Fengyuan region, Caiyu City.

It is a city located on one of the many islands in the eastern part of the Hoenn region. It is full of beautiful flowers. It can be said to be a city built in a flower garden.

The Pokémon League in the Hoenn region is located in Caiyu City.

However, Caiyu City is divided into north and south parts by a dark cave.

Minami Caiyu is the more well-known Flower City, a place where most people and Pokémon live.

Only by passing through the dark cave and climbing a waterfall tens of meters high can you reach the North Caiyu where the Pokémon League is located.

Today's Hoenn Alliance seems very deserted.

Because most of the alliance members have been rushed outside for guarding, and the alliance building will be used for meetings with the big shots who will arrive one after another.

There are currently only three people in the conference hall.

Sitting on the main seat, as the real convener and speaker of this meeting, and who has suddenly become famous recently, Dak.

Sitting on the vice-chair was the Hoenn Champion, Daigo, who was the host and the apparent initiator of the meeting.

Sitting opposite Daiwu was Fengyuan Huali Master and contemporary Liuli Gym Leader, Mi Keli.

It is estimated that about twenty more people are coming, an average of two people from each area, and they will all arrive one after another during the day.

Time passed little by little.

At nine o'clock in the morning, five people came at once.

Shiba, the champion of Kanto and one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Sinnoh Champion Sirona, Interpol Captain Codename Handsome Guy.

Yuji, the chief trainer of the Orange Alliance of Orange Islands.

"Long time no see, Daigo."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Several people greeted each other after meeting, and the relationship between the champions was basically quite familiar.

Basically, every champion will first visit the local league or champion after arriving in other places. This can be said to say hello, and it will be easier for them to do some things later.

After that, the newcomers turned their attention to the old god Dak who was sitting in his original position.

Dak's eyes were on Sirona's shadow.

‘I said, how long are you going to hide in there? Do you also like the game of hide and seek? ’

Dak raised his eyebrows at Sirona's shadow. Everyone except Sirona thought that Dak had some weird quirks.

But Sirona knew what was going on.

When Dark suddenly became famous all over the world a few days ago, Darkrai came to Sirona with a newspaper.

Sirona knew at that time that the figure in the newspaper who had done something shocking was Darkrai's trainer.

Unexpectedly, Sirona found that she was not very surprised.

After all, only a trainer of this kind of super model can train such a super model Darkrai.

When Darkrai has nothing to do these days, he will help Sirona train Pokémon. The easiest way is for Darkrai to fight in person.

It was also through these few days of training that Sirona discovered that Darkrai's intensity was surprisingly high.

Even if Sirona and Biting Land Shark use Mega evolution, they can still barely compete with Darkrai. Once time goes by, Sirona cannot bear the pressure and Biting Land Shark will exit the mega state. It's an opponent.

Sirona naturally has her own judgment as to what this level is.

Sirona knew from that time that Darkrai's trainer must be a trainer above the championship level, maybe even a master trainer, with something very special and powerful.

Then the newspapers appeared and Sirona confirmed it.

It's just that the particularly powerful part is somewhat different from what she thought.

This trainer turned out to be stronger than his Pokémon.

This is something Sirona did not expect, and it is also a situation that rarely occurs around the world.


Darkrai emerged from Sirona's shadow and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then, in the astonished gazes of Yulongdu, Dawu and others, he slipped into Dark's shadow.

"Thank you for bringing Darkrai here, Miss Sirona."

It was at this time that Dak saw that everyone had finished saying hello, and then he opened his mouth to thank Sirona.

"No matter what, it's such a trivial matter."

Sirona smiled slightly, took a look at Dak's young appearance, and then joked, "'Full-level humans' seem to be no different from us ordinary humans."


Dak twitched the corner of his mouth, he was extremely speechless about this nickname.

When he went to stop Kyogre from advancing a few days ago, someone took a photo of him knocking Kyogre over with his slap, and it was made into newspapers and sold widely, and was even reported on the news on TV.

Since then, people have started calling him nicknames.

Such as ‘One Punch Champion’, ‘Humanoid Pokémon’, ‘God Killer’. All kinds of messy titles are flying all over the place, and each region has its own style.

In the end, the title of 'full-level human' was decided upon, which was strange to Dak.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Dark is not only powerful, but his Pokémon is also extraordinary. This is the first time I've seen such a legendary figure like you."

The person who opens the mouth is Yulongdu.

This guy's personality has always been open and flamboyant, and he will not curry favor with anyone, so he said this not to flatter, but purely from his heart.

"I applied to come to the Hoenn Alliance just to ask Mr. Dark about the art of body building, otherwise the one who should have come was Sakaki, the head of the Evergreen Gym."

The muscular man standing next to Yulongdu, naked from the upper body and wearing only a white training suit on the lower body, spoke.

'Fortunately you didn't bring that guy here, otherwise I would have to fight again. '

Dark sighed secretly in his heart.

Sakaki's strength is similar to that of the Four Heavenly Kings on the surface, but in fact it is definitely not lower than the champion level. Just the giant bee in his hand is not easy to deal with.

Of course, the most important thing is that Dark has no reason to attack Sakaki.

He, a visitor from another world, knows, but other people don't know that Sakaki's true identity is the leader of the Rocket Team, the largest dark organization in the Kanto region.

Among the other nine evil forces that have appeared so far, excluding the special organization "Rainbow Rocket Team", Team Rocket is undoubtedly the most powerful and the most traditional evil organization.

It is said to be the most powerful because Team Rocket has ruled the dark forces in the three regions of Kanto, Johto, and Seven Islands by itself, and is the one with the widest coverage among all evil forces.

Although the Kanto region and Johto region are now called the Kanto region.

However, the coverage area and the base number of trainers in that region are not integrated together. After the two regions are merged, they will naturally exceed other regions.

It is said to be the most traditional evil organization because Team Rocket's goal is to rule the world.

By capturing, snatching, and even creating powerful and rare Pokémon, and using them to seize the world.

One of the legendary Pokémon in the Kanto region, Mewtwo is an artificial Pokémon developed by Team Rocket using the genes of Mew. It has extremely strong strength and is at the level of the first-level middle.

If Mega Evolution is carried out, it will also enter the level of the first-level upper level, and the race value will reach 780, the same as Super Rayquaza!

A man-made Pokémon can reach this level, which is enough to imagine how exaggerated Team Rocket is.

The Kanto region can compete with the Hoenn region in its heyday for the top three because of the existence of Mewtwo, otherwise it would not be enough with Ho-Oh and Lugia.

As for the three sacred beasts and three sacred birds, they do not have the strength to participate in such a top competition, not to mention that the Hoenn region also has three sacred pillars and two small planes.

‘Get rid of the dark breath and the shadow team, and then slowly deal with other evil organizations in this world. ’

Dark secretly thought in his heart, how to destroy those evil organizations.

It is not enough to simply crush them with absolute strength.

These evil organizations have hundreds of bases in a region, and taking action before finding them all will only alert the snakes.

And there are a large number of innocent Pokémon living in dire straits waiting to be rescued, and the large-scale attacks of legendary Pokémon must not be used.

It is quite troublesome to think like this, and it is necessary to join forces with the alliances in various regions, which can be mentioned at this meeting.

We also need to clearly identify the true nature of some organizations.

Because some organizations are classified as evil organizations, but in fact they have not done anything extremely evil.

Take the Shout Team in the Galar region for example.

They are just a group of fanatical fans who want their idol Marie to become the champion. What they do is to hinder other trainers by occupying hotels and shouting in battles.

This group is much friendlier than some fanatical fairy groups in the reality of Blue Star.

For organizations like the Shout Team, it is enough to give them appropriate lessons and temporary detention, and there is no need to kill them.

"Oh~ It's amazing, they don't look very strong, but they still have such terrible power."

At some point, Xiba had come to Dark's side and began to observe the muscles of Dark's arms.

"When the meeting starts, I will tell everyone how I became so powerful."

Dark smiled gently.

At the same time, his words also made the eyes of others brighten.

For those who often have to go to various dangerous places and fight against various evil forces, their own lack of strength has always been a fatal weakness.

Once all their Pokémon are restrained, they will fall into a very dangerous situation.

They didn't expect to become as strong as Dark, but as long as they don't let their Pokémon drag down at the critical moment, it will be fine.

Dark glanced at the expressions of this group of people and smiled even more.

'Only by joining the big family of Pokémon Island can you become stronger~'

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