Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 293 Travel through time and go back to 38 years ago

What is the current situation in the ninja world? Dak doesn't want to spend time to understand.

He was walking on the blood-stained ground, suddenly squatted down, and picked up a tail from the pool of blood.

This is the tail of a long-tailed monster.

Judging from the length of the tail and the size of the hand at the tail, this is probably a little long-tailed monster hand that has just left its infancy.

However, such a cute Pokémon died on this battlefield.

".I made a big mistake."

Dak raised his head and looked at the various broken limbs and broken arms on the battlefield, and his breathing became rapid and difficult.

Although these children may have never met each other, they all came out of their own hands.

He sent them here himself.

He was the one who killed these Pokémon.


‘To change. ’

Darkrai couldn't sit still. He was worried that if he continued like this, Dark would lose his mind and make even more wrong decisions.

For example, personally intervene and massacre the entire ninja world.

Darkrai, who has lived for more than seven thousand years, does not think this is a strange thing. As long as a human being is human, there will always be times when he loses his mind and is dominated by desire.

Darkrai may not have seen it with his own eyes, but he has heard about it from other Pokémon.

The departure of the Phoenix King, Lugia's sinking into the Whirlpool Island, and the betrayal of Zekrom and Leshiram. Which of these were not caused by the fact that those humans and even their own trainers lost their own hearts and were dominated by desires?

Darkrai didn't want Dark to do something he would regret, so he showed up in time.

Dialga on the side is just a one-year-old baby who doesn't understand any of this and can't see anything wrong with Dak.

If Dak really wants to destroy the ninja world, Dialga will just do it obediently. He will not think about why he does it. Now Dialga has almost no concept of right and wrong in his heart. Like a young human cub.

"What should we do, Darkrai, I need your help."

Dak was a little dazed. The moist smell of blood in his nose kept stimulating his brain, making it difficult for him to stay rational.

Now it's not Dak telling Darkrai what to do like in the past, but Dak needs Darkrai to tell him who is now irrational.

They are partners and that is how they help each other.


‘Go back in time and change history. ’

Darkrai pointed at Dialga beside him.


Dak's first reaction after hearing this method was rejection.

If you go back a little bit and change history, everything now may be changed and everything will become unknown, which will make Dak feel that everything is out of control.

But the reason why he didn't refuse immediately was that the incident was now out of control.

He must make amends for the mistakes he has made.


After hesitating for a moment, Duck finally nodded.

No matter what, he wants to go back to the past and change everything.

As for what the future will look like after changing history, Dak will gradually accept it all.

Fortunately, Pokémon Island has only been communicating with the Ninja World for only two months, and the connection between the two is relatively small. Even if the Ninja World has undergone tremendous changes in the past, at least the impact on Pokémon Island must be Very limited.

I wonder if Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke will form new families with their current families.


‘Calm down and think about how you conquered the sailing world before. ’


After hearing this word, Duck's rationality gradually returned.

Although Duck had never thought that he had conquered the nautical world before, he always felt that he had just led the nautical world into a new era and shaped a new theme.

But whether in the eyes of others or in fact, isn't it the Pokémon League that stands at the commanding heights of the nautical world?

Isn’t there only one Pokémon Alliance that dominates the maritime world?

Which of the current laws, themes, and daily lives of all people in the maritime world are not under the control of the Pokémon Alliance?

Can't this be called conquest?

Dark only gave each island and country relatively free autonomy because of the geographical environment of the maritime world, but he still allowed the Pokémon Alliance to override all forces.

This is conquest.

"Yes, I should conquer."

Dark nodded, recalling everything he had done.

Destroy the world government and pirates, the root cause of the unpeaceful era, and establish a new order.

Conquer the navy and the army, the largest armed forces on the sea, and establish supreme majesty.

Let the influence of Pokémon spread to the whole world and become everyone's strength, let everyone [equal force] and rely on the Pokémon Alliance to create an irreplaceable position.

From then on, the world entered a new era with the themes of [Peace] and [Pokémon].

Reason has returned, and Dak already has his own ideas and plans.

Thinking back on everything he had done to the Ninja World after he opened the channel to the Ninja World, Dak felt that he had lost his mind. He really didn't pay enough attention to the situation in the Ninja World, and that's when he made a big mistake.

"Now, everything must be pushed back. Before I can completely solve the situation in the ninja world, the other two worlds will be left to them."

Dak raised one hand, chewed his thumb, and then said to Dialga beside him,

"Dialga, open the timeline of this world. You choose a time that you think is suitable, and then take us there."

The situation in the ninja world is very chaotic, from the ancient times to the present, so Dak couldn't think of a good time to go to solve the problem at the moment.

It's better to let Dialga choose.

Dark trusts the decision made by his partner Dialga. Dialga, who has the title of 'God of Time', will definitely make the appropriate decision for him.

Then Dak only needs to reach the corresponding point in time and then consider how to change the world based on the situation at that point in time.


Dialga nodded, and the next moment a vortex of blue energy appeared in front of him.

"Let's go."

. . .

Konoha 21 years.

The First Ninja World War had just ended. The second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama and the second-generation Raikage Ai were killed by a sneak attack by the Golden Horn Ginko. The second-generation Tsuchikage and Mizukage also died on the battlefield. All countries suffered heavy losses and concluded a truce. treaty.

The world will usher in nearly two decades of peaceful development.

Nineteen years have passed since Madara Uchiha left Konoha, and he is now 53 years old.

Now Madara has transplanted Hashirama's flesh and blood to the original wound to obtain Hashirama's cells.

He had no doubts about the words on the Uchiha Clan's stone tablet, 'Two mutually exclusive forces, becoming one, giving birth to all things', but he was confused as to why there had been no response.

At this time, Uchiha Madara has not yet opened the Samsara Eye. He will not open the Samsara Eye until the end of his life. At the same time, he will only see the last part of the content on the stone tablet of Nanga Shrine, but this part has already been It was tampered with by Hei Jue.

It was only after reading this last part that Madara started the 'Infinite Tsukuyomi' plan, thinking that he had found 'real peace'.

This stone tablet was left by the Immortal of Six Paths in order to persuade the reincarnated Indra to return from their lost ways, but unexpectedly, it was used by Black Zetsu to control Madara, the big boss.

"So. The key at this point in time is that Uchiha Madara is wrong."

Dak is trying to recall the situation in Konoha in 21st year and before, "Whether it is at this point in time, before or after, Uchiha Madara is a key figure."

The location where Dark is located will be the base of the Akatsuki organization in the future.

But now this is just an ordinary water curtain cave.

Dak frowned and counted the characters he had killed one after another on his fingers, analyzing each one.

"Yahiko cannot die. As long as he is alive, the Akatsuki organization is an organization that truly works for peace. It is a bit similar to the Geshun Army. Now those Yahikos who are not yet born must start elsewhere."

"Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi don't need to die. They were guys who longed for peace at first like Madara. As long as they are not tricked, they can become excellent helpers in promoting peace."

"The most important thing is Uchiha Madara, we can't let this guy be induced by Zetsu."

Dak kept counting and discovered that the most important thing now was just to kill Jue so that no subsequent conspiracies could emerge.

Otsutsuki Kaguya is not a problem at all, just a sealed numerical monster.

Just die.

Then the Uchiha clan can be liberated, and many geniuses of the Uchiha clan do not have to die.

Who says it's not?

From Uchiha Madara, to later Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Sasuke, who didn't go astray because of Zetsu?

It must be stained with stone tablets.

Madara used the three tails and Lin Yin to defeat Obito.

Obito used the Nine-Tails Rebellion to suppress the Uchiha clan, which was in a bad situation, and even caused a coup.

Then Shisui died, Itachi opened the kaleidoscope and looked at the stone tablet again, and then was bewitched by Danzo to destroy his entire clan.

In the end, the only one left, Uchiha Sasuke, was turned into a human being and a ghost.

It’s not just this side, Madara won’t be fooled.

Nagato on the other side will not be transplanted with the Samsara Eye, will not be targeted by Danzo, and then Yin Hanzo and Yahiko will die together.


‘Got a plan? ’


Dak nodded, already having an idea of ​​what he wanted to do, "This time, I will personally build the Akatsuki organization."

The ninja world does not have forces like the Navy and the Geju Army. If this is the case, then he will build it himself.

As for the leader of the Akatsuki organization, he already has a candidate, a pathetic figure.

Uchiha Madara.

And it had to be Uchiha Madara who had seen the real Nanga Shrine stone tablet.

There is no one more suitable for this position than Uchiha Madara.

He is the most powerful figure in the ninja world today, and he is also the character who sees the situation in the ninja world most clearly.

He knew very well what real peace was and what was superficial.

In the past, other countries were afraid of the peace that Hashirama and Bancai had. Hashirama could not see this clearly, but Madara knew it very well, and he knew that after Hashirama became Hokage, the second generation Hokage must be Senju Tobirama.

When the time comes, Senju Tobirama will not have the ability to unify the ninja world, and will send the Uchiha clan to the front lines to continuously consume them, because Senju Tobirama has never trusted the Uchiha clan.

That's why he wanted to lead the Uchiha clan to leave and continue fighting until he unified the entire ninja world.

But at that time, the Uchiha clan finally ushered in peace, and there was no need to continue fighting. How could they be willing to continue to fight with Madara?

In their eyes, Hashirama was a war madman who wanted to continue to provoke war, so no one left with Hashirama.

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