Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 498 That's not human

Let alone the Dark Lugia that has wreaked havoc outside the Hoenn Sea and the seriously injured Lugia hiding on the Whirlpool Island.

Groudon and Kyogre, who are staying on a certain isolated island and somewhere in the deep sea, have opened their eyes and looked at the uninvited guest who has come to their territory.

In the sky above the Hoenn region, there is a man with navy blue hair riding on his heterochromatic Metagross flying fast.

The endless raindrops in the sky and the lightning flashing from time to time make the man's expression not very good.

'The fluctuation of the magnetic field has slowed down the flying speed of Metagross. '

Daigo felt the crooked flight trajectory of his Pokémon, and his expression on his face was a little ugly.

Not only Metagross, it can be said that for many steel-attribute Pokémon and electric-attribute Pokémon, the instability of the field strength in the air will cause changes in their bodies.

In particular, Metagross's flight relies on the electric skill [Electromagnetic Levitation].

Of course, there is another way to fly, which is to use [telekinesis]. Another attribute superpower of Metagross can also enable him to fly.

However, the continuous consumption of [telekinesis] is undoubtedly very large, and the cost-effectiveness is definitely not as good as the electromagnetic levitation that can fly for a long time after using it once.

"We are almost there, hold on a little longer, Metagross."

Daigo took out the special induction machine made by Dr. Odamaki in his hand.

They were only about two kilometers away from the location of the red dot on the sensor.

As the champion of the Hoenn region, Daigo must find out what caused the Hoenn region to suffer such a disaster.

If necessary, he will also take action.

Although such weather has a considerable negative impact on the progress of Metagross, it has enhanced the combat ability of Metagross.

Because the flight of Metagross requires a stable magnetic field environment, so that it can save a lot of effort to control the direction and center of gravity.

But he didn't need to consider these things in battle. When necessary, he would use telekinesis to move, which was not affected by the field strength. On the contrary, those steel and electric skills would be strengthened by this more violent magnetic field environment than usual.

After walking for a few minutes.

"See, what is that?!"

Daigo narrowed his eyes and stared at the layers of dark clouds in front of him.

He seemed to see a very huge bird figure, and the bird had a pair of scarlet eyes.

When Daigo was hesitating about how to deal with it, the scarlet eyes had already looked over.


When Daigo was stared at, the hairs all over his body stood up, and he immediately gave the order.

Needless to say, the tacit understanding between Metagross and Daigo, in an instant, used skills to teleport Daigo to the ground.

At the same time, a huge and violent water column shot towards the location where Metagross was just now.

The water column even looked like a blue laser, and it had quickly deviated from the appearance that this skill should have.

After landing, Daigo quickly turned over and jumped off the Metagross, so as not to delay the battle of Metagross.

"Be careful, Metagross, it's not an easy guy to get along with."

Daigo stretched out his right hand and held the necklace on his chest. A colorful Mega Stone was stuck at the end of the necklace.

He didn't believe that a Pokémon that was easy to get along with would greet with a water cannon when they just met.

Metagross nodded, and his eyes were always paying attention to the figure behind the dark clouds in the sky.

The other party was breaking through the clouds and heading down.

"What's coming?!"

Daigo clenched his right hand instantly. When he saw the true face of the target, he had no time to think, and shouted, "Metagross, Mega Evolution!"

When Daigo shouted.

The key stone in his hand on his chest and the Mega Stone embedded in the right front leg of Metagross lit up at the same time.

The white light that pierced the darkness flashed by, and the world was illuminated by the dazzling light for a few seconds.

The next moment, Mega Metagross appeared in the air.

"Mega Metagross, use Rock Block on Lugia!"

As the champion of the Hoenn region, Daigo's command level and brains are naturally beyond words.

Let alone the basic attribute restraint, the use of Rock Block is more to reduce Lugia's speed.

Facing the God of Ocean Currents Lugia, if the opponent's speed cannot be suppressed to at least the same level, then the next battle can only be passive.

If it is a normal Lugia at this time, it may use flying skills to smash all the rocks that attack.

But this Lugia with the Dark Aura obviously won't do this.

The Dark Aura that fought against Dark before was defeated by humans three times before learning to use his brain a little, but still couldn't use the attributes, characteristics and skills of Pokémon.

Not to mention the dark aura that obviously just appeared now.

The Rock Block hit Lugia easily, and it did reduce Lugia's speed a little.

But Lugia seemed to feel no pain, and used his body to smash through the rocks and continued to move towards Mega Metagross.

[Divine Bird Smash]

When blue flames burned on Lugia, Daigo's scalp went numb.

He could clearly see that this Lugia was definitely in a wrong state.

Not to mention the opponent's black appearance and red eyes, just ignoring the attack of Metagross is very wrong.

Daigo's Mega Metagross is not comparable to the Mega Metagross of ordinary trainers.

In the main series animation.

The strongest record of this Mega Metagross is that it can fight with the first-level middle-level god Primal Kyogre. Although it was at a disadvantage throughout the whole process, it at least held back the Fathead.

How can Lugia, who is also a first-level middle-level, resist such an attack?

"Move at high speed to avoid it, use Ice Fist and Lightning Fist."

Daigo dare not let Metagross withstand a flying skill of Lugia.

Although flying skills can only cause half of the original damage to Metagross, and the strength of Metagross is also on physical resistance, he still dare not.

After all, this Lugia is a legendary Pokémon, and it cannot be regarded as fighting with ordinary Pokémon.

Fortunately, Lugia's speed was reduced a little just now, so that the current Mega Metagross can keep up with the opponent's speed after using the skill.

After barely dodging, the four fists, two on the left, lit up with lightning, and the two on the right emitted cold air, and hit the base of Lugia's tail.


Only two of the four punches hit.

One ice punch hit the base of the tail, causing a layer of ice to form on the base of Lugia's tail.

Another lightning punch hit the middle of the tail, causing electricity to flow through Lugia's entire tail.

These two punches hit Lugia's tail and suffered a huge blow, which would inevitably have a great impact on its actions.

This kind of impact on the body's instincts is not something that the dark aura wants Lugia to ignore.

Just when Daigo was slightly relieved, he saw Dark Lugia suddenly turn around and move his wings.

Two dark silver whirlwinds hit the face of Metagross head-on, scraping countless sparks on the latter.

The moment Mega Metagross was hit, his face immediately became ugly, and he even made a stuttering sound of electricity.

"Hit the vitals?!"

Daigo could tell what was happening to Metagross at a glance.

Simply put, Lugia's attack produced a critical hit.

Cyclone attack, Lugia's unique flying-type special move, is inferior in power among many legendary Pokémon exclusive moves, but it does have its own special features.

That is, the probability of hitting the vitals is high, and it has a high critical hit rate.

After Dark Lugia succeeded in one attack, he continued to pursue the victory and fired another water cannon at Metagross' face.

Metagross has no resistance to water washing skills, and this damage from the first-level middle god was fully absorbed.

Metagross, hit by the huge water cannon, fell to the ground like a comet.


The heavy body of Metagross slammed heavily on the ground, stirring up waves of mud, and the smell of rain mixed with the soil spread around.

Although it was only hit by two attacks, Metagross was already in a state of serious injury.

After all, the two attacks were special attacks from Lugia, and Metagross's special resistance was a major weakness.


Daigo's face changed, and he put his hands on the other Poké Balls on his waist.

He saw that this Dark Lugia had no intention of defeating them and leaving, perhaps intending to let them stay here completely.

Only Metagross had the ability to slightly touch Lugia in Daigo's hand.

The other Pokémon could only touch the second-level God at most.

Moreover, the mental endurance of humans is very limited. A person can only make one Pokémon super evolve at the same time.

This is already a great mental pressure. If you force the second Pokémon to super evolve again, you will only collapse and faint.

Due to the influence of its tail, Dark Lugia's flying movements in the air became very strange.

It was like a human baby who had just learned to walk, and a bit like a deformed species in the world of giants.

But no matter what, Dark Lugia was still approaching the location of Daigo and Metagross.

Metagross struggled hard in the huge pit.

He could still continue to fight, but it was hard to say how many more rounds he could fight.

"Is that... human?"

Just when Daigo was ready to unite the power of all Pokémon for a desperate fight, a figure emitting dark red flowing gas fell from the sky in the sky directly above Dark Lugia.

Just when it was about to hit Lugia's head, the figure raised his fist that began to emit blue light and smashed it down.

"That's not human."

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