Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 519 Slate and Stone Tablet

After Dak promised to let some members of the engineering department of the Alliance come to help.

Vladali also gave an accurate time.

It only takes two and a half years.

He can build a large-scale characteristic city comparable to the Alliance City.

For these leaders who can set up a whole huge organization, they are the most ambitious and want to do everything to the top, even infrastructure.

After that, the Kalos region can be considered stable.

Because in the days to come, the Flare Team will have no time to do any missionary work.

The first thing Vladali did after returning to the Pokémon world was to summon all the members of the Flare Team to learn construction technology, recruit construction teams and purchase construction materials.

At the same time, within this month, the Flare Team will tell Dak all the information they have on other evil organizations.

Vladali even said that he could ask out the boss of the Plasma Team in the Unova region, Quixote.

This is not to say that the Flare Team had any affair with the Plasma Team in the past, but because the two had a grudge in the past.

In fact, the relationship between these regional evil organizations in the Pokémon world has always been bad.

Just like Team Magma and Team Aqua are fighting each other in the Hoenn region every day.

Team Rocket in the Kanto region has also been trying to reach out to the Sinnoh region, but has been repeatedly blocked by Team Galactic in the Sinnoh region.

A few days ago, there was news from Du that information about the Galaxy team's boss, Red Sun, was found in the Rocket team's base.

The Unova region is relatively close to the Kalos region.

Moreover, Team Plasma and Team Flare are both evil organizations with missionary activities, but Team Plasma only seeks profit in the name of missionary activities, while Team Flare's missionary activities are really intended to convince ordinary people.

So-called like repels like.

Two organizations that are closest and of similar nature will always meet, and once they meet, some sparks are inevitable.

This is why Vladari has repeatedly confronted Quixote and even mastered the way to contact each other.

As long as Vladali invites Quichis to discuss cooperation, the other party will definitely not refuse. Even if he knows there is a conspiracy, Quichis will not admit defeat, at most he will be cautious.

Because Quichis does not regard Vladali as an opponent at all.

The bosses of these evil organizations look down on each other. Vladali also looks down on Quichis, and even boasts that even if Dark does not take action, he can deal with Quichis himself.

Dark knows that this is indeed the truth.

Unova is weak in all aspects, from legendary Pokémon, the three starter Pokémon to the Pokémon League, and then to the evil organizations, it is difficult to compare with other regions.

Only some Pokémon and characters are strong.

Similarly, Team Plasma cannot compare with Team Flare.

Quichis could never have thought that Team Flare, which is also an evil organization, has joined the Pokémon League.

He also doesn't know why Team Flare can be pardoned even though they are all missionary organizations, but Team Plasma cannot.

So at most, Quichis could only think that it was Vladari who wanted to ambush Yintian, but he didn't think that the real mastermind behind the scenes was Dak.

Originally, Dak's next plan was to recruit the Magma Team and the Ocean Team.

But since Vladari was able to get Quichis out, he should liberate the Unova region first.

The major regional alliances were quite shocked by Dak's efficiency, and they could only do their best to do a good job of follow-up processing.

[Flying Champion: Dak, look at this {picture.jpg}]

Just when Dak was about to stay quietly in the Kalos region for a few days, Yulongdu sent a message.

Dak looked at the picture carefully, and his expression changed immediately.

The background should be the Rocket Team's laboratory.

But in the center of the picture are two stones.

One is the stone tablet of Arceus.

The other is a stone tablet with some ancient characters recorded.

Dak opened the Magic Mall and found the place where the eighteen stone tablets were.

Arceus's Genesis Slate can be purchased, but it is limited to one purchase. Dark has never bought it. The previous Evil Face Slate was drawn from the Magic Wheel.

He felt that it was unnecessary, and even now he had no intention of buying a slate.

Because the system mall did not introduce the use of the slate at all, and it was completely unknown what other uses this thing had besides enhancing the combat power of Pokémon.

Dark did not want to explore the idea for the time being.

But now that he encountered a piece, he could study it carefully.

He compared the pattern of the slate in the picture with the eighteen slates in the Magic Mall and determined the target.

[Before the birth of the universe, it was the only one breathing alone. ]

"Magic Slate."

Dark's eyes lit up.

The slate with superpower attributes might be suitable for his research.

Then Dark set his sights on another stone tablet, which he could not understand at all.

"I have to go over and take a look."

[Send coordinates. 】

Dake asked Yulongdu for the coordinates, then used the map system in the Pokémon Encyclopedia to determine the location, and directly used the Door Door Fruit to teleport there.

"Your super long-distance teleportation is exaggerated no matter how many times I see it."

Yulongdu was startled by Dark who suddenly appeared next to him, and hurriedly comforted his heart.

"Then let's see each other a few more times."

Dark patted Yulongdu on the shoulder, and then looked around.

This is indeed a base of the Rocket Team, but it is not underground, but in the sky, on a constantly moving flying ship.

After that, Dark turned his head and looked at the magical stone tablet.

"Is it okay for me to take this thing away? I want to do some research."

"Of course, with your contribution, I dare not say in other places, but no one will stop you in the Kanto region. When this matter is over and reported in the news, the whole world will know your existence."

Du spread his hands, pretending to be envious, and then asked curiously,

"What is this? You are interested?"

Originally, Du had no interest in these stones and the like. Only Daigo and Sirona were interested in such ancient objects.

But now he saw that Dark was so concerned about this thing, so he became curious.

The few tricks that Dark has shown recently have convinced these champions. What he is concerned about must not be ordinary things.

"Arzeus knows."

"Yes, the creator god of the Sinnoh region."

"This stone tablet fell from him."

Dark held the stone tablet in his arms and immediately felt a wonderful experience.

It was as if his spirit was immersed in a hot spring, warm and comfortable, and his mental power was increasing at a very small but real speed.

If an ordinary person holds this stone tablet, he doesn't need to do anything, and one month is enough to get started with superpowers.

And Dark also has a wonderful feeling that he seems to be able to "refine" this thing into a part of his own strength like Darkrai.

Now he himself is not sure whether he is still a human being, maybe just a human-shaped Pokémon.

But Dark doesn't care much about this.

[Are humans a kind of Pokémon?] This statement is also a popular theory in the Pokémon world. Many people believe that humans are actually Pokémon.

Because humans can have fighting, wave, Changpan, earth, psychic, super, dragon, etc., and release many skills that should belong to Pokémon.

So many people think that humans are a kind of Pokémon, but they can't judge what attribute it is.


Yulongdu really didn't expect that such an ordinary stone would be related to the so-called "Sinnoh Great Lord".

He thought that Sirona would be very interested in this.

"What about the other one? Is it also that stone tablet?"

"No, this is a stone tablet with some content recorded. I can't understand it for the time being. I need to study it."

Dake shook his head and looked at the text on the stone tablet for a few more times.

The history of the Pokémon world is also relatively long.

Each region and each era has its own text. Even if Sirona comes, it may take some effort to understand the content on it.

Dake can exchange this kind of text proficiency from the Magic Mall, but it is quite troublesome.

After all, there are more types of text in the Magic Mall than Pokémon.

Dak needs to check the texts one by one in the mall and then exchange them.

So Dak directly asked the system to help identify it, which is fast and cost-effective. The only disadvantage is that it is disposable.

[There are as many universes in the void as there are worlds in the universe.

There are as many parallel worlds in a world as there are parallel universes in a universe.

At least I think so, and the Lord of Creation told me so.

And I saw it with my own eyes.

In the 18th year of the tribal era, the Creation God entangled in darkness broke into our world and fought with our Creation God.

The battle between the two Creation Gods shattered the entire Xicui Continent. In order to keep all things away from the war, Regichikas began to drag the continents to a farther place.

Other gods joined the battle, but none of them could intervene. Their attacks were of no use to the Dark Creation God, and they were even in danger, and many gods died in it.

The God of Creation scattered the seventeen stone tablets on his body all over the world, and threw the [Legendary Stone Tablet] that created all things in the world to an unknown distance.

In the end, only the [Clear Stone Tablet] was left alone with the Dark God of Creation falling into the depths of the void.

Will we still have a future?

How long can our future last?

‘Hey, are you leaving such a big stall for me? ! I seem to know where my future is going’

Dak looked at the contents on the stone tablet with a dark face, feeling that there was no hope for the future.

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