Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 340 The Eve of the Wedding

On the top of the Red Earth Continent, what was once ‘Marie Gioia’ is now the ‘Celestial Dragon Cemetery’.

Since Pangu City was destroyed by Dark and Darkrai, the city that originally existed above the clouds has been completely destroyed.

But later Tezzolo took the initiative to take over the renovation of this city, saying that he wanted to use waste.

Then about half a year passed.

Pangu City disappeared from the nautical world, but there was a golden city.

Tezoro restored Pangu City's former appearance as much as possible, except that all those white jade houses were transformed into gold by Tezoro using the power of the Golden Fruit.

This has become the largest entertainment city in the world, with various failed works produced by the alliance's scientific research department.

Those works that fail in the laboratory will be recycled and transformed into interesting entertainment toys and sent to this place.

Including but not limited to video arcades, board game halls, chess and card rooms, even gourmet casinos and gambling houses, etc.

The biggest difference in this city is that it has the only specimen museum in the world.

It’s called the ‘Maggot Museum’.

However, except for those slaves who had been oppressed by the Celestial Dragons, there were basically no people going to this place.

After all, reading the things in it may make you unable to eat for a day.

Today's Golden City refuses all outside visitors.

No one is surprised, and there is no blind person who insists on coming here to cause trouble.

Nowadays, Tezoro has an extraordinary status. Almost everyone knows his identity as the finance minister of the Pokémon Alliance. If he doesn't give Tezoro face, he basically means he doesn't give the Pokémon Alliance face.

a week ago.

The news that the 'Golden Emperor' and the 'Queen of Friendship' were going to hold a wedding in the Golden City had already spread throughout the sea.

The excitement of this event even far surpassed the previous 'BigMom's tea party'.

The ‘Queen of Friendship’ naturally refers to Stella, the head manager of the Friendly Store.

Within a week.

The clerk of the foster house invited friends and relatives from all walks of life to attend the upcoming wedding, and people from all walks of life came.

For example, Dak will invite Mihawk and White Team members; Robin will invite Sauro; Sugar will invite Nami; Reiju will invite Kuina.

Of course, the ones who invited the most people were the protagonists of this wedding, Tezzolo and Stella.

Stella was okay, she just invited some employees or customers who usually come and go at Friendly Store.

And Tezolo was very busy, having basically invited all the reputable employees of the Pokémon League.

Such as the Four Heavenly Kings, the owners of the Eight Avenues Hall, the chief and deputy ministers of various departments, the top brass of the Navy's Junxiao, the mayors of various cities, the deans of the Pokémon Centers, and the teachers of the Pokémon Academy.

After so many invitations, quite a few people finally came to the wedding venue.

If not thousands, there are still hundreds of people.

If you count the number of Pokémon, it will steadily exceed the number of one thousand.

April 21, Year 2 of the Alliance Calendar.

This day originally did not have any special meaning, but that is for most people.

It was a very different day for Tezzolo and Stella.

Because this day is Stella’s birthday, and it is also their wedding day.

In order to prepare for the wedding ceremony that started in the evening, the members of the training house got up at five or six in the morning and started busy with various things.

For example, if they dress up, most of them will become the best man and bridesmaid in this wedding.

Even Dak couldn't take any time off on days like this.

Although he did not need to be the best man, he was asked by Tezzolo to be the host of the wedding.

Although Dak didn't want to do such a troublesome thing, he did not and would not refuse his partner's small request.

He probably understands Tezzolo and Stella. After all, his existence is definitely different to other people for these two people.

Without him, they might not be able to get married here.

In the dressing room behind the wedding stage.

Dark and Esdeath, the master and apprentice, were standing in front of the dressing mirror, adjusting their appearance.

"Master, are you serious?"

"Of course. How did you know I was joking?"

While adjusting his collar, Dark glanced at Esdeath in the mirror.

At this moment, Esdeath was wearing a pure white princess dress, with delicate makeup on her face.

The youngest ones in the breeding house were Esdeath and Sugar, so the task of holding the skirt for the bride Stella naturally fell on them.

"All right."

Esdeath reluctantly accepted this fact.

Generally speaking, little girls actually like this job because they can put on a beautiful little dress and go on stage to enjoy the spotlight with the bride.

But Esdeath is not an ordinary girl. She just wants to spend her time getting stronger.

But since it was the master's order, there was nothing we could do.

"Satang, have the work of the security team been arranged?"

Dark looked at the green-haired girl on the other side of him.

"Well, no problem, but our department basically maintains order at the wedding venue. There is Dr. Vegapunk's Seraph outside."

"That thing was built so quickly?"

Duck raised his eyebrows.

Seraph was a product that was supposed to appear nine years later, but now it has been produced in advance by Vegapunk.

"Yes, after all, there are completed experimental subjects, as well as the bloodline factor research data from Gaji. If it fails, just re-extract the DNA."

Sugar nodded naturally.

Sugar, the Minister of Security, is one of the people who communicates with Bega Punk the most.

She often takes advantage of her young age to go to Vegapunk's research institute to play rogue, in order to obtain the latest scientific research weapons produced by Vegapunk Research Institute to strengthen the security department.

But generally Vegapunk will still refuse.

Not to mention that Sugar's young age is a problem, another problem is that the work of the inspection department is obviously more dangerous and requires sophisticated weapons to arm its members.

As for the so-called 'complete experimental subjects', they are actually the big pirates who were arrested and imprisoned.

The Seraph DNA in the original work comes from the old Shichibukai, probably extracted before the War on the Top.

Nowadays, there are many sources of Seraph DNA.

Including but not limited to Crocodile, Moonlight Moria, Doflamingo, Shiji, Charlotte Lingling, Kaido, and many CP0 leaders.

In fact, several survivors of the Knights of God were also captured, but they were not used as experimental templates for Seraph.

After all, no one knows whether the Seraph made from the DNA of these people will suffer from the disease of nobility again.

"In that case, there's no need to worry about anyone who is desperate."

Duck nodded reassuringly.

Outside the Golden City, there are not only the Seraph army, but also the pacifist army and a large number of clones holding various weapons.

The strong ones on the sea who can break through this line of defense either belong to the Pokémon Alliance or have a friendly relationship with the Pokémon Alliance.

The time soon came to afternoon.

Guests began to enter the Golden City one after another through invitation letters.

The first people to arrive at the scene were members of the Akatsuki organization from the ninja world.

A group of young cadres wearing Akatsuki uniforms, headed by Orochimaru, entered the Golden City.

"Wow! This is the Golden City~ It's amazing! There is really gold everywhere, how much does it cost!"

Xiao Nan, the new Finance Minister of the Ren Xiao Organization, the first thing he did when he came to Golden City was to value the city.

Because Yahiko did not die, Konan and Nagato today are not half-dead like in the original work.

Konan is still the cheerful and healing 'angel' of Amegakure Village, and Nagato is just a big boy who is easily shy.

"Convert all matter into gold? The ability of the Devil Fruit is so interesting, much stronger than the Blood Succession Limit."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue like a snake, with an expression of interest on his face.

"It looks so fun here. Let's play together next time."

Zabuza looked at the gambling houses on the street and suddenly felt his hands itching.

"This world is really suitable for me."

Kisame fumbled with his palm.

His physical form is very similar to that of the fishmen in this world, so for him, such a huge seawater world is much more comfortable than staying in the ninja world, and his strength can also be greatly improved.

"Speaking of which, it's time for us to buy a Pokémon Egg when we go back. This is also what Master and the others have told us."

When Shisui passed by, he saw a branch of the Miraculous Nurture House and remembered this.

"You guys are here so early."

Voices suddenly came from the roof nearby.

Everyone turned around and saw that it was the first generation Akatsuki Organization F4, or a younger version.


Shisui looked at Quan Na's appearance and was suddenly surprised.

The same is true for everyone else. Except for Kakuzu, the three Madaras originally looked like they were half-stepping into the coffin.

"This is incredible. It seems that the power of those 'first gods' is real."

What Orochimaru wants to achieve most is to make himself immortal. After all, his parents died during the First World War. "Madara-senpai's reincarnation eye is still there and his pupil power has not been withdrawn. That is not the time retrieval of the 'Time God'. It seems to be the power of other first gods.”

"Huh? Is there more than one First God who can make people immortal? This is too shocking."

Bi Liuhu, who is also a scientist, was also shocked.

But unlike Orochimaru, he just doesn't have any pursuit of eternal life. He is very satisfied with his current life and has no higher pursuit.

In other words, lie flat.

"It seems that I need to go to Pokémon Island for some further training. I wonder if Dr. Vegapunk will accept any disciples."

Orochimaru's eyes flickered, and then he suddenly remembered, "Speaking of which, Dr. Vegapunk will also come to this banquet."

When he came in just now, he discovered the strange group of 'people' outside the Golden City. They were obviously living creatures and had all the signs of normal life.

But that's not a human being, but an artificial human being.

Orochimaru, who discovered this, knew that Dr. Vegapunk, who could research these things, must have considerable scientific research skills.

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