Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 484: The End of Team Rocket

Chapter 517 The End of Team Rocket

Dark's original plan was to see if Lizard King could defeat Beedrill directly.

He also wanted to use Sakaki and Beedrill to give Lizard King some rehabilitation training.

But Sakaki was so uncooperative.

And since Beedrill was restrained and didn't come out, Dark didn't dare to teleport to Sakaki rashly.

That Beedrill was very fast, and its combat power was equal to or greater than his.

When Dark teleported to Sakaki, he was afraid that Beedrill would stab him with a few needles before he could hypnotize him.

And the Pokémon that Dark is carrying with him now are too big, and it is not convenient to come out and may not be able to protect him in time.

Darkrai can, but Darkrai needs to create a dark hood to protect the city and the people, which is the top priority.

So for the sake of safety, Dark can only force Sakaki to summon Beedrill, and then let Lugia delay for a while to create an opportunity for Darkrai.

In addition, he has another concern.

That is, whether the Rocket Team's artificial Pokémon Mewtwo is still here.

The timeline of this version of the Pokémon world is a little different, and he is not sure whether Mewtwo is still under Sakaki's control.

If Mewtwo is here, then Dark's hypnosis may be ineffective, and then he may really have to fight head-on.

That is the worst result, and it is also a method that Dark really does not want to use unless it is absolutely necessary.

He is worried that Darkrai's dark cover cannot cover the aftermath of the battle between so many mythical beasts.

After all, Darkrai's current level is lower level one, and the level of normal Mewtwo is middle level one, not to mention Dark's Pokémon.

If the dark cover is destroyed at that time, then the destruction of Viridian City is a small matter.

I'm afraid that the entire Kanto region will suffer some hardships.

If the legendary Pokémon of this world, such as the Ho-Oh, the Three Sacred Birds, and the Three Sacred Beasts, are attracted again, it will be a disaster.


This time, the hypnosis is purely to make Sakaki's consciousness fall asleep, and he can't kill this guy for the time being.

Because Team Rocket is too big and has too many bases.

Only Sakaki knows the location of all the bases.

Once Sakaki dies, it will be very difficult to completely eliminate the entire Team Rocket.

Not to mention the Seven Islands and other areas, the number of Team Rocket bases in the Kanto area alone is probably over 300.

It would be difficult to wipe out such a large number, not to mention that there are a lot of evil bases waiting in other areas.

‘Darkrai, come here.’

As Darkrai called, three seconds later Darkrai floated out from the shadows in the corner.

‘Let’s get this guy into the dark hole first.’

Darkrai threw the unconscious Sakaki in his hand to Darkrai, and then looked down.

‘Giratina, is it almost done?’

Darkrai felt that the vibration under his feet was almost over, so he asked.

He had to ask.

He was afraid that Giratina was still struggling and he might be injured by mistake if he teleported over.

Asking can help Giratina prepare mentally.


A deep and melodious voice came from underground. This was the signal from Giratina.

The next moment, Dark teleported to the underground research institute.

Compared with the dark underground research institute of the Shadow Team, the Rocket Team's is obviously very bright and open. People who don't know would think it is a serious research institute.

However, the entire underground research institute has been destroyed by Giratina.

Fragments of various unknown machines and human body parts are scattered everywhere, and there are quite a few parts belonging to Pokémon.

However, after traveling through so many worlds, Dark is no longer the same as when he was still in the pirate world. Now he doesn't have too strong a reaction to seeing these.

"Giratina, come back first."

Dark knocked on the Pokémon ball on his waist.


Giratina swam over in the air and rubbed against Dark, and then ran into the Pokémon ball.

And Dark then strolled in the ruins of the research institute while taking out the Pokémon encyclopedia to send a message to Yulongdu.

There are also many Pokémon that have been subjected to various experiments in this research institute. Dak even saw Pokémon of three or four species sewn together on one body.

"It's just so fucking crazy."

Dak thought that the Shadow Team was crazy enough, but who would have thought that the Rocket Team would be even more exaggerated.

And Dak found some very useful things on a table, which were contact sheets.

On the contact sheet.

After a name, there is a contact information and the Pokémon that the other party requires.

For example, a person named Fok wants a Steelix with the characteristics of Yangsha.

But as we all know, Steelix cannot have the characteristics of Yangsha.

Then the Rocket Team will conduct experiments, conduct a series of experiments on Pokémon with Yangsha characteristics and Pokémon like Steelix, try to integrate the characteristics of Yangsha into Steelix, and then sell it for a huge sum of money.

If the Pokémon that the customer wants is relatively common and can be seen in human society, then the Rocket Team will send people to understand the information and directly snatch it, tame and brainwash it after snatching it back, and then sell it.

In addition, Dak also found a [supply list] in these contact lists.

When the Rockets cannot spare manpower but need a large number of experimental subjects, they will purchase them from outside.

Purchase from [Upper Class Club] and [Poachers].

This supply list records the location and time of the Rockets' transactions with the members of these two organizations in the next period of time.

"Leave this to Du and the handsome guy."

Dark took a look, kept all the lists, and continued to walk deeper.

The fall of the Rockets involved many people who seemed innocent and upright. Many wealthy people are afraid that they will face disasters in the next few days.

Later, he found the warehouse of this base in a deeper place, which indeed stored many valuable things.

For example, various attribute evolution stones are the most common in the warehouse. Dark can even find some super evolution stones, Z pure crystals and gigantic belts.

It can be said that the Rockets' foundation is still quite rich.

It may also be because this base is at the foot of Sakaki, so it is more valued and the quality of the things stored is also very high.

There are about 1,400 Pokémon surviving in the entire research institute.

These include mutated Pokémon that have been tampered with and Pokémon eggs that have not yet been born.

Dark used the power of Evergreen to heal all these Pokémon as before, and the psychological trauma of these children can only be slowly endured.

There are also many scientific research materials scattered on the ground.

However, these things are not as dangerous as those in the Shadow Team Base.

Although Dark has no achievements in scientific research, it can be seen that some of them are still of high value, and perhaps they can be taken back to Monet and Vegapunk for research.

There is no need for the Phoenix King to burn down a place like this.

Later, people from the Kanto Alliance will come to investigate to see if they can search for other useful things and catch more bad guys.

"Let's go."

After roughly checking that there is nothing special about this research institute, Dark teleported away directly.

Darkrai also took back the dark hood and left with Dark.

The ruined Tokiwa Gym was soon discovered by the surrounding citizens, causing a huge sensation.

Next, the three alliances of Kanto, Seven Islands, and Hoenn will destroy the Rocket Team's bases everywhere, which will inevitably cause a great deal of commotion, and even make the leaders of other evil organizations alert and start to restrain their actions.

But for Dark, it doesn't make much difference.

Because he knows that the boss of the Galaxy Team, Red Sun, and the boss of the Plasma Team, Quikies, are not easy to find. He basically has no way to know their locations directly whether these two guys hide or not.

He can only lure these two people out by means.

Their recent compliance with the law has made it easier for the three alliances here to speed up the cleaning of the remnants of the Rocket Team. There is no need to be distracted by this, and they can slowly deal with other organizations later.

Dark didn't intend to waste time dealing with the three playful organizations of the Skull Team, the Shout Team, and the Star Team from the beginning.

The Junsha family can deal with these three organizations alone.

And the other three organizations require some rhetoric.

Among them, the Flare Team in the Kalos region is the easiest for Dark to deal with.

I believe that Flare Team's leader, Fladali, will be very interested in other new worlds.

Since Fladali believes that the resources of this world are not enough for humans and Pokémon to share, then the resources of multiple worlds must be enough.

You should know that Pokémon Island now has only three large cities and seven or eight small and medium-sized towns, and other places have not yet been developed and opened up.

The resource utilization rate of the entire Pokémon Island is less than 2%.

The reason why it seems crowded during holidays and events is that there are only a few places to go on Pokémon Island.

Since Fladali wants to relieve the pressure of this world, then Dak will take advantage of the other party's direction and give him a clearer way and opportunity.

There is no need to start any more wars. Let Fladali spend money, people, effort, and technology to help their Pokémon Alliance build other cities on Pokémon Island.

Let the people and Pokémon of the Pokémon world move there, and also achieve his original purpose-reducing the number of humans and Pokémon in this world.

In this way, Fradili's goal can be achieved without killing so many lives.

The Alliance also received a great help, not only recruiting coolies to build a new city, but also bringing in a large number of people to help fight other evil forces, and also increasing the population and number of Pokémon on Pokémon Island again.

Everyone is happy.

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