Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 345 Kayaba Akihiko joins

He didn't doubt whether there was some serious person in the real world messing with him now.

But this probability is really, really low, and can even be said to be almost impossible.

One thing he was sure of.

That is, in the field of virtual reality, it is impossible for anyone in the world to be ahead of him. It is simply a fool's errand to try to tamper with the games he developed under his nose.

Therefore, Kayaba Akihiko really believed what Dak said.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. I know you have a lot to ask. It just so happens that I also have something to do with you, the Lord of Aincrad. Let's talk somewhere else."

Dark raised a hand and waved it, asking Kayaba Akihiko to calm down a little.

He knew that the other party didn't really believe what he said now. To be more precise, he wanted to believe it but couldn't believe it.

He has plenty of ways to convince Kayaba Akihiko.


Kayaba Akihiko nodded without changing his expression.

If what Dark said is true, then he doesn't want the people in Blue Star to know the existence of the 'different world'.

"I can't move you."

Kayaba Akihiko raised a hand and moved it on the light screen in front of him, and then said without surprise.

"Oh, okay, then I'll take you."

Dark nodded and put a hand on Kayaba Akihiko's arm.

The latter just showed a confused face.

next moment.

Kayaba Akihiko felt that the background of the world suddenly changed.

He subconsciously looked around and saw that they had arrived at a quiet and leisurely lake.

"I moved up a random distance. Where is this?"

‘It looks familiar. ’

Duck looked at the scenery in front of him and felt somewhat impressed.

"This is the 22nd floor. What was that just now?"


Dark waved his finger and used telekinesis to levitate Kayaba Akihiko in mid-air.

And what Kayaba Akihiko said just now also reminded him that this was the floor where Kirito and Asuna spent all their savings to buy a house, and they would also meet their daughter Yui on this floor.

"Can't move."

Kayaba Akihiko tried to change his current state, but found that it didn't work.

Every world has an upper limit, and so does Aincrad, a virtual world built from data.

In this world, the higher the value is, the more powerful it is, but there is an upper limit of strength. Once the upper limit is reached, no matter how much it is increased, it will only be at that level.

And Dak's power far exceeds this upper limit, so no matter how Kayaba Akihiko adjusts the value, he can't resist Dak's cheating.

However, he was not afraid, but found it interesting. Anyway, even if his character was killed now, nothing would happen to him in reality.


As soon as the thought that he would not die came into his mind, he hesitated.

Who knows if the guy from another world next to him has any other methods? Just kill him here.

"Although I would like to take you directly to our world to prove to you that what I say is true, there is currently no way and it requires the joint efforts of both of us."

Duck spread his hands and shook his head helplessly.

But now he has no way to bring the data stream in front of him directly to Pokémon Island, and Kayaba Akihiko's consciousness may even be crushed directly in the space-time wormhole.

"I believe that as you said, I have always believed in the existence of another world, but how do you know? How did you come here?"

"This, let's start with an existence called 'Pokémon'."

Dark thought for a moment and decided to lure out the Pokémon at this time.

If you want Aincrad to enter the era of Pokémon, you will inevitably need the help of Kayaba Akihiko, so that the other party can understand the existence and power of Pokémon in advance, which will also facilitate subsequent actions.

After that, Dark briefly described what kind of existence Pokémon are, and then focused on the 'God of Time' Dialga and the 'God of Space' Palkia.

"It turns out that controlling time and space is like this. Mastering such power should be enough to travel to another world. What's more, there are so many 'First God' level Pokémon like this."

Kayaba Akihiko could easily accept what Dark said.

If it were Kiritani Kazuto, it would definitely be difficult to accept it.

Because this spanned too many levels for him, and the most important thing was that he himself did not believe in the existence of any other world.

And Kayaba Akihiko has reached the top of the virtual reality field, and believes that there are higher unknown fields above this, and has always believed in the existence of another world.

【We have always had many dreams since childhood, right?

I also forgot how old I was, and I have been obsessed with the fantasy of this floating castle in the sky...

That fantasy situation remains vividly in my mind no matter how much time passes.

As we age, our images become more real and expanded. Fly up from the ground and go directly to the castle... That has been my only wish for a long time.

Listen to me, Kirito.

I still believe that in some world, that castle really exists. 】

These are the last words left by Kayaba Akihiko to Kirito in the original episode 14 when Aincrad gradually collapsed.

Shortly after this, Kayaba Akihiko was confirmed dead.

"Since you found me, there should be something you need my help with."

"Yes, I hope you can join my force. In contrast, I will let my doctors help you go to another world."

Duck nodded, it was easy to talk to such a smart person.

Especially for people like Kayaba Akihiko who yearn for a different world, Dark can get help from the other party without even paying any chips.

"Can you tell me in detail first?"

"No problem, then let me introduce to you the existence of the Magical Breeding House and the composition of the Pokémon Alliance."

Duck nodded and took out a camera from the system backpack.

The moment the camera was taken out of the system backpack, it was a blur of data, and it took 0.2 seconds for its original appearance to appear.

At this time, the camera can no longer be recycled into the backpack. It has become a ball of Aincrad data.

The camera contains photos that Dakping took during his free time.

These include pictures of the Alliance Base, Alliance City, Murloc City, Angel City, Yggdrasil City and even some scenes from the Nautical World and Ninja World.

Kayaba Akihiko looked at the photos on the camera, the yearning in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

Such a world full of fantasy is much more interesting than Blue Star.

"So...should I join the cultivation house or the alliance?"

Kayaba Akihiko was very keenly aware of the relationship between the breeding house and the Pokémon League.

The cultivation house is equivalent to a guild, and each other is a trustworthy partner.

The alliance is equivalent to a strategy group, composed of countless guilds, working together to maintain world peace.

As far as Dak is concerned, in terms of close relationships, his companions in the training house are definitely more trustworthy. Basically, everyone in the alliance is his subordinates.

"The Nurture House."


He has many, many new ideas, and may even need to use the power of those ‘first gods’.

If you just join the alliance, I'm afraid you may not have the opportunity to come into contact with those first gods in this life, but the cultivation house is different.

Those ‘first gods’ are also considered members of the nurturing room.

"Huh? What is this?"

Dark originally planned to tell Kayaba Akihiko about his next plan, but a dialog box suddenly popped up in front of him.

【Your account has been set as GM】

[Get the hidden Buff ‘Immortal’: health will never drop below 50%]

"I set you to be the administrator of Aincrad, a world administrator at the same level as me."

Kayaba Akihiko looked at Dark.

This can be regarded as his application for joining the training house, but there is no need to say it out loud. I believe that someone with Dak's status should be able to see the deep meaning.


Dak raised his eyebrows, feeling that this thing was not of much use to him.

Although it was true that he wanted to transform Aincrad, but he didn't know how to deal with the codes. These things must be left to Kayaba Akihiko. There was no use for him as an administrator.


It was still difficult for Kayaba Akihiko to take his attention away from the photos on the camera.

"Oh, those are pictures of three worlds, not all of the same world."

"Three worlds?"

Kayaba Akihiko was startled again, and then thought of something, "So, Aincrad is"

"Aincrad is the third world that is successfully 'connected' to Pokémon Island. Before that, there was the sailing world and the ninja world. As for Pokémon Island, it was created by the 'God of Hades' Giratina. The world is also a center.”

Duck tried to use his identity as an administrator.

He mobilized a light screen in front of him, and then showed Kayaba Akihiko the relationship between several worlds on the light screen.

"Three different worlds, so interesting."

Kayaba Akihiko couldn't help but smile and looked at Dak, "There will be more in the future, right?"

"Of course, a few months ago, a girl from a hundred years later came to Pokémon Island. She said that in her time, Pokémon Island had 'connected' dozens of worlds."

Dark nodded matter-of-factly, "You will have time to explore slowly in the future. Before that, I need you to come to Pokémon Island. I have some ideas that I need you to cooperate with the other two doctors in the breeding house. can be achieved.”

"Well how do you get there?"

Kayaba Akihiko asked.

He knew that it would be a bit troublesome to go to another world. After all, this was a virtual world and his body was still in the real world.

If he could go to another world now, Dak wouldn't have bothered to prove the existence of another world to him just now.

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