Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 29: Three parties present on-site explanation (please follow up!)

When Mihawk followed Dak to the breeding house, he was obviously stunned.

He looked at Newgate, Jozi, and Bista, who were standing on the left.

Then he looked at Sengoku, Tsuru, and Gion standing on the right.

One of them couldn't hold it back, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, but they soon sank down again.

Dak caught a glimpse of Mihawk's honeyed expression just now, and felt that Mihawk was moving towards something weird.

The arrival of Warring States was something that Dak didn't expect.

When he went to invite Tsuru and Gion, he had no idea where they lived, so he had to go directly to the Navy headquarters.

Then Warring States learned about this incident and followed him to the magical breeding house.

Dak underestimated the importance Sengoku attached to Pokémon. The other party seemed to be planning to do something shocking enough during his term as marshal.

The scene in the magical cultivation house at this moment is very interesting.

Navy, pirates, Shichibukai.

And they are all top figures in their fields.

The most interesting ones are Newgate and Sengoku, two old rivals from the previous era to this era.

The two people just stood there without saying anything. After a few glances collided, Dak felt that the air in the breeding room was becoming anxious.

Hey, isn't this the kid who fought with the red-haired kid on Roger's ship two years ago? It seems that he has become a great guy now.

There was no way Newgate didn't know about Mihawk becoming a Shichibukai.

However, he still called Mihawk as a kid, and the latter just glanced at Newgate and ignored him.

In terms of seniority, there is no problem with Newgate's title.

Roger and Newgate are the same generation, and Shanks and Mihawk are the same generation. As we all know, Shanks was adopted by Roger Reilly when he was a child. It can be said that Roger is Shanks's father. father.

So based on this generation level, Newgate is indeed a generation higher than Mihawk.

Sure enough, even you are eyeing Pokémon, Hawkeye.

The Warring States Period obviously thinks too much.

Mihawk was too lazy to talk to him. He felt that Sengoku was a little sick. When he saw a pirate, he felt that he was very ambitious and wanted to rule the sea.

Feng Clay, who was watching the battle on the side, had obvious excitement in his eyes. He was obviously excited to see so many top figures at once.

Everyone, please look over here.

Instead of letting the farce continue, Dark opened his mouth to attract everyone's attention.

Duck squatted under the tree and pointed at the seven Pokémon eggs nestled together.

When the egg starts to glow, it means that the Pokémon is about to be born. This time will be within a day. We can judge this time based on the frequency of the light flashing. Like now, the frequency is already very fast. This time It’s obviously the state of being about to be born.”

What Dak said gave everyone an understanding.

At the same time, they also looked down at the eggs they were holding, but there was no movement at all.

Of course they didn't know that this was the special effect of the heating lamp in the breeding room, and Duck had no intention of telling it.

At the same time, Dark waved and signaled Fon Clay and Dark Clay to bring over the things they had prepared in advance.

First of all, although Pokémon are still in the infancy stage when they are born, they are very energetic at that time, but they are still relatively sensitive to the surrounding environment. You need to prepare a warmer environment and use warm moisturizers. Use a towel to wipe his body.

Duck pointed to the basin filled with warm water and the towel on the ground, and explained at the same time, The temperature here is the most suitable for baby Pokémon to play, so there is no need to deliberately change the environment.

Everyone showed different expressions when they heard this.

Newgate, Sengoku, and Mihawk, the three bosses, obviously had headaches on their faces.

As for the two women, He and Gion, they thought it was normal. He also had children, and she also had experience in taking care of children.

Although Jozi and Bista are two big men, they are the kind of men who have a tiger in their heart and smell the roses. Especially the big Jozi, he is actually a gentle and calm guy.

Different types of Pokémon will show different characteristics and personalities after they are born. Some little ones are timid and cry a lot, so they need more companionship and coaxing from you. Some little ones are bold and lively, so you need to watch them more. Keep an eye on him and don't let him run around and go to dangerous places.

What Dak said made everyone present feel a little strange.

It's as if they are not raising some strange creature, but a human child.

The infancy of Pokémon passes quickly. For most Pokémon, this period does not exceed one month at most. Training can begin after one month. By then, they will show their Potential and power that will astound you all.”

Duck lowered his head and looked at the frequency of the glow of his balls, predicting that the little guys would be born soon.

Hearing these words, others did not react at all. Warring States nodded, seeming to be very satisfied with this growth cycle.

Compared to the speed at which humans can start formal training at least four to five years ago, Pokémon's growth rate is almost as fast as it can be.

When Pokémon are just born, you should try your best to get them some food with high nutritional value. What I prepared here is Moo Milk, a kind of milk produced by Pokémon called Big Milk Tank. It has high nutritional value. It is extremely high and has a promoting and foundational effect on the baby’s development.”

The moo milk that Duck mentioned was bought at the Magic Mall with magic coins.

1 magic coin can be exchanged for 1 bottle of Moo Milk, which is equivalent to 1w Bailey's bottle. It is simply a luxury product.

But the child couldn't suffer anything, so Dak gritted his teeth and spent half of his savings to exchange for 100 bottles.

Duck, give us a hundred bottles first.

Then our navy only needs a thousand bottles.

Then our Whitebeard Pirates need ten thousand bottles!

Then our navy


Duck looked at Newgate and Warring States who suddenly got into a fight inexplicably. He obviously didn't expect that they could compete in a place like this, Moo milk is very expensive, a bottle of 5w Bailey, as for its nutritional value If it’s that high, you can take it back and let your chefs study it.”

Dak calmly increased the price of Moo Milk five times, and he didn't panic at all.

He knew that these people would definitely buy it, and the price was just a small amount of money to them. Even to Mihawk, it was just a matter of a pirate's head.

No need to say more, I bought it.

So are we.

.Give me a day.

As expected, the three of them had no intention of bargaining or refusing.

It doesn't matter. It will take at least more than a week for your Pokémon to hatch. You can prepare slowly, but before that, remember to have Bailey delivered in advance.

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