Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 300 The next target, financial management cadres

Hanzo is here, and we have a more or less stable source of talent in the early stage.

In the Kingdom of Rain, Hanzo will rely on his current appeal to promote the ideal of peace in the ninja world, so that more people who admire him will have the same yearning and expectations. All those who long for peace will be bold in the Kingdom of Rain. He was recruited and trained as a ninja.

Those ninjas who desire peace and have potential in Yuyin Village will be sent to the Akatsuki organization for training.

Yuyin Village is the 'outer sect' of the Akatsuki organization, and 'Akatsuki' is the real inner sect.

It can be said that the future peace of the ninja world begins in the Kingdom of Rain.

"Who are you going to find next?"

Madara looked at Dark.

He knew that Dak, who came from the future, must know some people he didn't even know about to recruit.

These characters may not be very good now, but they should still have some strength in the future, or they may have some kind of talent.

"When I was making the magical breeding house stand on the top of the sea, I was worried about one thing from beginning to end, money."

Dak didn't rush to tell his name, because he didn't know the two brothers. He just said the reason why he wanted to find that person next, "I don't think you guys are going to make money, but many of your actions in the future You can’t do it without money, so I plan to recruit you a guy who is good at managing money and likes to make money.”

"How to make money? The only way for ninjas to make money is to take missions."

Madara is indeed an old man, and his thoughts about ninjas are still stuck in the past.

"There are so many ways to make money. Many of your ninjutsu can be used in other ways to make a lot of money. I don't understand why you insist on doing dangerous tasks."

Duck waved his hand.

In his opinion, the ninjutsu learned by ninjas can actually play a very good role in many places, especially earth escape.

If there are grass-type Pokémon combined with the Earth Ninja, let alone the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder, even the Kingdom of Wind can create an oasis with fertile land.

"How strong is this guy?"

As for how to make money, Quan Nai has some ideas, so he is not surprised by what Dak said.

He was more concerned about this person's strength. He should not let others catch him easily and then expose Akatsuki's various plans.

"It's not bad. He took over the task of assassinating Senju Hashirama. He is much stronger than the average jounin. He can barely compete with the shadow-level experts from the five major villages for more than ten minutes."

At this time, Dak stretched out a hand and said, "Strength is not the issue. The key thing is that because this guy has practiced special secret techniques, he can almost live as long as heaven."

The person Dak was talking about was, of course, Kakuzu.

Kakuzu's financial management skills and long lifespan make him a natural-born worker, so it is very suitable to recruit him to work in the Akatsuki organization.

The most critical point is that in this era, there are almost no wild talents who can actually be recruited by Dakra.

What's more, Dak has a basic requirement for talents who join the Akatsuki organization, that is, at least they cannot backstab their companions.

Although Kakuzu personally killed several of his partners after joining Akatsuki, that was at least a story of the Nagato era decades later.

During this process, Kakuzu had to be betrayed ten or eight times in an underground money exchange before he could remember and start to put money first.

At this time, Kakuzu may have just been betrayed by the village. He escaped from prison and took away the Earthly Resentment Yu for a few years. He should stay in the ninja world and make money to survive.

Dak believes that as long as there is the transformation and influence of the Uchiha brothers, Kakuzu will not become the same Kakuzu it was more than forty years later.

After all, if you don't follow Akatsuki's rules and kill your companions, you will be physically influenced by the Uchiha brothers.

And one thing is certain, with the characters of these two brothers, they will not give them a second chance.

No one wants to die, right?

Thinking about it this way, Kakuzu is considered a talent that can be won over.

"Where to find him?"

"have no idea."

Dark shook his head.


Madara frowned, "Don't you know a lot?"

"Such trivial things are not deliberately recorded in history in the future, just like I don't know where Jue is now."

Duck spread his hands.

If Kishimoto doesn't tell me, what can I do?

"By the way, there is also that guy Zetsu. If I don't get rid of that guy, it will be hard to solve my problem."

At this moment, Madara suddenly remembered that the guy who played tricks on him in the future was still alive.

Quan Nai also looked over, obviously wanting to kill that ghost who had lived for thousands of years as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, that guy won't give up on you. After all, you are the person closest to his goal in more than a thousand years. He will definitely come and take a look at you from time to time, especially after discovering that you have become younger. He will definitely not be able to bear it. Let’s investigate.”

Dak waved his hand and thought of something, "In a few days, when you return to the ninja world with a high profile and become famous, that guy will naturally be unable to help but come over."

"What about the newcomer you are talking about? I can't find him, so how can I win over him?"

Madara nodded after hearing what Dak said, and the anxiety in his heart was calmed, and he began to think about Kakuzu's affairs.

"It shouldn't be difficult to find him. Just send a mission with a high enough amount to the underground gold exchange in the Kingdom of Rain, spread the word, and then wait for him to come looking for you."

This can be said to be the only way to find Kakuzu.

At least this is how everyone used to read Naruto fan fiction before Dark.

In this case, he would give it a try and see if he could catch Kakuzu.

In particular, the village of Takigakure where Kakuzu was originally located is not that far from the Land of Rain. If Kakuzu had really just escaped from Takigakure at this time, he should still be wandering around here.

"Then what are we doing during this period? Waiting?"

"No need, catch both ends, show your face in the ninja world, give the ninja world a little shock, and attract that guy Zetsu out."

Dak estimated that it would take at least ten days to find Kakuzu using this method.

Naturally, this time cannot be wasted. After all, he does not plan to stay in this world for too long.

The longer he stays and the more he shows up, the greater the impact he may have on Pokémon Island in the future, which is not what he wants to see.

Building momentum for the ninja world and showing off one's skills must be left to the Uchiha brothers.

After all, the ninja world will be unified by these two brothers for the next 38 years, so there is no point in making Dak famous for himself.

"Where to begin?"

Madara asked.

"How about starting from Konoha."

Izuna added that he wanted to see what the Uchiha clan was like now.

By the way, I also told those people that what you betrayed has returned.

"For Konoha, that's fine. It just so happens that someone needs to die, and you can take revenge with your own hands."

Dak thought about it and found out that his initial target was not Konoha.

Now that the First World War has just ended, it is unceremonious to say that the five major villages are basically in a semi-scrap state, which is the weakest period. The appearance of any tailed beast will be a disaster for them.

Under such circumstances, if we continue to engage in the five major villages, I am afraid it will cause huge panic.

But when he thought about the stupid things Shimura Danzo would do in the future, Dak still felt that he should be killed now.

Now that Sarutobi Hiruzen is in danger and has been appointed as the next Hokage by the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, Danzo's side is probably starting to turn dark.

But after all, Sarutobi Hiruzen has not yet officially become the Third Hokage, and will have to go through the process of being a Fire Nation daimyo later, so Danzo can still control himself at the moment, and he still feels that he has a chance to compete.

At this time, Danzo was still a high-spirited young man, and even though he was dissatisfied, he never thought of using any dirty means.

However, when Hiruzen Sarutobi becomes the Third Hokage and Danzo becomes the Hokage's assistant and begins to control substantial power, he will become completely black and start targeting the bodies of his dead friends in the village, especially those from the Uchiha clan.


"Shimura Danzo."

"Have not heard."

Quan Na shook his head.

He died early. It can be said that Izuna died when Danzo Shimura was still three or four years old. Naturally, he had never heard of this name.

However, he heard from Dak's mouth that this man was one of the biggest culprits in the destruction of the Uchiha clan.

"The disciples of Senju Tobirama inherit the will of Senju Tobirama."

Madara explained, and Izuna understood instantly.

He just said, does this person have some illness and must attack the Uchiha clan? It turns out that he is a disciple of Senju Tobirama, so it is not surprising.

Because of one thing, Senju Tobirama has always believed that the Uchiha clan is a sick clan, so he has never trusted Uchiha and has always been extremely vigilant.

That was when the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan were still at war. Senju Tobirama saw with his own eyes the scene where Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna were furious because of the death of their brothers.

(This is a second setting. Kishimoto’s setting in the first part of the original work was that Madara and Izuna attacked important people to improve their eye power)

Because of this scene, Senju Tobirama felt that one day in the future, those in the Uchiha clan who advocated strength would definitely attack their companions in the village. Therefore, he never trusted Uchiha and always regarded this clan as a major problem and a time-consuming one. bomb.

It's no wonder Senju Tobirama thinks so. Anyone who sees that scene can't help but be wary of the Uchiha clan.

In particular, Senju Tobirama has been the brains of Senju Hashirama since he was a child, and has to maintain a high degree of caution and vigilance.

"But this guy can destroy the Uchiha clan. He must have some tricks, right? Don't you plan to conquer this kind of person?"

Madara glanced at Dark curiously.

Seeing that Dak even wanted low-class things like Hanzo and Kakuzu, he thought that Dak was really hungry.

"Whether you can subdue this person depends on whether you two brothers are willing to give up your position."

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