Later, Asuna learned that there were not many Pokémon that developed romantic relationships at that event.

It might only be a dozen or so pairs.

Kirito and Asuna, in order to keep the young lovers Xuan La and Xinye Miao together, they also reached a harmonious daily routine with each other's trainers.

Today, Xuan La and Xin Ye Miao followed each other, and tomorrow the two little ones came to follow Kirito and Asuna.

Although the daily life is a little more colorful, the overall progress of SAO strategy has not slowed down.

Time passed by again for a month, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the end of the month, December 1st.

SAO staff has been reduced by another 3,000 people, and the number of players is less than 40,000.

Compared with the previous months, the number of player deaths in this month has obviously increased significantly.

But this time it really has nothing to do with the famous player, and the source of the big head's death is not the frontline strategy team.

This month's casualties mainly appear among the mid-level players, and they have something to do with Pokémon.

The reason why I say this is because a trainer learned the information from Pokémon’s mouth that [there are no wild Pokémon after level 50] and announced it.

For a time, the middle and upper-class players who wanted to become trainers but had not yet become trainers began to become anxious.

The upper-level players are okay, except that they go to the wild more frequently, and wild monsters are not fatal to them.

The more rational middle-level players will choose to work hard to upgrade their level and go to the upper level to increase the safety factor of survival.

Those who are irrational will go directly to the 40th floor at the original level and go to the wild to look for wild Pokémon.

When they come to the upper level with their middle level, they can't defeat wild monsters at all. Lucky players can run away when they encounter single wild monsters, but unlucky players encounter group wild monsters. If they don't have a teleport crystal on them, they will be killed on the spot.

This is also the reason why a large number of mid-level players died.

However, it is not without luck that mid-level players came to the upper level and became trainers, and there were quite a few of them, almost seven or eight hundred.

Coupled with the efforts of high-level players, the number of trainers added this month reached 1,200.

The addition of 1,200 trainers a month is currently the fastest since SAO's public beta.

The number of remaining wild Pokémon is less than 800, and competition will obviously become more intense in the next month.

Also because of this incident, many powerful players in the frontline strategy team requested to temporarily leave the team to search for Pokémon, so the speed of the strategy slowed down.

From the end of October to the beginning of December, I only went from level 40 to level 44.

However, this had almost no impact on the couple Kirito and Asuna, and their family lived a very happy life.

It's still a forest cabin on the 22nd floor.

"Strange, why haven't these two children hatched babies yet?"

Asuna sat on the sofa in a daze, with some worry in her eyes, "Also, Kirito, have you noticed that after the two children are together, they often fall asleep and cannot be woken up."

She stared blankly at the cat's nest on the wooden floor opposite, where Xuan La and Xin Ye Miao were sleeping snuggled up together.

And everywhere in the living room are various dolls that Asuna bought in advance, and even baby toys specially customized by someone. Obviously she is looking forward to their child more than the young couple Xuan La and Xinye Miao. was born.

"Perhaps this is the embodiment of Pokémon giving birth to life. Speaking of which, this game and the fertility system itself are a bit incredible, but the fertility system for non-players is not that shocking to me."

Kirito was sitting on the rocking chair on the balcony, reading the news from the front line, and murmured, "We have conquered the 45th floor."

"What's wrong?"

Asuna heard something wrong with Kirito's tone when he mentioned the 45th floor.

"Well, because the 45th level is the top level that we beta testers have reached. Above that, we can no longer provide useful information."

Kirito nodded, took a deep breath, and looked a little heavy.

When they reached the 45th floor with intelligence supplies, 20% of the players had already died. So how many lives would be needed to fill the intelligence gaps in the next 55 floors?

Of course, maybe only 2~3% of the players died in the frontline battle, but it was not a small number, almost 1,000~1,500 people.


Asuna was silent for a while, and she also understood why Kirito's tone was wrong.


Just as the atmosphere in the room was gradually reaching its lowest point, Xuan La suddenly jumped up and shouted.


Afterwards, Xinye Miao's fur immediately exploded, and she pawed and bared her teeth at Xila.

"in argument?!"

Asuna's attention was drawn and she immediately stood up and walked over.

Kirito also put down his newspaper and came over to see what was going on.

In the corner of the living room, Heracross, who held a Bulbasaur doll and sucked it even when sleeping, opened his eyes in a daze.

However, when Asuna and Kirito walked to the cat's nest and saw the small green egg in the cat's nest, they were all stunned.

Heracross walked over curiously, and then joined the stunned team.

After a while.

“It’s time to lay eggs!!” x2


In fact, Ura and New Leaf already had their own offspring.

From Kirito and Asuna’s perspective, they only saw the two kittens fighting monsters, playing, and being affectionate in SAO together all day long, and there was no "real husband and wife" happening.

However, that was because the two kittens knew very well that this was a virtual world, and even if they did such things, they would not have offspring.


They did it in another world.

When Kirito and Asuna slept in SAO, their consciousness entered a resting state.

But when Ura and New Leaf slept, it was "logging out of the game", leaving the Pokémon version of NERvGear, and returning to the real life of Pokémon Island.

After the two met at the blind date event that day, they immediately had an offline date and quickly produced a Pokémon egg.

I remember when Kayaba Akihiko suddenly brought an egg to Dark on the third day, the latter was still confused and didn't know what Kayaba Akihiko was doing.

It was not until he entered the game and learned about it that Dark realized that Kayaba Akihiko had actually added an "egg hatching" system to the Pokémon.

And the child hatched in the game is their real child!

It's just that because it takes 1 month for a child in the real world to be born, the Pokémon in the game will also lay eggs one month later than in the real world. When the child in the real world is born, the New Leaf Meowth in the game will "lay eggs".

And the reason why Ura and New Leaf Meowth often appear to be sleeping in SAO is because they are taking care of Pokémon eggs in the real world.

The egg hatching cycle in the game is only 1 day.

In fact, the baby in the real world has been born for at least 3 days and has adapted to the real world.

After 1 day, when the egg in the game hatches, it means that their child in the real world has entered SAO through the NERvGear.

"What should I do?"

Asuna stamped her feet anxiously.

"Don't panic!"

Kirito waved his hands.

"Hey." Heracross silently lay on the side, staring blankly at the small green Pokémon egg.


Seeing Heracross so calm, Asuna and Kirito smiled at each other and became calm.

As for New Leaf Meow, it glanced at the Pokémon egg that suddenly appeared in its arms, sniffed it, and kicked it out of the cat's nest.


The other four creatures except New Leaf Meow were all embarrassed.

"What's going on?"

Asuna didn't understand, so she didn't dare to say more, so she asked quietly.

"I don't know."

Kirito shook his head.


Ura knew what was going on.

It was nothing more than because there was no breath of life in this Pokémon egg, it was just a data product like a decoration, so even if it smelled like New Leaf Meow, she would not waste her feelings on such a thing.

After all, they were a couple who had given birth to children and knew what a real Pokémon egg looked like.

Only a stupid single dog like Heracross couldn't understand it and mistakenly thought that New Leaf Cat had really laid an egg.

"Poor baby."

Asuna squatted down and held the little green egg that was kicked out of the cat's nest in her arms to warm it, "Kirito, what do you think this child will look like?"

"It should be similar to New Leaf Cat, after all, it is a green egg."

Kirito stared at it and analyzed it.

"Maybe it's a New Leaf Cat color, Ura."

Asuna proposed a hypothesis, and Kirito imagined it and thought it was not ugly.


Heracross stood up and stretched out his hands, wanting to hug the egg.

Asuna was not stingy and handed the egg over.


Heracross looked at the egg in his hand with sparkling eyes, rubbed it gently with his face, and obviously loved it very much.


Ura saw that they were so happy, so he didn't say much, and returned to the cat's nest to get together with his wife again.

Speaking of which, their children in the real world should be sleeping now, and they will probably enter the game when they wake up.

After that, Asuna began to contact various relatives and friends to come to her house to see the Pokémon eggs.

Shangmei, Lizbeth, Silica, Xing, and the trainers of Zack and New Leaf all came.

Kirito also went out in person and invited Izuna, who had been "living in seclusion" in the deep mountains and old forests.

In fact, Kirito has never understood why the master, who has such a strong strength, does not join his brother Mr. Madara to attack SAO?

This doubt has always existed in Kirito's heart, but Izuna didn't say it, so he didn't plan to ask.

Kirito just secretly guessed that there might be some conflicts between the brothers, and perhaps "Shirona" didn't continue the game during the public beta because of this.

Kirito even thought that there were conflicts of interest and political entanglements between the three Japanese bigwigs.

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