Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 348 ‘Madara’ ‘Izuna’ ‘Sirona’

The seventh day of SAO closed testing.

All closed beta quotas have been released, and a total of 1,000 closed beta players have entered the game.

Kayaba Akihiko, Vegapunk, and Porygon B are still adding new things to the original Aincrad and making it into a comprehensive package.

However, that integration package will only be added to the game during the public beta. During the 30 days of closed beta, at most some simple intelligence information will be added.

Kayaba Akihiko is too immersed in Pokémon Island to enjoy himself.

In seven days, if he hadn't been persuaded to go back twice by Dark, Kayaba Akihiko would probably have let his body die on the Blue Star side.

In fact, Kayaba Akihiko also mentioned this idea. Anyway, SAO after the open beta has become a "killing game". He himself cannot escape death, so he might as well die now.

Anyway, even if he dies now, he can still keep SAO running.

However, Dak could never let Kayaba Akihiko die now, at least not in a short period of time, and he also informed the other party of the reason.

In the original work, after Kayaba Akihiko's death, most of his authority in ARGUS and the entire SAO backup server were adopted to Nobuyuki Sugou of RECT.

He is the wretched Fairy King in Fairy Dance, the pervert who rubs Yuki Asuna's lips all day long.

Using the authority and technology left by Kayaba Akihiko, Sugou Nobuyuki intercepted 300 players who were supposed to break away from SAO and used them as experimental subjects.

The content of the experiment is to use virtual reality technology to forcibly insert virtual memories and virtual emotions into the brains of this group of people.

Of course, this kind of experiment is not allowed on the surface, but in fact many countries around the world are secretly studying it. Nobuyuki Sugou also received investment from a small company in the United States before conducting the experiment.

He himself planned to use this technique to make Asuna fall in love with him, but he was stopped by Kiritani Kazuto.

After the two incidents of SAO and ALO, the existence of VRMMO was completely banned globally.

At that time, Kayaba Akihiko was Blue Star's Vegapunk. Just because he could create virtual reality games didn't mean that others could. His accomplishments in the field of virtual reality were more than ten or even decades ahead of the rest of the world. .

Kayaba Akihiko is dead and the related technology has been destroyed. Naturally, no one has the ability to create VRMMO again, at least not in the short term.

If you want to make a game like this, you have to start over and study it secretly.

This also almost led to the virtual extinction of virtual reality games.

But before Kayaba Akihiko disappeared completely, he left Kiritani Kazuto with [The Seed].

Kiritani Kazuto released this thing on the Internet for free, giving everyone the opportunity to create the virtual world they want based on this thing.

Subsequently, countless new VRMMOs such as ‘GGO’, ‘New ALO’, ‘UW’, and ‘UR’ were born.

These are also the reasons why Dark wants to prevent Kayaba Akihiko from dying now.

There are only three things that Kayaba Akihiko has to do.


Kayaba Akihiko must take back most of the permissions SAO left in the original company to prevent anyone from using those permissions to mess around in SAO.


Kayaba Akihiko wants to solve all the related technologies he left on Blue Star. As for whether to transfer them to Pokémon Island or destroy them directly, it is up to him to decide.

This is to prevent people over there from reusing this technology to conduct those experiments secretly.

After all, who knows whether those people will publicly promise to destroy relevant scientific research materials, but in fact they are still secretly conducting human brain experiments.

at last.

[The Seed] This thing must be kept in Kayaba Akihiko's own hands and cannot be made public again.

In the case where Kayaba Akihiko's scientific research results were destroyed by himself, as long as this thing is not spread to Blue Star, then Blue Star's virtual reality games will never be the same for at least the next ten or even twenty years. There will only be one [SAO].

Even if SAO was called a death game before, there are still people who are not afraid of death and want to play such a virtual reality game.

And when these players discover that SAO has returned to normal, they will spread the news, causing countless players to pour into SAO and revitalize Aincrad.

Kayaba Akihiko was not surprised that Dark would know what Blue Star would become after his death based on his original trajectory.

After all, even the 'God of Time' Dialga exists, so it doesn't seem strange to know what will happen in the future.

However, Kayaba Akihiko didn't expect that there would be people after him who would do such things. He really didn't know whether he should say he had inherited his will.

Anyway, after knowing this, Kayaba Akihiko finally understood the three things that Dak needed him to do.

In order to facilitate Kayaba Akihiko's future research, Duck directly purchased a new research institute inside the Magic Mall and placed it on the outskirts of Alliance City.

Since then, there have been three doctoral research institutes in League City.

Kayaba Akihiko has also become the second deputy director of the scientific research department, but he is the only staff member in his research institute for the time being. After all, no one on Pokémon Island is involved in virtual reality technology.

Fortunately, Kayaba Akihiko took the initiative to ask Dak for a Porygon Type B as an assistant Pokémon.

The existence of a Porygon B can be as effective as thousands of people in the virtual world.

Also that night, Kayaba Akihiko spent one night transferring all the scientific research results left on Blue Star, including 'The Seed', to his Porygon B, and at the same time destroyed the data left on Blue Star. .

As for the authority left to the original company ARGUS, we cannot rush to take it back.

Because this will make ARGUS employees discover something is wrong and think that Kayaba Akihiko is going to change jobs. This may cause them to stop SAO's closed beta on the spot, and they will not even help Kayaba Akihiko promote the open beta.

It doesn't matter if the test is stopped, Porygon B can support the entire operation of SAO by himself.

But it won't work without publicity, because the Pokémon League can't help Kayaba Akihiko promote it on Blue Star. If no one knows about the public beta, then such a hard work will be in vain.

. . .

Aincrad, inside the forest cabin on the third floor.

"Well, that's really interesting. I haven't felt so weak in a long time."

"Yes, just like an ant."


Dak looked at the two Uchiha brothers who appeared in front of him, and for a moment he didn't know where to complain.





As for Duck himself.



"I said, who uses their real name when playing games?"

Dak looked at the two brothers who looked exactly the same as when they were young and shook his head helplessly.

That's right, I was playing a game, not directly coming to SAO.

Including Dark, the three of them are currently lying in Kayaba Akihiko's research institute, using NERvGear to enter SAO.

All three of them are players at this moment.

The initial roles of the three of them all started at Level 10, with a blank slate of equipment.

Madara and Izuna directly used their own names and looks when they were young, but without the Sharingan.

And Dak is more in line with a player.

Not to mention the unfamiliar name [Silona], his character appearance at the moment is also very interesting.

"No, no, no, even if this is a virtual world, I don't think normal people would let themselves change gender."

Quan Nai scratched her hair and frowned at Dak in front of her.

"Duck, I want to get to know you again."

Madara also looked at the strange woman in front of him with a strange expression.


"Haha, isn't it beautiful~ You don't understand."

Duck brushed his long blond hair.

Which player has never played a role-playing game with a character of the opposite sex?

The appearance that Dak is using at this moment is Sirona in the Pokémon world.

Since Sirona's height and hair length are about the same as his own body, there is basically no weird feeling when Dak uses this body, except that the two lumps of flesh on his chest are weird.

"So what do we do now? Find someone to fight?"

Quan Naido glanced at the transgendered Dak twice before asking excitedly.

It's so much fun, having adventures with your companions in another world.

"Now we should go fight monsters and get experience points and rare equipment. In this numerical world, no matter how strong your combat skills are, you can't beat players with high levels and good equipment."

Dak suddenly transformed into a 'big boss', giving guidance to the two newbies in front of him.

"Really, I don't believe it."

Madara is a stubborn guy, but he has more interesting things at the moment, "Speaking of which, the three of us have the same physical fitness. How about a fight, Dark?"

"Hmph, I think you are seeking death!"

Duck laughed crazily and stood up.

Three minutes later.


Dark came back from the forest hut and threw the whiteboard sword on the ground with a hateful expression.

His pain synchronization is only adjusted to 5%. As for Madara and Izuna, both are 100% ruthless.

"Dak, your melee combat ability is too bad. There is no way to teach your disciples at this level. After I go back, I will ask Zefa to help you with special training."

Madara glanced at Dark with some disgust.

Madara fought with bare hands the whole time.

After all, Madara is more accustomed to physical skills than using swords.

But Dak didn't hit him once from the beginning to the end. It was basically Xia Ji's eight slashes, and his melee combat ability was obviously poor.

"That's right, even a five-year-old child from the Uchiha clan has better swordsmanship than you."

As a swordsman, Quan Nai couldn't stand Dak's sword-wielding skills just now.


Duck folded his arms over his chest and hummed, feeling the softness on his chest and his originally depressed mood improved a lot.

‘That guy Kayaba Akihiko is really developing some kind of SAO. He has gone down a wrong path. With this technology, why not do something else? ’

"Quenna, let's have a game."

"Okay Nissan, I won't show mercy."

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