Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 396 ‘Dragon King’ Yulong

Chapter 396: ‘Dragon King’ Yulong X Drake

April 15.

It has been a month since the end of the second Pokémon Battle Tournament.

In this month, the most concerned thing is undoubtedly the results of the three challengers.

Newgate was beaten by ‘Evil King’ Hannibal, and the two are completely different in level.

Anyone who watched the live broadcast can see that Hannibal’s level is much higher than that of the first battle tournament.

This is the first challenge match. After this match, the original public opinion has completely changed. There are no more people who are optimistic about Luo and Drake.

Admittedly, these three challengers are players of the same class as the Four Heavenly Kings, but anyone can see that the Four Heavenly Kings have achieved leaps and bounds in their growth after entering the league.

Because the Four Heavenly Kings enjoy unparalleled treatment.

This even includes helping Pokémon find teachers in Haki and Ninjutsu.

How can those people that ordinary trainers outside spend money to find compare with the strong people on the side of the league?

Just when everyone thought that no one could succeed in the challenge, Drake immediately slapped them in the face.

‘Snake King’ Hancock was defeated.

It’s not that Hancock is not strong enough. In fact, the average level of her team is 5 Lv. higher than that of Drake’s team.

But the difference of 5 levels cannot make up for the disadvantage in attributes.

Hancock’s two big trump cards, Monarch Snake and Milotic, will have their damage halved when facing dragon-type Pokémon, which is very hurtful. There are no other fairy-type or ice-type Pokémon in her team.

And the key is that Drake himself is not a player who pays too much attention to attributes, but a trainer who likes to use characteristics to gain advantages, which also makes Hancock unpopular in terms of characteristics.

Although Hancock’s Pokémon team has a better grasp of the two-color domineering than Drake’s side, it is actually only a little bit better.

It is true that the Nine Snake Island where Hancock was born is rich in domineering, but Drake is also a former navy. He grew up in the navy for 22 of the past 24 years and was once the reserve captain of the special operations force ‘SWORD’. How much worse can his domineering be than Hancock’s?

Under various circumstances, Hancock was defeated after all.

‘Snake King’ fell, and the new Four Heavenly Kings ‘Dragon King’ X. Drake appeared!

For a time, there was an uproar on the sea, which was no less than the replacement of the Four Emperors in the previous era.

However, before Drake could sit on the warm seat for long, Law came to the door.

The ‘Championship Challenge’ started after the ‘King Challenge’ ended, which meant that Drake would also face Law’s challenge.

Even if Law failed in the end, he could choose to replace the position of a king who was successfully challenged by him.

Everyone knows that the weak persimmon is the one to be squeezed.

Law has never met Luffy in his life, so naturally he won't get sick.

Things change, Hancock was treated as a soft persimmon by Drake, and this time Drake was treated as a soft persimmon by Law.

Law had seen the duel between Hancock and Drake, and it can be said that Drake won very reluctantly, so among the new Four Heavenly Kings, Drake, like Hancock, is also the weakest one.

When the duel between Drake and Law began.

No one was optimistic about Drake, after all, Drake had been defeated once by Law in the previous game, so everyone was waiting to see the joke.

But they were slapped in the face again.

Law failed in the challenge.

With the previous experience, this time Drake's Pokémon had to put a layer of [Guardian] on themselves before giving the final blow to those Pokémon of Law to prevent Law from doing things like [Same Fate] and [Big Explosion].

And the case of failure in the first use of Guardian like the competition did not happen again. Guardian was used four times in the challenge, and all were successful.

These four times of protection also became the last straw that broke the camel's back for Luo, causing his challenge to fail. The two main forces were sprayed by the Exploding Tortoise.

However, Luo was not discouraged. After all, Corazon had been resurrected, and he was in a good mood. If the challenge failed, it was a failure.

Coincidentally, he and Corazon agreed to compete in the third Pokémon Battle Competition, which was also quite interesting.

'Dragon King' X. Drake defended his position.

The first thing Drake did after taking office was to open a 'gym' in his own name.

This is not a challenge gym on the sea, but a gym dedicated to others to learn, similar to the 'Issin Gym' of Zoro's master Shimotsuki Koshiro.

The gym is located in Yggdrasil. Drake's runner-up reward this time includes a property there, called 'Dragon Gym'.

It mainly teaches students who come to learn how to cultivate and train dragon Pokémon. As the 'Dragon King', this level must be convincing to many people.

Drake didn't open this gym just to make money, otherwise he wouldn't have opened it in a city like Yggdrasil that is dominated by 'tranquility' and 'nature'.

Besides, how could the Four Heavenly Kings be short of money?

He really intended to pass on his legacy.

Not only the experience of being a dragon trainer, but also the two-color domineering and his own swordsmanship.

The 'Yulong Gym' is equivalent to an outer sect. The disciples who come here to study will be carefully observed by Drake. Only the most talented person with the most recognized quality among them can become his personal disciple.

To show his determination, Drake even changed his name.


Not only that, among the runner-up rewards in the Pokémon Battle Competition, trainers can also choose a Pokémon Egg.

Drake chose

Mini dragon eggs.

In other words, it will evolve into a fast dragon in the future.

"Okay, there will be another X family on the sea."

This was Dak's exact words after hearing the news, and his expression became a little strange, "I don't know what the Dragon Clan in the Pokémon world feels."

. . .

SAO, floor 88.

Madara and Izuna have disappeared for two weeks, and the entire strategy team has only advanced one level, and twelve people have been sacrificed.

At first, when Lisbeth and Kirito brought back the news, many people even refused to continue the strategy and insisted on waiting for the two to come back.

There are even a few players who believe that it would be impossible to conquer the past without those two people.

Except for the members of their own guild, the other people in the strategy team were not very willing to listen to Kirito and Lisbeth. At most, they would give them some face.

But in such a stressful situation, some people will always say some more intense words.

Some people even bluntly said that Lisbeth was just a vase relying on Madara, so why should she dictate to them.

But before Lisbeth could respond, the members of the Akatsuki Guild couldn't sit still. They stood up one by one and threw their white gloves at the man, demanding a fight to the death.

They can see how hard Lisbeth works on weekdays. Sometimes the amount of training the president arranges for this girl makes the members feel cruel. They recognize Lisbeth.

Even if Lisbeth is really just a vase, they will not allow others to say that.

Because Lisbeth's master Madara is the person they respect the most.

After this, the man naturally calmed down and apologized to Lisbeth again and again. This was the end of the story.

However, the situation of the strategy team's unwillingness to move forward has not changed.

Lisbeth and Kirito, two young girls, didn't know what to do when faced with this situation.

At this time, Shangmei stood up and scolded everyone in the strategy team. They called them 'cowards', 'soft-footed shrimps' and 'cowardly lizards'.

Then the players will definitely be unconvinced, and they will easily fall into Shangmei's chicken sauce method.

This is an opportunity that Shangmei has won for young girls to prove themselves.

Kirito and Lisbeth were very grateful for this and seized this opportunity. As the leader of the team, they led the team to the boss room on the 87th floor.

The members of the Akatsuki organization were unwilling to obey Kirito's command, so they had to have Lisbeth serve as the main captain, and Kirito and Asuna serve as deputy captains to assist.

Shangmei is still the commander-in-chief of the Pokémon Force.

Originally, Shang Mei was a little worried about Lisbeth. After all, in her opinion, Lisbeth was just an ordinary girl who had to be punished eight times by Madara all day long.

But after the battle, everyone was amazed.

Lisbeth didn't think too much, she just felt that she couldn't live up to her master's cultivation, nor could she live up to everyone's trust and support at Xiao.

With this thought in mind, Lisbeth's face was extremely firm and showed no timidity when facing the Boss.

Wearing a red cloak and the same brown-red armor as Madara, she stood in front of the entire team like a Valkyrie.

In terms of strength, Lisbeth does appear to be relatively immature compared to Madara, but her courage to lead the charge is no less than that of Madara.

Coupled with the sharp reaction of Kirito and the careful and clever Asuna, Lisbeth was assisted by Lisbeth to have an overview of the whole situation, and the command was as rough as Madara's.

Although the losses in this battle were very heavy, with twelve people killed, this was beyond everyone's expectations.

Lisbeth used her own efforts to gain the trust and recognition of the entire strategy team, and everyone mobilized again to prepare to continue the strategy.

Outside SAO, in Kayaba Akihiko's laboratory.

Madara and Izuna stood in front of the big screen watching the struggles of the boys and girls, and finally breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

"Liz has become an excellent leader."

Izuna nodded and praised, while keeping observing Madara from the corner of his eyes.

From the beginning when Madara looked serious and clenched his fists, to now when he is smiling and standing relaxed, Izuna has seen it all.

On the surface, Madara doesn't seem to care much about anyone, even his own disciples.

But what is the real situation? As Madara's biological brother, can Izuna not know?

Uchiha are the most emotional clan.

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