Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 384 Three Ecological Gods

When Dark finished telling Rayquaza about his duties, the big black bug was so happy.

It rolled in the sky, stirring the clouds and rolling continuously. It is estimated that the changes can be felt in the Alliance City on the other side of the world.

In Rayquaza's view, Dark's asking him to stop the fight between the gods is a recognition of his strength. After all, only Pokémon with strong enough strength can bear such a responsibility.

In the Mega form, Rayquaza really has this strength.

The most exaggerated is that in the Pokémon theatrical version "Hoopa of the Ultra Demon God of Halo", Mega Rayquaza brought two super-evolved small planes to hold back seven first-level gods.

These include the other forms of the anti-three gods of time and space, Lugia, the normal forms of Groudon and Kyogre, and Kyurem, who is called the "strongest dragon".

Even if Latios and Latias are super-evolved, they are only the bottom of the second-level gods and can basically not help Mega Rayquaza in battle.

Whether in games, comics, animations or theatrical versions, Mega Rayquaza is like the son of the Pokémon work.

Race value, 180 dual attack and 115 speed.

Attributes, Dragon + Flying dual-system super wide attack range.

Skill pool, earthquake, big word fire and other colorful blind spot filling skills, as well as the bug skill of God Speed ​​that must take the initiative.

You should know that Groudon and Kyogre in their original return form are the first-level gods and cover gods in the legendary Pokémon, and they are also relatively powerful among the first-level gods.

However, these two guys were beaten by Mega Rayquaza in the game and comics.

Therefore, Mega Rayquaza is fully qualified to be the "peacemaker".

Next to him.

Groudon and Kyogre seemed to be much more embarrassed.

"Can't do it? Why?"

Although the two Pokémon didn't speak, they conveyed their thoughts to Dark in their hearts.

Groudon and Kyogre closed their eyes and felt it, and then confirmed their judgment in their hearts.

"This world lacks... natural energy?"

Dark was stunned for a moment after hearing the explanations of the two, then sat cross-legged on the ground, frowning and muttering, "Natural energy."

He said why he always felt that the Pokémon Island was in a state of "malnutrition".

In the past, when he only had superpowers, he could not feel it. With the power of waveguide, he could only barely feel strange places. After he had the power of Evergreen and the power of the earth, he thought that the ecosystem lacked nutrients.

Now I understand that it is because this world does not have "natural energy".

The Pokémon world has been filled with natural energy by Arceus since the Chaos Period, so at that time, Ancient Groudon and Kyogre could create continents and oceans.

But how to obtain natural energy?

Dark crossed his arms and pondered, thinking of Xerneas, who can release endless life energy.

But the difference between life energy and natural energy is still not small. Even if Xerneas is exchanged, it is probably impossible to make up for the natural energy in this world.

"Tsk, if Darkrai is here, it will be great."

Dark smacked his lips.

At this time, he especially needed Darkrai, an old antique in the Pokémon world, to help him solve his doubts.

Dark felt that he needed to think for a while, and raised his head just to let the three Pokémon go to see this world. He would find them again when he needed them.

However, just as he raised his head, when Dark's eyes swept over the three Pokémon, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was still the picture of the three gods fighting in Hoenn, and it was still the battle of Rayquaza to stop Groudon and Kyogre, but the reason for the fight this time was very different!

In addition to the time when Team Magma and Team Aqua made trouble, Groudon and Kyogre had another battle in the Pokémon world in the distant past.

The location of that battle was.

The Kalos region.

And the reason for their fight was recorded in history as "to compete for natural energy".

The legendary Pokémon involved in this battle are not only the three gods of sea, land and air in Hoenn, but also the three gods of the ecosystem, that is, the three gods native to the Kalos region.

Xerneas, who controls the energy of life. Yveltal controls the energy of destruction.

(Yiltal on the left, Zel on the right)

Zygarde protects the ecosystem.

(Five forms: Cell-Core-10%-50%-100% Complete)

The natural energy that Groudon and Kyogre fought for was actually a super-giant rainbow crystal.

This crystal later had two names in the world of civilization - 'Mega Stone' and 'Key Stone'.

In that battle, this huge natural energy crystal was broken into countless fragments and flew to every corner of the Kalos region. These fragments also contained different energy properties. Some became Mega Stones that could only be used by certain Pokémon, while others became Key Stones that could resonate with Mega Stones.

The reason why the three gods of ecology were involved in this battle.

It was because this natural energy crystal was the product of the battle between Xerneas and Yveltal. The combination of life energy and destructive energy formed a huge meteorite that fell from the sky and hit the ground, forming a super-giant natural energy crystal.

Because the battle between the two gods caused too much damage to the Pokémon ecosystem in the Kalos region, Zygarde took action in his perfect form to stop the battle and crushed the two gods.

As for the crystal, Zigerd didn't care about it at all.

Zygarde is the guardian of the ecosystem. It can even be said to be the guardian of the world. Together with Rayquaza, he bears the responsibility of protecting the world.

Rayquaza stays in the ozone layer and drives away all alien organisms that intend to enter the earth, the main outside; Zygarde protects the earth's ecosystem, which is equivalent to the T cells that eliminate viruses, the main inside.

But for Zygarde, if it threatens the balance of the ecosystem, he will destroy Arceus and all mankind, let alone other gods.

But as long as it doesn't threaten the balance of the ecosystem, he turns a blind eye.

This natural crystal was ignored by Zigerd at the time for this reason.

Zigerd also didn't expect that failing to deal with this thing at the time would lead to the two fools of Hoenn later.

Fortunately, Rayquaza arrived in time to take care of the housework, otherwise Zygarde would have had to come over and beat up Groudon and Kyogre.

"Natural energy requires Xerneas and Yveltal."

Dak stood up again. He had figured out how to fill the world with natural energy.

But what troubles him now is...

Do you want to redeem Zygarde?

Without Zygarde, perhaps Xerneas and Yveltal would use energy wantonly in the future, causing the collapse of the world's ecosystem.

Rayquaza doesn't care about this, and his 'authority' cannot detect changes in the ecosystem immediately.

But if Zygarde is exchanged, it will be too difficult for him to take action in the future to destroy all mankind that pollutes this world.

It can be said that every decision and choice made by Dak now affects the future of this world.

Xerneas and Yveltar must be exchanged.

Only with the existence of these two gods can Pokémon Island always be rich in natural energy, and the world can continue to cycle and evolve.


Duck shook his thumbnail, with a troubled expression on his face.

Dak didn't hesitate for a long time and quickly made a decision.


Another 3 million magic coins disappeared from the system balance.

"If humans in the future really push the world to the brink of collapse, it means that humans should also be eliminated."

Dark sighed.

If the ecosystem collapses, then human beings themselves will not be able to survive. In this case, it is better to become extinct early and not to drag the world with it.

Three more Pokémon appeared next to Dark.

Compared with the three gods of Hoenn, the bodies of the three gods of Carlos are not too big in their normal form. They can reach the sky by more than ten meters. If they want to become bigger, they can.


Looking at the three new Pokémon, Dark grinned.

No matter what these three Pokémon will become in the future, at least for now, here in Dak, they are innocent children and worthy of his trustworthy partners.

"Kygarde, the future ecosystem of this world will be left to you to protect. No matter who threatens the ecosystem of this world, you will take action, even if it is my descendants."

Dark first turned to look at Zygarde, who looked like an armored giant.

The latter clenched his fists and nodded.

"Then, Xerneas and Yveltal, please use your power to generate natural energy in this world."

Then, Dark looked at the other two gods.

The two gods looked at each other and gathered energy at the same time.

A pair of huge antlers on Xerneas' head began to produce colorful rainbow energy, and the surrounding grass covered by the light began to grow like crazy.

Yveltal's two wings and tail gathered in front like three hands, and a black-red energy ball filled with a violent aura appeared instantly, and continuously spattered black lightning in all directions.

A bolt of destructive lightning struck the grass, and in an instant the patch of weeds disappeared without a trace from the Pokémon Island.

Zygard came to Dak's side and stretched out a hand to block Dak behind him.

When the energy gathers to a certain critical point, they will shoot the accumulated energy towards the sky in tacit agreement.

Infinite life energy and destructive energy are entangled and swirling in the distant horizon, and one invisible wave after another spreads towards the entire Pokémon Island as the two energies intertwine.

Otohime and Kai, who were far away in Yggdrasil and Alliance City, looked up at the sky with some feeling. Even Naruto at home suddenly ran to the window sill and stood on tiptoes to look at the ground outside the house.

"This is natural energy."

Dak opened his mouth and looked at the brand new world in front of him.

He once used his special ability to perceive the world, which was always gray.

But now, the world has restored its original color. The color that the eyes see is the color that is perceived.

However, the perceived color is lighter.

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