Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 485: All-round Strength

Although Dak's aura is very powerful, just like that of a Saiyan.

But the Yilong opposite him was not to be outdone. With all his gourmet cells activated, earthy-yellow, translucent flames appeared all over his body.

The earthy yellow flames continued to spread outward from Yilong's feet until they completely enveloped Dak and him within range.

The five fingers of his hands were pressed together, and they were so sharp that they felt like a pair of chopsticks.

"Minority Barrier, the exclusive ability unique to the president."

Mansam, the current president of IGO in the crowd, began to sweat on his forehead.

When a person's gourmet cells evolve to a certain level, they will develop various special abilities. The emergence of this ability is related to the delicacies eaten in the past and the properties of the individual's gourmet cells.

Yilong's food cells produce a special ability similar to gravity.

Its essence is the ability to "control the force of specific atoms" and operate according to the "square root law".

This move allows Yilong to gain dominance over a minority of atoms in all matter within the range. He can control the behavior of these atoms and change their properties. All living things will die due to the "reverse operation" of their life-support organs.

This is a quite terrifying ability, and it is also the key to Yilong becoming one of the league's ceiling figures.

There are not many people in the Pokémon League who can resist this move, it can be said to be very few.

Reinhardt's own ability does not have the effect of resisting this move, but he has a lot of world protection.

For example, [Evasion Protection] and [Demon Protection Protection] can respectively prevent the opponent from hitting long-distance attacks and invalidate the support effects of spells and various debuffs and buffs.

There are also various extremely abnormal protections, such as [Phoenix's Protection], [First Meeting's Protection] and [Second Coming's Protection].

The effects are: infinite resurrection after being killed, visual attack being unable to hit for the first time, visual attack being unable to hit for the second time and every subsequent time.

These are abilities that are quite against the rules, and would be extremely terrifying in any world.

But there are too many places that can be targeted on Pokémon Island.

For example.

Dialga's time lapse is an invisible attack, and Reinhardt has no lifespan protection, so he will have to die when his lifespan expires.

Or maybe Esdeath's superpowers also have many invisible attacks, and you can use skills such as hypnosis or mental shock to cause damage to her, or even make her lose her mind and become a fool.

It is also for this reason that Reinhardt is only one of the league's ceilings, not the strongest.

Because although Reinhardt was very able to restrain an opponent like Ichiryu whose attacks were all visible to the naked eye, he was unable to resist Esdeath's invisible attacks.

However, Esdeath's superpower is not enough to restrain Yilong, whose physical strength reaches the level of a second-level god, so she will be at a disadvantage when facing Yilong.

The top players in the alliance are basically in a state of checks and balances due to their different fighting methods.

Just like the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance, their attributes restrain each other, so it's impossible to tell who is the strongest.

The perspective returns to the battle on the field.

[Minority Barrier] allows a dragon to gain control of a few atoms in the living beings within the range, but it is not effective for everyone, and this trick also has shortcomings.

For example, against those strong men in the maritime world who have mastered 'life return', the effect of this move is quite limited.

Because these physical masters have very good control over their own bodies, there are only a few discrete atoms that can allow Yilong to seize dominance.

At least it's useless in front of Duck.

The power of waveguide itself is the most essential development of the physical body. Every cell in Duck's body exudes the power of waveguide, and none of them can be controlled by Yilong.

However, this was all within Yilong's expectation.

He also knew that his minority barrier was not very effective against those wave guide heroes. He himself did not use this move to control Dak, but to strengthen himself.

Minority Barrier can also use the atoms in one's body to strengthen its activity or recovery ability, giving oneself stronger melee strength.

Both parties are in their best condition, which also means that the battle is about to begin.

"Continuous chopsticks."

Yilong opened his hands, and the earth-yellow flames on his body turned into densely packed numerous small chopsticks, and then shot out towards Duck like a machine gun.


Duck stood motionless. When those chopsticks shot into the air in front of him, they seemed to hit an invisible wall and suddenly broke and dissipated.

"Sure enough, superpowers are also at the level of 'gods'."

Yilong grinned unsurprisingly.

It was just his test to see what level Dak's superpowers were.

"It's my turn."

Dak raised his hand without changing his expression, and a pure white energy ball condensed in his hand.

‘Qi bombs. ’

A special ultimate move among fighting skills.

Everyone recognized it, but just when they thought Dak was going to throw it out, they saw Dak's figure suddenly disappearing from the place.

The next moment, dozens of Dak appeared around Yilong, and countless zhenqi bombs were pressed towards Yilong's head.

The art of multiple shadow clones + instant movement + Qi bombs.

"Crack your teeth with chopsticks."

Yilong's eyes shrank and he reacted immediately.

He just wanted to escape but found that he couldn't move. He realized that he was forced to stay in place by Dak's telekinesis.

Not only that, even the ground beneath his feet had countless sandy hands that tightly bound his legs, and countless sandy dust seemed to penetrate into his skin through his pores.

Yilong had no choice but to use other tricks to resolve it.

The flames on his body once again transformed into countless small khaki chopsticks and flew in all directions.

This kind of energy that is invisible and intangible, similar to the aura of a dragon, cannot be controlled by superpowers.

Although the superpower can form a telepathic wall again to block it in the middle, but in that case, the attack of the clone, including Dak's body, will also be blocked by the telepathic wall.

Ever since, Dak chose to attack with force.


One after another, the clones were shot through and disappeared by the curtain-like chopsticks, and at the same time, one after another chopsticks were shot into Dak's body.

Yilong's chopsticks can even be equipped with armed domineering energy!

This made the seemingly innocuous chopsticks sharper than a spear, and could even pierce Dak's body surface by two or three inches.

But that's all.

Thanks to the self-healing ability of Viridian Power, those small potholes are as if they had never appeared before.

Even the Eternal Kaleidoscope Blood Wheel Eye could only barely see that Dak's body was punctured for a moment, but the next moment he looked at it, he had recovered as intact as before, as if he had been under an illusion.

If this move can't stop Dak, then Yilong will have no choice but to be beaten honestly.

Any of Dak's current special abilities are aimed at the second-level high-level gods, and he cannot break free with the strength of a dragon.


The zhenqi bomb was firmly stuck on Yilong's face.

To describe it in terms of Pokémon’s skills:

This is a wave missile used by Machado (full power form), a dual-type fighting and ghost-type fantasy Pokémon whose status and strength is equivalent to that of a second-level god.

Because Dak's waveguide power is aimed at the second level, the level of this Marshado may still be Lv. 95.


A simple Qi bomb caused Yilong to be launched instantly like a cannonball, leaving a few streaks of bright red blood on the bullet track.

If it were just a wave missile, it might not be enough to make Yilong vomit blood.

At most, Yilong's body functions would be temporarily disrupted by the fluctuations, making him unable to control the cells in his body for a short period of time.

But Qi bombs are different.

Chi bombs have their own penetrating damage, which can cause damage to the cells in the target's body and even cause a devastating blow.

For those in the gourmet world, whose strength relies almost entirely on gourmet cells, the effect of the qi bombs will be amplified two or three times.

Just like now, a small part of the food cells in Yilong's body have been destroyed, and his strength has temporarily dropped by a small amount. He needs to eat a lot of high-quality food to recover.

If in the next battle, Dak keeps using Qi bombs and hits.

Then Yilong's strength will continue to decline.

"Chopstick Cannon!"

With the Minority Barrier open, the damage caused by the Qi bombs was nothing to Yilong.

What's more troublesome for him is that the food cells destroyed by the Qi bombs cannot be restored through the minority barrier.

Yilong's original strength can probably fight with a Level 90 second-level low-level god, that is, a level like Shalasa.

But now it may be stuck on the edge of the second level, and if it falls any further, it will fall out of the 'god' combat power.

Although the battle between strong men can already tell the outcome at this point.

But Yilong obviously did not intend to waste such an opportunity to fight against the first-generation leader. The moment his feet landed on the ground, two huge and tough chopsticks as thick as sticks were thrown at Dak.

There is no doubt that this chopstick can completely penetrate the armed and domineering Kaido, but it is still difficult to penetrate the steel balloon BigMom or Garp, and at most it will cause serious injuries.

After all, Kaido's strength is not defense, but recovery.

If Yilong's strength hadn't dropped so much, he might have been able to penetrate the other two.

"it's useless."

Dak casually threw two wave missiles and easily blocked the two chopsticks that attacked one after another.

"It's really strong in all aspects. That's it, Lord Dark."

After seeing this, Yilong shrugged, spread his hands, and gave up fighting.

It's not that he doesn't have stronger moves, but with his current strength, he will be blocked if he uses them, which is meaningless.

can only say.

He truly deserves to be his savior.

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