Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 305 The next target, the Uzumaki clan in Uzushio Village

Chapter 305 The next target, Uzumaki Village-Uzumaki Clan

"Anyway, you are probably doing nothing now and living on your last breath. Why not join Akatsuki? In the future, the world will be peaceful and you will be one of the most famous characters in the ninja world.

Dark is still confusing Kakuzu.

Kakuzu in this period is the most beguiling, because now Kakuzu does not regard money as so important, he is still looking for the purpose of living.

If it is a few years later, if you want to recruit Kakuzu, you will have to rely on money.

"For fame?"

Kakuzu muttered in confusion, he was not particularly ambitious about fame and fortune.

"And because of your obsession, doesn't it feel like being betrayed by the village?"

Dark raised a hand and poked Kakuzu in the chest.

After Kakuzu got the Earthly Resentment, the first heart to be replaced was probably the one on his chest. When Kakuzu was to replace his first heart, Kakuzu's heart must have been very complicated.

"Do you know?"

"Of course I know. I know a lot. You can slowly learn more about Madara and the others in the future."

Dak spread his hands and then said, "The Akatsuki organization prohibits all forms of betrayal and attacks on one's companions. Once such a thing is discovered, the two Uchiha brothers will personally take action."

"How do you know if something like this will happen in the future?"

"If there is, then why don't you go and kill the violators? I swear on your five hearts that all betrayers will die."

"All traitors must die"

Kakuzu murmured these words, and his two dark green eyes suddenly lit up, but he soon came back to his senses, "So, what's in it for me?"

"What we are doing is great, selfless, and bright. In the future, we will become the most famous people in the ninja world, have the highest status, and become the idols of countless people!"

Dak raised his hands high like a magic stick.

In fact, it is just painting a pie, but it is indeed true.

"Give me something good first, something that can make my heart move."

Kakuzu is not stupid, how could he let Dak join Akatsuki and work in vain for countless years with just a few words.

He doesn't have any dreams or obsessions about bringing peace, and he won't be willing to join the Akatsuki organization in vain.

"Okay, okay, in that case, how about I give you a partner who will never betray you?"

"Never betray?"

Kakuzu frowned and looked at Dark, wondering why Dark was so sure.


Duck nodded confidently.

In fact, although the vast majority of Pokémon will not betray their trainers, there are actually very few races that will do such a thing.

Take two typical examples among the Pokémon group, Charizard and Monarch Snake.

When the trainer's strength is too weak, Charizard will at most disobey the instructions and make its own decisions, but it has never thought of betraying the trainer or leaving the trainer.

But the Monarch Snake is different. This kind of creature is arrogant to the core. If the trainer is not strong enough, he will really run away on his own, unless he has a deep enough bond.

"It's not some kind of puppet, right?"

"Pokémon, you can understand that the psychic beast that can release Muji Ninjutsu has extremely high intelligence and the most sincere emotions. How much emotion you put in, he will return how much emotion you have, no matter what you want to do No matter what, he will always support you and will never betray you."

Dak was like a demon who was tempting humans to sign a contract, and kept saying whispers that made Kakudu's heart beat.

".Well, although I don't know what kind of creature you are talking about, the Pokémon is, but you made my heart flutter."

Kakuzu hesitated for a moment, then sighed.

the last time.

He gave his trust to someone else one last time.

If he is betrayed again this time, he will no longer need any partners from now on, lest he be suddenly stabbed in the back.

"Very well, you won't regret it."

Dark opened the Magic Mall, took a casual glance at the Magic Mall, took out a Pokémon egg and handed it to Kakuzu, "Here you go."

In the future, Kakuzu will be able to possess five types of escape techniques and be good at both long and short range combat. Basically, any Pokémon can cooperate well with him, so it doesn’t matter the attributes of the Pokémon he chooses.

As for the other point of 'loyalty', basically most Pokémon have this quality, especially those that are more naive.

Therefore, Duck chose one that was similar to the horn in terms of nature and appearance.

"What? An egg?"

Kakuzu subconsciously took it, it was a blue Pokémon egg.

"Yes, the partner you hatched will definitely be the most loyal to you, just like your own child. Even if you have a son in the future, he will not be as loyal as him."

Duck nodded naturally.

There is almost no way to build a deeper bond and relationship than with the Pokémon you raise yourself.

"What kind of psychic beast is this?"

"It's a Pokémon. It's called Vintage. It's a grass-type Pokémon. You can think of it as a weakened version of Wood Release."

Dark took out a Pokémon illustrated book from his body, turned to a certain page and handed it to Kakuzu, "How about it? It looks similar to you, right?"

The vine monster also has another characteristic that is similar to the horn, and that is its extremely strong regeneration ability.

Even if these vines on the body are removed, the vine monster will not feel any pain and will grow back quickly.

These vines not only have a strong regeneration ability, but also have a unique aroma, which can be used as many materials and even food for many Pokémon.


Kakuzu glanced at Dark.

Kakuzu wasn't very angry when Dak said that he looked similar to this weird little thing, because he really didn't look like a normal person anymore, "Mudun?"

The Wood Release that Dak just mentioned is the part that he really cares about.

After all, Kakuzu was instantly killed by Hashirama's Wood Release.

"Roughly the same."

Dak was too lazy to explain, so he let Kakuzu discover and cultivate it himself.

With the lifespans of Kakuzu and the vine monsters, maybe one day the grass attribute skills can really grow to a level comparable to or even surpassing Wood Release.

For example, the Lizard King's grass attribute skills have surpassed Senju Hashirama's wood escape skills.

"Okay, I've joined. Who is the other person? Where is the organization base? What should I do?"

"Don't worry, take it step by step and talk as you go."

Dak stretched out a hand and put it on Kakuzu's shoulder, and the next moment he took him to the inside of the Water Curtain Cave, "This is Akatsuki's base, located inside a waterfall in the Kingdom of Water. From today on, you He is Akatsuki’s finance minister, responsible for finding ways for the Akatsuki organization to make money and managing the use of money.”

".Time and space ninjutsu?"

"This is not a ninjutsu, it is my personal ability."

Dak ignored Kakuzu's surprise, because almost everyone had to express doubts like this, "The other person in the organization is Hanzo, the leader of Amegakure Village, the 'Sansho Fish' who is quite famous in the ninja world. He Responsible for helping the organization identify and train talents, and usually stay in Yuyin Village."

"What?! It's that guy."

Kakuzu glared.

Hanzo's reputation in the ninja world is much greater than that of his S-class rebel ninja. I heard that Hanzo's strength is very powerful, and he is no worse than the third generation Mekage newly selected by each village.

Plus Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna, and this guy with weird abilities in front of him.

It was scary for Kakuzu to think about it. Even if all the Five Kages came now, they would not be able to do anything to the five of them. He could already see the birth of an organization in the ninja world in the future that was so powerful that it made the five major villages tremble.

"You just need to find a way to help the organization make money in the future. Don't just think about taking on tasks and making money. That is the slowest and stupidest way. Learn from the famous rich people in various countries and see how they make money. .”

Dak patted Kakuzu on the shoulder, then turned around and planned to leave, "Madara and Izuna are going to catch the One-Tailed, Three-Tailed and kill one person next. Hanzo is looking for talents, and you won't be able to meet him for at least half a month." to theirs.”

"And you?"

"I plan to find the next target, the Country of Uzumaki and Uzushio Village."

"Uzumaki Village? I heard that the current situation in that village is quite bad."

Kakuzu frowned. He had recently seen a lot of missions targeting the red-haired ninjas in Uzushio Village in the underground gold exchange.

Each bounty is not low.

"Yes, they are about to be wiped out by other ethnic groups and countries because their sealing techniques are too powerful."

Dak grinned, "Now that the battle is over, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are all dead. Konoha has suffered heavy losses and there is not much combat power to send to Uzushio Village for support."

"I understand. If nothing else happens, Uzumaki Village will probably become a burial object of the First World War. Now they will definitely try their best to protect their people and do whatever it takes."

Kakuzu is not stupid. After all, he was once a powerful Jonin in Takigakure Village. He still has this regard.

"If Akatsuki appears and becomes their backer, this kind of kindness in times of need is enough to ensure that Uzushio Village will work for us for a long time."

"Don't use such an ugly term as working hard. From now on, we will all be like-minded compatriots who fight together."

Dak shook his head and corrected Kakuzu.

Not to mention that Akatsuki has no intention of exploiting the Uzumaki clan and using them as slaves and tools. Even if he did, the Uzumaki clan would beg Akatsuki to save them.

Now, almost the entire ninja world is sitting back and watching the destruction of Uzushio Village, and is even eager to step on it. Even Konoha cannot guarantee whether there is something wrong with it.

At this time, the only one who can save the Uzumaki clan is Akatsuki.

Because even without Dak, Xiao is the only organization in the world that has the courage to challenge the whole world right now.

The two Uchiha brothers didn't know how to write the word 'fear'.

If they really wanted to declare war on the whole world, the two brothers might even tremble with excitement.

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