Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 386 The environment is great

When Jiraiya heard that he was going to teach a 'first god' how to use earth escape, he was a little excited in his heart.

After all, he could not only meet the ‘First God’ that no one else could see, but he could even leave a historical legend with him.

In the future, he will be the man who taught the 'First God'.

On the way, Dak simply told Jiraiya what he needed help with, and then took Jiraiya directly to the edge of the land.

"Leader, this way?"

Jiraiya looked around.

On the left is the endless plain, and on the right is the ocean as silent as stagnant water.

After all, his relationship with Dak is still too unfamiliar, so the title will appear distant.

"The edge of the land."


Jiraiya was startled, then carefully looked at the empty area, and then asked, "How far is it from Alliance City?"

"Emm, the location of Alliance City is to the east of Pokémon Island, and this side is to the far west of the mainland."

Dak pinched his fingers and calculated, but he was too lazy to calculate halfway through, and gave a rough estimate, "It's almost 1.5 times the distance from Alliance City to Yggdrasil."


For Jiraiya who came from the ninja world, the distance from Alliance City to Yectrasil was already very far, even wider than the ninja world.

"Jiraiya, look, Groudon is coming."

Duck pointed to the sea in the distance.

He had just sent a thought to the distance through his superpower, asking Groudon, who was building a nest for himself, to come over.

"Huh? Groudon? Is that the name of the 'First God'?"

"Yes, 'Earth God' Groudon."

Dak grinned and nodded, showing a mysterious smile, "You will understand soon."

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Suddenly the roar of an unknown giant beast came from the distance, which was Groudon telling Dark that he was coming.

When Jiraiya heard this voice, it was as if he was facing the overwhelming Haki he had endured, his eyes widened and his heart beat faster for a few seconds.

It didn't take long.

A red figure with a height of more than 800 meters and emitting billowing steam walked over from the distant sea.

Hot magma flows downward from the gaps in the red armor on Groudon's body, and every step he takes will set off huge waves on the sea.

"Earth God"

Jiraiya's breathing became sluggish, and he murmured the title of the first god in front of him.

"When Groudon created the earth, he needed the help of the power of lava, so Groudon is called the god who controls the earth and lava."

“It’s worthy of the name.”

Jiraiya responded subconsciously at first, but then he was stunned for a moment, "Huh? So, the Earth God just created the earth over there?"

"Well, yes, he wants to create an island overseas as his bed."


Jiraiya swallowed.

Just when Jiraiya thought he was going to teach such a big monster ninjutsu, he suddenly discovered that Groudon's body had become smaller, and it was getting smaller and smaller as it got closer to the shore.

"Some of these 'primordial gods' can control the size of their bodies to make it easier to do their own things. Groudon became larger just to make it easier to create islands."


Jiraiya nodded blankly.

By the time Groudon got closer, there was only five meters left.

"Groudon, this is Jiraiya. He will teach you how to fly."

Dark introduced Groudon to Jiraiya beside him.

"Hello, Groudon, please give me your advice. In the next few days, I will guide you in the practice of earth escape and the art of light and heavy rocks."

Jiraiya was obviously a teacher, but he seemed a little nervous.

Groudon also became nervous all of a sudden, but he couldn't tell from his appearance.

Dak could see the state of the two of them, but he just smiled and didn't speak.

. . .

Time flies so fast, like a white horse passing by.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed in Pokémon Island, and February 1st has arrived.

Half a month ago, on January 15th, Alliance City had opened its doors to contestants for the second Pokémon Contest, and now a total of 1,200 contestants have arrived in Alliance City.

League City has also entered a more lively period after the arrival of the players. Players can be seen everywhere conducting final sprint training.

Today, League City will be open to spectators and players’ families, and soon the city will be congested again.

The reason it is open to spectators a week in advance is because the competition also starts a week in advance.

The sudden increase in the number of contestants forced the league to extend the schedule. In order to reduce the delay in students' study time, they had to extend the time forward.

On the outskirts of Alliance City, on the way to the First Temple.

"Speaking of which, it's been a while since I've been here. Do you feel that the environment in Alliance City has become very good? I remember it wasn't like this on New Year's Day a month ago."

Kakashi asked the Koga Ninja beside him while looking at the little yellow book in his hand.

He felt that as soon as he came into this world, the pores all over his body opened comfortably and automatically adapted to the air.


Koga Ninja nodded solemnly.

As a Pokémon, he can feel the energy changes in the world more keenly.

To put it more accurately, Koga Ninja feels that the world has become plumper, from being skinny to being fat and strong now.

He had fought with a contestant from League City before, and he felt that his physical recovery speed had become much faster.

This is equivalent to a considerable improvement in the strength of the Pokémon in the entire Pokémon Island.

"Oh, Kakashi, you don't know yet, there are six new 'First Gods' appearing in Pokémon Island."

Walking on the other side, Kakashi's good friend and waveguide hero Metkai walked upside down and looked down at Kakashi.

Other tourists on the road couldn't help but look sideways.

The reason for waiting and watching is not only Kai's strange way of moving, but also mainly because of Lucario beside him.

As Lucario's good friend who has been with Kai since childhood, he naturally has to follow the trainer to move forward in a handstand.

"So cute Lucario."

"He works so hard. I wonder if I can see him in the competition."

"They seem to have a good relationship at first glance. The trainer also accompanies his Pokémon for special training. They must be very strong."

"I don't know if it's strong or not, but Lucario is a rare Pokémon. This is the first time I've seen it."

Listening to the discussion next to him, Kakashi couldn't help but lower his head and smile.

He secretly sighed in his heart that this world is so good and the existence of Pokémon is so good.

You must know that in the old Konoha, Kai was ridiculed by many people because of his various crazy exercises in the village when he was a child.

Some people think Kai is trying to impress others, while others think he is wasting his efforts.

It wasn't until Kai became a Chuunin or a Jonin that these voices disappeared.


Kakashi listened to an adjective that just appeared in his ears, and then looked at the Koga Ninja beside him.

As the number of Pokémon and trainers increases, everyone gradually becomes clear about which Pokémon are rare and uncommon, and which Pokémon are more common.

The Alliance Goku family like Koga Ninja is not only rare, but also famous. From the beginning, Kakashi noticed that eyes were always on him and Koga Ninja.

But because there was no malicious intent in these looks, he and Koga Ninja ignored them.

"What? Six first gods?"

Kakashi closed the yellow book and looked down at Metkai.

Looking at each other passionately.

"Yes! Six more statues suddenly appeared in the First Temple half a month ago, which means that six more powerful gods have appeared in Pokémon Island."

"Is this why you want to take me to the First Temple?"

Only then did Kakashi know.

The reason why Metkai took him to the First Temple when he first arrived in Alliance City.

"I just wanted to go over and take a look."


Lucario's tail was hanging on his back, and Kakashi couldn't help but move his eyes away.

"You used to be an atheist."

"That was before, but it's different now. The gods in the First Temple really exist! I've seen them with my own eyes!"

Kai rolled over and stood on the ground, clenching his fists in excitement.

Lucario next to him did exactly the same thing.

"I know, I heard you say that the 'Ancestral God' is dreamy, right?"

"Yes, Lord Mew really has great power. He can even transform into other gods and use the skills of other gods."

After saying this, Kai looked at the other people on the road, then leaned into Kakashi's ear and whispered, "In my opinion, Master Mew is the most powerful first god, because he can use all God’s skills.”


Kakashi didn't reply.

He didn't want to talk randomly about something involving faith. He knew that the people in Pokémon Island were divided into many factions.

"So, what does the improvement of Alliance City's environment have to do with the six 'first gods' you mentioned?"

"No, no, no, not only the environment of Alliance City has improved, but the environment of the entire Pokémon Island has also improved. You will feel that the environment is very good in any town you go to."

Kai first stretched out a finger and waved it, correcting Kakashi's statement, and then said, "According to Jiraiya-senpai, the reason why the world's environment has improved now is because of the newly emerged Six The two gods have an inseparable relationship.”

When Gai said this, he immediately aroused Kakashi's curiosity.

When he arrived at the First God Temple, Kakashi first wrote down the appearance of the six First Gods, and then looked at their names.

"I see."

Just by seeing the title of the First God, you can guess what this god is related to.

Sky, ocean, earth, life.

These are all components of the ecological environment. It must be because of them that the world's environment will become better.

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