Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 357 Hidden NPC ‘Arzeus’

"Could it be that it's a Pokémon?"

Kirito immediately guessed this possibility.

He had seen Madara's Pokémon. If they were left in the wild, they might be mistaken for wild monsters.

But 'Sirona' said that Pokémon are friendly creatures and they are one of the player's best friends, so it is not surprising at all that they have a green name.

The most important thing is.

He asked Klein, and he also had a [Diamond Contract] in his backpack.

This means that this thing may be an 'initial item' that every player has in their backpack.

Fifty thousand players and fifty thousand diamond contracts, does this mean that every player has the possibility of becoming a 'trainer'.

But if you want to be a trainer, you need to own a Pokémon.

So, does this also mean that there are at least 50,000 Pokémon in the game?

It was precisely because of these that Kirito could immediately judge that the [Ratad] he just saw was probably a 'Pokémon'.

"I must find a Pokémon in the future."

Kirito has impressions of ‘Darkrai’ and ‘Wind Speed ​​Dog’.

It can play a very powerful auxiliary role in battle, which is even ten thousand times more powerful than some stupid teammates.

According to the information revealed by Sirona during the closed beta period, even Pokémon of the same race have strong individual differences, which are mainly reflected in their personalities.

But in terms of strength, there is basically no big difference between all Pokémon. At least they are balanced compared to the real world.

Like players, all Pokémon have the same initial values, and the same number of power-up points available for each level.

Kirito now has no time to spend on Pokémon in the wild. His top priority now is to improve his strength in this death game.

You can look for Pokémon later when you go up a little bit.

"I wonder if the three of them are also trapped in the game."

Kirito muttered a little worriedly.

He didn't see those three people in the teleportation array area just now.

Although it is disappointing, it is also expected.

After all, what he is using now is his true appearance, so the three of them should be the same.

Their appearance and names have changed, so how can they recognize each other?

However, he thought that as long as those three people came in, Kirito would be able to find them sooner or later.

If the difficulty of this death game for most players is at the 'purgatory' level, then the difficulty for those three people is only at the 'normal' level at most; others are lingering in this world, but they can have fun in this world.

Kirito knows very well how powerful those three people are, and they will definitely be noticed and even hugged by other players. By then, the three people will definitely be very famous, and he will always pay attention to this news.

While these people were heading to their respective destinations, Duck also succeeded in becoming a cat in the starting town.

In the original work, it took the players two months to break through the first level, which was also the longest level. The main reason was that they couldn't pass the psychological level and were unorganized and undisciplined. Later, they got better.

Now that the number of people has increased fivefold, even if the difficulty of the monsters has been increased, the time must be shorter than the two months in the original work.

If players react faster or pay attention to the existence of Pokémon, then this time may only take more than a week.

In the starting town, there is an inconspicuous little shop on the outskirts.

"Well, let's see if any players come over."

Dark grinned and looked at a mission he had just made up.

At this moment, it was less than an hour before Kayaba Akihiko's performance ended.

Some mentally fragile players may still be in the collapse stage or stuck in a state of confusion and confusion.

Some players with strong enough psychological qualities and good brains may have gone to surrounding towns to complete tasks like Kirito.

The reason why we don’t grab tasks in the starting town is not because the tasks here are not good, but because the tasks here will be divided up by everyone in a day or two.

Tasks are different from wild monsters. Once they are completed, they are completed. Unless it is a ‘daily task’, other tasks will not be refreshed.

However, daily tasks only provide so little currency and minimal experience, which will definitely not meet the needs of players.

Instead of competing with so many people for resources in the starting town, it is better to go to other towns to pick up some high-quality quests. After completing one, you can pick up another quest before other players arrive.

Among this group, the closed beta players who know some information about the missions and wild monster strongholds obviously have an absolute advantage.

Finally, there is a group.

They are ordinary players who have enough mental endurance but are not so smart or have little experience in online games.

They were more than adequate than those above, and they were piled up in the starting town, running around taking tasks, and started on the road to improve themselves.

Dak's side is a rare NPC hidden in the town, which can provide hidden tasks.

If the number of people in the open beta is small, it may take a few days for players to find Dak in such a nook and cranny.

But now there are at least 45,000 people in the starting town, and at least 15,000 of them have already started taking action.

This also resulted in Dak's location being quickly discovered.


The dilapidated wooden door made a heart-shaking sound.

The visitor seemed to be hesitant because of the voice, not knowing whether to turn around and go elsewhere to find the mission.

But after a second of mental struggle, she decided to walk into the store and take a look.

"excuse me"

Silica walked into the store and could only see an NPC with long green hair sitting behind the counter.

From the back, she couldn't even tell whether she was a boy or a girl.

She took a quick glance at the layout of the store, and for a moment she felt that entering it seemed like a wrong choice.

Because there is nothing in this little shabby store, so what kind of rewards can the NPC in this store give?

But she had no other choice, the group of people outside had gone crazy.

The game does prohibit players from attacking each other in peaceful areas, but basic 'push' behavior can still be achieved. A large number of players 'push' each other in order to compete for tasks.

Although Silica is a petite girl, her physical attributes in the game are all the same, so it stands to reason that she can also push those male characters.

But she didn't dare.

The natural weakness of women's physical fitness in the real world made her subconsciously think that the same was true in the game, so she did not dare to resist.

Not only that, the psychology of those male players is also like this. They think that Silica is a girl, so she must be weaker, and it must be easier to grab the task.

This kind of subconscious psychology can only be reversed after a month or two when the players completely understand the mechanism of SAO.

As a result, the 'weak' Silica had no way to grab the mission in the center of the town where NPCs gathered, and was forced to try her luck at the edge.

"Welcome, adventurer."

‘Someone is here so quickly. Isn’t this the girl who likes Kirito? ’

Dak turned around to have a 'conversation' and was stunned for a moment when he saw Silica.

In the original work, Silica's real name is Ayano Taiko, and she has the rare sub-professional 'Beast Tamer'. She is called 'Dragon Messenger Silica' by players in the middle zone.

Silica is accompanied by a blue familiar dragon named Pina, which is the same name as Silica's cat in the real world.

Pina's existence is very similar to Pokémon, or it can be said that it is simply the 'Pokémon' in Sword Art Online. However, Pina is just a ball of data and has no self-awareness.

"Well, is there anything I can do to help?"

Silica was also stunned when she saw Arceus. After all, the latter was very good-looking.

In the NPC group, the characters with good looks are basically unusual. They are either protagonists or villains, and they cannot be just passers-by anyway.

Normally, Silica might have had to communicate with this NPC to see how to increase her favorability, but now was not the time for her to be a nymphomaniac.

"Of course, I am worried about it now."

Duck raised a hand to support his chin, sighed, and pretended to be worried.

"Please let me help you!"

Silica shook hands excitedly.

Finally got the mission!

"Do you know Pokémon?"

Dark glanced at Silica.

"Ah? I know!"

Silica thought about it for a moment, then nodded.

Although she is not a closed beta player, she has paid attention to SAO's closed beta content before and knows that there is a sub-class called "trainer" and the existence of "Pokémon" in the closed beta.

Pokémon are equivalent to existences similar to ‘familiar’ and ‘pet’ in other online games.

But Silica remembered that a closed beta player revealed that Pokémon was a very rare creature and it was not known how to obtain it. Only the three most powerful players among the 1,000 players in the closed beta had it.

‘Did I encounter a rare ‘Pokémon’ mission? ! ’

Silica's mentality, which was originally on the verge of collapse, finally recovered a lot.

I heard that Pokémon are very powerful companions. If you can own a Pokémon, then the possibility of her surviving this game will be greatly improved.

"Great, I'll explain it later. Please look here."

Dark took out a map of the first floor.

Silica took one look and her eyes suddenly widened.

In this map, even the 'maze area' is clearly visible, but for players, the 'maze area' is a place that needs to be explored by themselves, and it is completely dark on the player map.

From this moment on, Silica realized that something was very wrong with the NPC in front of her!

It's probably a hidden NPC!

Thinking that her place was so hidden at this moment, Silica became more determined in her inner thoughts.

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