Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 495: Bodao, in my heart

"So that's how it is."

Dak pursed his lips, lowered his eyebrows, and his expression became a little depressed.

He had actually prepared himself mentally.

With his lifespan, he was destined to watch his friends leave one after another in the future, but when this moment really came, he still couldn't calm down in his heart.

Is immortality a reward or a punishment?

Perhaps it is a reward for the heartless and a punishment for the affectionate.

This boulder is not an ordinary stone, but a huge origin ore, a stone containing the power of Arceus's clone.

The red chain on the boulder is another material of the origin ball, the red chain, a special rope that can bind the two gods of time and space.

These two props must be related to the future Dak, perhaps he put them in the alliance warehouse.

As for the blue and green energies overflowing from the cracks in the stone, they are the original energies of the wave power and the power of Changpan respectively.

"My first-generation wave guide hero and the first-generation world tree guardian. In the end, they both protected the Pokémon Island and humans."

Dark stepped forward and collected the two withered bones. "I'm sorry that I couldn't solve this matter earlier."

To completely eliminate the dark aura, a large amount of high-quality special source energy is needed.

When Kai and Otohime realized this, they could only settle for the second best and use these two legendary objects to seal.

But activating these two legendary objects also requires a large amount of source energy.

Source energy, for a special ability user, is exactly the same thing as vitality.

Although there is always a way to slowly recover vitality as long as it is not exhausted at once, especially for Otohime, the user of the power of the evergreen.

It's like leaving a seed, there will always be a day to sprout again.

But once all the light is used up at once, the special ability user is destined to have reached the end of his life.

Even the seed has been sacrificed, how can it be recovered again?

Therefore, Kai and Otohime used their lives to seal the dark breath, reducing at least a dozen dark wars for the alliance and even saving the Pokémon Alliance.

Yes, more than a dozen times.

The interval between the first and second dark wars was only five years.

This means that the dark breath only needed five years to recover and make a comeback.

But the interval between the second and third times was seventy-three years.

This is because Kai and Otohime sacrificed themselves to seal the dark breath the second time, which greatly slowed down its recovery speed.

Otherwise, with the recovery speed of the dark breath, the alliance would have been wiped out by the dark breath in these years.

‘Speaking of which, there are really great people in my alliance. ’

Whether it is the people fighting desperately outside or the countless guardians in the past

Although everyone is different, they all have the spirit of sacrificing their lives for justice, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives for the survival of mankind.

“This time, I will definitely not let you have a future.”

Dark looked at the boulder in front of him, his eyes became extremely firm.

He must use special energy to completely eliminate the dark breath here.

Dark red telekinesis, blue fluctuations, green light, and khaki quicksand emerged one by one on Dark's body and rushed towards the boulder in front of him.

No matter how the dark breath hides and struggles, Dark's special energy will find it and devour it bit by bit.

'Is it enough?'

Dark can feel that the special energy source in his body is decreasing at a rapid rate.

A lot of it was consumed in the battle with Darkrai just now. If there was no such battle, it might be enough.

If he had known that, he would have used the origin ball at the beginning.

The special energy of the origin is different from ordinary energy. It is equivalent to the blood in the novels of immortal cultivation. It cannot be restored by the power of Changpan and the power of the earth.

The rapid reduction of the origin energy makes Dark's state worse and worse. His strength has also fallen from the original first-level lower level to the second-level middle level, but the dark breath in the boulder still has at least two-thirds of the amount.

If this continues, even if Dark sacrifices himself, he cannot completely eliminate the dark breath.

"Oh no."


Just when Dark felt something was wrong, there was a sound of footsteps and a dog barking behind him.

Dark tilted his head and looked back with his peripheral vision, ready to fight at any time.

But this look made him open his eyes.


Of course, an ordinary Lucario would not surprise Dark.

But the one that appeared in front of Dark was just a Lucario that had always been in Mega state, and it was the one that belonged to Kai!

Maybe something new will appear in the future, allowing Pokémon to always stay in Mega Evolution.

Or maybe it was just a special power between Kai and Lucario.

'Master Shodai, long time no see. '

Lucario did not speak, and his meaning was transmitted to Dark's heart through the wave.

'I'll help you. '

Lucario used his will to resist the influence of the dark aura and walked to Dark's side, and directed the waveguide in his body into the boulder in front of him.

Dark did not refuse, because he really needed help.

With only his own strength, even if he sacrificed himself, it would not be enough, and he would need other special energy sources.

"Just hold on for a while longer. Darkrai should be supporting Esdeath and the others. As long as Regichicas is dealt with, those superpowers can come over to help."

Dak spoke to comfort Lucario beside him.

He couldn't imagine that for an absolutely loyal Pokémon like Lucario, how Lucario had gotten through the seventy years since he lost his trainer.

With Kai's personality, he must have a very special relationship with Lucario.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to achieve the level of super evolution.


Lucario said nothing.

He may be beyond distraction now.

Because he not only has to endure the harassment of the dark atmosphere, but also the impact of the reduction of original energy.

Dak felt a little anxious.

As time passed by, Lucario's condition became visibly worse.

He even retreated from his original Mega state to a normal Lucario state, and finally even turned into a small Riolu.

In fact, only ten minutes had passed.


Dark frowned, speeding up the output of energy, and at the same time driving away Riolu beside him, "Don't continue, you will die. Leave here quickly and go get the reinforcements!"

‘No, Lord Shodai, I’m afraid my will is not strong enough to allow me to go out. ’

Riolu shook his head, his eyes began to glow with a black aura.

Now he himself doesn't know why he can continue to input energy.

Maybe there is such a feeling in my heart, that I want to do the same thing as Kai, that is.

‘I won’t die, I just want to return to Kai’

When these words became weaker and weaker in Dark's heart, Riolu finally fell.

The small body lay motionless on the ground, its body temperature gradually became cold, and the body began to dissipate into a little fluorescent light.

‘Waveguide, stored in my heart’

Two drops of tears flowed from Riolu's eyes. Inside the tears was the scene of him looking at Kai after his head emerged from the eggshell.

Dark couldn't move his hands away, and could only watch as Riolu lost a little bit of his life in front of him.

‘Absolutely. Absolutely don’t let this happen again. After you go back, you must completely cut off all channels for the breeding of dark aura. Only the power of Arceus can absolutely restrain the dark aura. You must find time to find traces of Arceus. ’

Duck gritted his teeth, thoughts surging in his heart.

The birth of the dark breath has caused countless tragedies that he could not see in the past hundred years.

In order to prevent this tragedy from happening, he immediately called some strong men in the alliance to find Arceus after passing on the position of alliance leader.

About another quarter of an hour passed.

Riolu's figure next to him has completely disappeared.

Dak began to breathe heavily, and the special energy in his body was less than a quarter of the initial level.


At this moment, the voices of Esdeath and others finally appeared.

There were only a few dozen people coming, and none of them were intact. Broken arms and legs were considered common injuries.

However, given the medical standards of this era, these were only minor injuries.

Darkrai, Ichiryu Saitama and those without special abilities did not come. They were probably still fighting hard outside. After all, they could not help much if they came.


Seeing Dark's weak look, Esdeath quickly called on other superpowers to instill telekinesis.

Feeling the addition of other energy sources, Dak finally relaxed completely.

Finally, it can be solved.

As time went by, some people with special abilities arrived one after another.

The dark atmosphere was finally completely eliminated with the concerted efforts of everyone.

When he felt that the dark aura really didn't exist at all, Dak's legs softened and he lay on the ground.

He raised his tired eyelids to look at where Riolu was lying just now, and finally sighed slowly and closed his eyes.

‘Waveguide. It’s in my heart. ’

When Dark woke up again, he saw Robin taking care of him.

Robin a hundred years later.

"I didn't expect that I would still be under your care after a hundred years."

"Haha, one family doesn't speak the same language."

"It's been a hundred years, but you haven't changed much."

Dark glanced at Robin sitting next to him.

A hundred years seemed to have left little mark on Robin. He and the Robin in Duck's impression had not changed much in appearance or temperament.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Robin smiled softly and then reached out to massage Duck's temples to help him relax.

"So tired."

"I know."

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