Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 391 Please ask the four senior kings

The winner of the first semi-final appears.

Trafalgar D. Rowe.

When the 'dirty thing' left the arena, countless trainers in the audience burst into wild Uchiha laughter.

In response, Beckman just turned around, smiled, and left gracefully.

The strength of Luo's lineup shocked everyone in the audience, especially when the Magnemite and Metagross were placed on Luo's left and right, the visual effect was very oppressive.

Tonight, I am afraid that many young people who dream of winning the championship will be too excited to sleep.

They will imagine that they are Luo, commanding the handsome Metagross to steal the show with one strike and two, standing on the field and enjoying the attention of the winner.

At the same time, after today's battle, many people began to become confused.

Originally, most people may have thought that Drake of the all-dragon team was the strongest, and the victory this time would definitely go to Drake. However, after today's battle, they felt that Rona had a high probability of winning.

After all, Drake still has Newgate to fight.

The 'World's Strongest' in the previous era still has power in the new era. Many people just blindly think that Newgate's team is very strong. They can't explain the reason themselves, just because the trainer is 'Whitebeard' .

In the fiery atmosphere, the next day's game came quickly.

Obviously, the number of spectators who came to watch this one was much larger than that of yesterday.

Because Luo and Beckman's fighting style makes it difficult to get excited. Only people in the ninja world prefer fighting that shows their wisdom.

For the more numerous people in the maritime world, head-on confrontation is what they want to see.

Drake and Newgate are such players.

Drake chose a head-on confrontation because it was in his best interest, and his dragon-type Pokémon were good at this.

Newgate uses this fighting method not only because the Pokémon are all stand-up players, but also because he likes such duels between real men.

It is still a 6v6 full team battle, and the venue is a plain, which is also the most suitable venue for the front.

Newgate's side's lineup is exactly the same as it was in the first half.

Lava Snail, Rock Hall Crab, Boomstick, Circle Bear, Happy Egg, Heracross.

The members of Drake's lineup have not changed, but the form has changed.

Desert dragonfly, slimy dragonfly, explosive turtle beast, motorcycle lizard, red-faced dragon, sonic dragon.

Drake's lineup has the same nature as Luo's, and it is also a standard five plus one quasi-god champion template.

The two main forces, Sonic Dragon and Nianmeilu Dragon, have finally evolved to the final stage, and are considered to have survived.

Although the Nianmeilu Dragon was not as powerful as Luo's Metagross in the battle, its strength as a quasi-god was unquestionable. Even if the battle ended a little slower, it would still be devastating.

"Hey! The boy opposite, you are very good. How about you, do you want to be my son?"

Newgate started with an old tradition, standing on the podium and yelling at Drake from a distance.


Although Drake had already been mentally prepared, he was still a little stunned when Newgate actually shouted out.

In particular, he always felt that Newgate did not sincerely want to recognize his adopted son, but was simply provoking his opponent.

"Hahahaha, here we go again."

"'Call me father at sea'."

"Come on Dad!!!"

Compared to Drake, the audience's reaction was much more joyful. They started to laugh even before Newgate finished shouting.

The pre-match trash talk session quickly passed and the battle officially began.

No matter how much you messed up before the game, could Newgate still smile when they really beat him?

Ever since he was taught how to be a trainer in the first Pokémon Battle Tournament, he knew very well that there was a crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the trainer world.

In the first competition, he played against Drake once in the group stage, but he was not the opponent's opponent.

Now a year later, Newgate is still not very confident facing Drake.

This is not fear, it is simply self-awareness.

Newgate had watched Drake's previous games. Although those dragon-type Pokémon were not as good at fighting each other head-on as his team, it was impossible for them to actually fight them head-on.

Especially Biker, Sonic Dragon, and Desert Dragonfly. These three Pokémon are all known for their speed, and they will definitely use the kiting style.

The ensuing battle was not at all what Newgate expected.

When fighting these three Pokémon, his team basically had to be beaten passively. Although they were thick-skinned and durable, it would be difficult to end the game if they couldn't beat their opponents.

In addition, there is no advantage in level or attributes, and the results become obvious.

Drake used these three Pokémon to defeat Lava Snail, Rock Hall Crab, Boomstick, and Heracross.

Then the circle bear and the flame turtle beast fought each other on the spot and died together, and there was a passionate and passionate hand-to-hand fight.

No matter how disgusting the Happy Egg is, it will not be a match for the Sticky Meru Dragon and the Red-faced Dragon. After defeating the Red-faced Dragon, the Happy Egg's condition is no longer very good, and it is a type of exhaustion that cannot be recovered with skills.

Among all the quasi-gods, Nianmei Lulong may indeed compete for the one at the end of the crane, but that cannot change his status as a quasi-god.

In particular, Nianmeilu Dragon's special defense is extremely outstanding, while Happy Egg's physical attack is another major shortcoming.

Many trainers could guess that the final victory fell on Drake.

The audience may think that Newgate is very powerful because of his reputation at sea and his performance in previous battles, but senior trainers can basically see the final result by briefly analyzing the situation on both sides.

Reality is not a novel. There is no such thing as exploding seeds, locking blood, or showing off against attributes at every turn.

Newgate, a trainer himself, doesn't like to use his brain, and he relies entirely on his own intuition to direct battles.

However, his team has little mobility. For the command of an intuitive trainer, such a team cannot provide the most effective and correct feedback. Basically, the only option is to take a beating and then fight back.

Newgate is indeed strong for reaching the semi-finals.

Pokémon level, physical fitness, and armament, color, and domineering are all the ceilings for participating Pokémon.

The average level of trainers participating in the second session is Lv. 48, and most of them have not yet mastered the two-color Haki. However, Newgate's team has an average level of Lv. 57, and an armed color Haki level of Lv. 3 and above. They will definitely crush the new players. of.

But that's all it can do.

But that was when facing a trainer like Drake who was at the same time, and had no advantage at all in terms of attributes, venue, and level. If he couldn't even match the trainer's commanding ability, then there would be no other outcome except losing.

But Newgate has always been a loser.

If he loses, he loses. He has nothing to be arrogant and unconvinced about.

If he lost to a dirty guy like Beckman, he would be dissatisfied and might even go back to the sea for a date, but if he lost to Drake, he would be convinced.

The two semi-finals are over and the finalists are announced.

Luo and Drake will compete for the winning spot on the third day, and the second day is a day of rest.

Whether it's the sea or the ninja world, many places have opened handicaps to bet on who will be the winner of this session.

On the other hand, this duel also aroused enthusiastic cheers from the audience.

Because this time, not only the chief and deputy ministers of the major departments of the league and the heads of subordinate agencies came to watch the game, but all four of the last four kings came.

Nowadays, the reputation of the Four Heavenly Kings is quite high in the sea.

Although it has only been a year, his popularity is comparable to that of the Four Emperors of the previous era, and the latter has a bad reputation among civilians, but the former has a good reputation.

Naturally, the alliance's work arrangements and the hard work of Morgans are indispensable for this.

In the first year, in order to expand the reputation and status of the Four Heavenly Kings, the alliance arranged many tasks for them to build momentum.

The four kings are.

‘Snake King’ Boya Hancock.

‘Ghost King’ Brooke.

‘Evil King’ Hannibal.

‘Ice King’ Kuzan.

During this year, the other three were fine, but the 'Evil King' Hannibal was not honest at all.

This guy made no secret of his ambition to become the champion and constantly challenged the other three players. As long as he beat the other three players in one round, he could become the 'champion'.

And as long as there is a failure, then a new round of challenge will have to be started.

Because of this rule, Hannibal was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted.

Facing Hancock, Hannibal is basically a sure winner and has not yet failed.

But facing Kuzan and Brook, there are winners and losers.

The two people seemed to have agreed, if I win this round, then you lose, and if you win the next round, then I will lose. As a result, Hannibal has not become the champion for a year.

The time came for the competition day, March 15th.

"So, let us now interview the four senior kings. Facing these juniors who are full of potential and highly motivated, are you worried that you will be singled out by the latecomers?"

Morgans will definitely not give up such a highly anticipated stage and personally launch a sharp interview.


Hancock crossed his legs, showing off his long legs that made blood flow under his cheongsam. He snorted disdainfully, his arrogance clearly displayed on his face.

"Please work hard for one more year."

Brooke sat down and took a sip of coffee.

Although his expression was unclear on his fleshless face, these words alone were enough to express his attitude.

"If you ask me, no one can beat this competition! Knock him down!"

Hannibal was even more direct. He grabbed the microphone and stood in his position and shouted loudly, not hiding his arrogance at all.

"Well, I don't want to give up this job."

Kuzan's words were already the most tactful among the four, but the meaning was also very clear.

"Oh oh oh! Our four senior kings are very confident. We also ask the top four contestants to work hard and give them a big shock!"

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