Mihawk's abstention, Brook was directly promoted to the semi-finals, and the game was immediately suspended on this day, which was regarded as a day of rest for the players and the audience.

This day is also March 8th in the league's calendar, the countdown to the end of the first Pokémon Battle Tournament.

After one week, Alliance City will be closed and will not be opened until the next event.

On the third day, Hannibal vs. Bista, the venue was a plain, and the two sides started a real men's battle.

Both of them are of similar levels as trainers. The former has a slightly higher average Pokémon level, and they have restraints on each other's attributes.

This battle was of the same high quality as the battle between Charlotte and Luo a few days ago. The battle was inseparable. No one knew who would win until the last moment.

The lineup on Bista's side also belongs to the "double-sword style" swordsman lineup that Mihawk would be silent after seeing.

Armored Warrior, Nyura, Knife Soldier, Emperor Nabo, Flying Mantis, Speaker Cricket.

Because evolution requires special items or the level requirements are too high, Nyura, Colt, and Flying Mantis are still in the first stage. This is also where Bista is at a disadvantage compared to Hannibal. All of the opponent's Pokémon are final. Evolutionary.

Moreover, Bista trains Pokémon according to his own way, not according to the trainer's way.

To put it simply, these six Pokémon basically rely on sword skills to fight, and their skills and other skills become auxiliary.

The attributes of Emperor Nabo's [Water] plus [Steel] are generally very good, almost catching up with Luo's self-destructing Magnemite.

Of the eighteen attributes, eleven are restrained by the God King Nabob. Only three attributes are restrained by the Emperor Nabob, and they are only twice restrained.

In the past, Bista basically used Emperor Nabo as a trump card, and the situation has been reversed many times.

But this time Emperor Nabo was deposed.

The attribute combinations of Hannibal's six Pokémon are precisely not what Imperial Nabob can target, and even Rogue Croc's [Ground] plus [Evil] attributes have to restrain Imperial Nabob.

In a 1v1 situation, Rogue Crocodile took away the higher-level Emperor Nabo with an earthquake.

Hannibal continued the tradition from the battle against Newgate and kept fighting Bista 1v1.

Absolu vs Speaker Cricket, the latter wins.

Mengge Cactus vs Armored Warrior, the latter wins.

Heiluga vs. Ju Dao Xiaobing, the former wins.

Iron-clawed lobster vs. Newla, the latter wins.

Zoroark vs Flying Mantis, the former wins.

After six 1v1 duels, the two were tied, with each winning three games.

Hannibal still has Heiluga, Rogue Crocodile, and Zoroark on his side, and Bista still has Speaker Cricket, Armored Warrior, and Nyura on his side.

After that, Hannibal deliberately conducted three 1v1 games, and as a result, Heiruga lost his fighting ability and eliminated Speaker Cricket and Nura.

In the end, the armored warrior survived until the end and took away the rogue crocodile, and then was defeated by Zoroark.

Hannibal wins.

At this point, the three people who entered the top 16 in the white group were all wiped out, two fell in the top 16 and one fell in the top eight.

On the fourth day, Kuzan vs. Charlotte.

The strength of the two is very similar, and the venue is a lake, but the battle scene is extremely simple, rough and even weird.

At least it's strange to people in the nautical world, but in the ninja world it might be normal.

Kuzan's lineup includes the Ice Ghost Guard, Spiny Shell, and Lapras who have already played before, as well as the Shaggy Pig, Alola Sand King, and Blizzard King.

Charlotte’s lineup is: Charizard, Salamander, Ice Eevee, Thousand-faced Evasion, Tonkrat, and the ancient Pokémon Palathosaurus.

The Pokémon on Charlotte's side can be said to be all rare Pokémon.

Charizard is not only one of the three Pokémon from the Kanto family in the Pokémon world, but also one of the nine Pokémon from the Pokémon League. Needless to say, its popularity and popularity go without saying.

The only Pokémon owned by the current Admiral Sakaski is an extreme Charizard, and currently this is the only Pokémon willing to follow Sakaski.

Thousand Faces, the three water-type royal family in the Galar region of the Pokémon world, and no one here has ever seen this Pokémon.

Pokémon is famous for its cute appearance, but this little Pokémon is rarely found in the sea.

Ice Eevee, the Platypus, needs special props to evolve, so this is the first time it has appeared in the public eye. In the past, people have only seen it in the Pokédex.

Bizarrodon, this is a Pokémon that is completely unobtainable.

Although it has been seen in the illustrated book, this is a Pokémon that lived in ancient times. At most, people have seen the fossils of Dionysus in the Alliance Museum, but they have never seen a living Pokémon.

The Monet Research Institute has developed a fossil resurrection machine and has successfully resurrected Pokémon such as Fossil Helm and Fossil Pteranodon, but it has not yet tried to revive the fossils of Palathosaurus, and this research and development and technology have not yet been made public. announced.

It is precisely because of this that everyone is curious about Charlotte's true identity, and even speculated whether Charlotte might be the illegitimate daughter of the alliance leader.

Otherwise, what kind of identity and background can you get so many rare Pokémon or even out-of-print Pokémon?

From the start date of the battle competition.

Many people in the maritime world began to secretly investigate Charlotte's identity.

However, Charlotte has always stayed in League City and only interacted with a few people, so most people don't know Charlotte's true identity, even many league executives don't know.

In terms of levels, the average levels of the two Pokémon are about the same.

Judging from the attributes, it is a bit exaggerated, and there is even a rule of quadruple restraint, but overall they restrain each other, and there is no saying that one party completely restrains the other.

This was due to Kuzan's caution in not choosing a bunch of single-ice Pokémon to train, otherwise Charizard and Salamander would have been enough to take away at least three or four of his Pokémon.

In terms of the way she trains Pokémon, Charlotte is different from almost all the contestants. That is, she does not teach her Pokémon to learn dual-color Haki. Instead, she prioritizes learning ninjutsu to expand the Pokémon's skills. pool.

This is probably because there are more people from the ninja world among her elders, and it may also be because Charlotte's own mastery of two-color Haki is average.

This kind of training method is actually more in line with the training method in the native world of Pokémon.

On the contrary, the training methods in the sailing world have opened up new ideas.

The first thing Kuzan did after he got the Pokémon was to polish the Pokémon's body and level up, the second thing was to teach the Pokémon two-color domineering, and the last thing was to learn new skills.

For this admiral, the teaching method he used was exactly the same as the way his teacher Zefa trained him.

People here in the nautical world are basically like this. The first thing they do is to polish the Pokémon's body. Every trainer has this idea, and then they start to incorporate their own practice style, such as Bista's. Double sword flow.

This is a close fight but with different styles.

The Palathosaurus looked scary, but when it came up, it was hit on the head by Alola Chuanshan King's combination of ice and ground attacks.

The attributes of Alola's Sand King, ice plus steel, can restrain the monster palatosaurus from rock plus dragon four times.

At the end of this round, everyone believed that Charlotte would definitely lose. After all, they lost a general from the beginning.

However, the plot soon reversed.

In the next round, Alola Sandbreaker was chased by the fire-type Salamanda using fire-type skills and fire escape ninjutsu, and was carried away with the last move [Mushin A-level fire release·Whirlpool Great Flame Ring].

It was also the result of being restrained four times, but because of its two-color domineering power, the Sand Mountain King held on for a while longer, consuming more of the Platypus's physical strength.

Now the audience was confused.

What about you two putting on this show?

If someone is evenly matched, it would be a life-and-death fight, but if you are evenly matched, it would take one move in seconds?

Immediately afterwards, Kuzan sent Lapras to use [Water Rupture] and Armed Color Haki to knock the Platypus unconscious. The latter then replaced the Dongdong Rat and fired [One Hundred Thousand Volts], followed closely. Send Lapras away with [Muji A-level Thunder Release·Thousand Birds Flash].

So far, both sides have lost two Pokémon.

This process adds up to less than a quarter of an hour.

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