"It's that guy, nya."

Meowth put down the telescope in his hand, with a horrified expression on his face.

"Yes, it's the monster that knocked Kyogre over with one punch."

"That's right, that's the guy who dismantled Team Rocket."

Kojiro and Musashi stood up expressionlessly, hugged Miaomiao, turned around and ran away.

"Run! That guy is not human at all! Don't follow the little devil for the next few days."

"If you look twice, we might be discovered and killed!"

"It feels so disgusting, nya."

. . .

"What kind of skill is that? How can it be so powerful?!"

"This is the basis for learning ninjutsu."


When Xiaozhi heard these two words, he jumped two or three meters away.

In a world set in neon, ninjas and ninjutsu are what many boys extremely long for and admire, just like the King of War of the Daxia Dragon Group in those urban novels.

"Ninjutsu? Is Mr. Dark still a ninja?"

Xiaoyao looked at Dak curiously, and then nodded secretly.

Sure enough, she still felt that Dak was more like a handsome ninja than a fighter, after all, the appearance was very close to him.

"Well, no, I just know ninjutsu, but I'm not a ninja. I know a lot of ninja trainers."

"Ninja trainer?! That sounds super cool!"

As soon as Xiaozhi heard this, he walked over and stood ten centimeters away from Dark, breathing heavily like an idiot.

"Well, ninja trainers not only know ninjutsu themselves, but they also teach Pokémon ninjutsu and create a special skill - ninjutsu, which is a combination of ninjutsu and skills."

Dark nodded, explained briefly, and then recalled the ninja technique that Kai created.

"Let me demonstrate it to you. This ninja skill was created by a man named Metkai and his Pokémon Lucario. It's called the Wave Shuriken."

Dark reached into the bag on his waist and took out a shuriken from the system.

At the same time, a blue wave missile appeared in the hand holding the kunai.

The wave missile swallowed the kunai into it, and the wave caused the kunai to spin at high speed.

This move is similar to Naruto's [Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken], except that this Wave Guide Shuriken move is a fighting-type move, and it's blue.

"Huh?" x2

The boy, girl and the two Pokémon were once again stunned.

They thought that the demonstration that Dak was talking about was for the Lizard King to demonstrate, but who knew that it turned out to be a demonstration by themselves.

"This is called the power of waveguide. I wonder if you have heard of it."

Dark grinned, and then threw the waveguide shuriken in his hand into the sky.

When it rose to a certain height, the waveguide shuriken was controlled by Dark and exploded, creating a hollow vortex in the clouds in the sky.

"I know! There is a 'Legend of Waveguide' circulating in Rota City. It is said that hundreds of years ago, 'The Brave of Waveguide' Yalang used the power of the 'original tree of the world' to stop the conflicts in the world."

Xiaoyao immediately raised his hand.

Although she didn't recognize it, as a local in the Hoenn area, she had naturally heard of this special power that had been spread since Hoenn.

"That waveguide hero is the one who used the power of waveguide."

"Yes, a special power that humans can use."

Dark nodded, then looked at Xiaozhi who was in a daze.

When he used the power of the waveguide just now, the fluctuations in Xiaozhi's body suddenly became stronger. Perhaps the latter also noticed this change, but he was still in a state of confusion now.

At this time, Xiaozhi had not yet come into contact with the legend of waveguides, and the power of waveguides in his body had naturally not been stimulated.

If Dark had appeared a few months later, maybe Xiaozhi would have recognized it as the power of the waveguide at a glance.

"That's awesome. Was that a ninja skill just now?"

After realizing it, Xiaozhi came to his senses.

"Yes, it is usually a combination technique used by powerful Pokémon alone or by ninja trainers and Pokémon together."

"It's incredible. If my brother sees it, he will definitely pester Brother Dark to learn from it."

As a girl, Xiaoyao's interest in these things is relatively limited, and she is not as crazy as Xiaozhi.

Next, Dak told the two of them some things about Pokémon Island, but he did not say that it was from another world, only that it was his hometown.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao said that they must personally go to Dak's hometown to travel with their friends in the future and learn a lot of things.

After lunch, the three decided to go forward together.

After all, the goal of the three of them is Gumei Town.

It's just that Dake is going to Zijin City, located in the center of the Fengyuan region. It is a joyful city full of various mechanical appliances and dazzling colors. It is also one of the five big cities in the Fengyuan region.

Duck estimated that his trip would last only a short time, so he wanted to visit this most lively city first.

The goal of Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao is Chenghua City, where Xiaoyao's home is located.

According to the plot development of the original work, Xiaozhi will first use Pikachu to challenge the Orange Blossom Gym and fail to restart the journey.

Xiaoyao followed along in confusion, and Xiaosheng also followed the team secretly. They happened to meet Xiaogang on the way, and the four-person team in the Fengyuan area was assembled.

Although it was only ten minutes away from Gumei Town, a small incident occurred on the way.

That is, the three of them met a Mary Lou.

Xiaoyao liked it very much and asked the turkey chicken to attack and catch it.

In the original book, Fire Chicken will be seriously injured by Mary Lou, and then the two of them rush to the elf center in Gumei Town.

But this time, because Duck was on the side and giving guidance, the Fire Chicken deftly defeated Mary Lou, only suffering some minor injuries.

"Brother Dak is so awesome!"

Xiaoyao didn't understand, but as someone who had challenged three alliances, how could Xiaozhi not see Dak's command level?

"I feel like Brother Dak is omnipotent! No wonder Brother Dak can recruit disciples!"

Xiaozhi is now simply a little fan of Dak, and he admires him very much.

"Hahaha, of course."

Dak is not humble either.

To be humble at this level would be too pretentious.

"Come on out Marylou."

Xiaoyao loves his newly conquered Pokémon very much.

After all, this is the first Pokémon I have conquered. Although its significance cannot be compared with that of the Goblin, it is still very special.

Dak looked at this scene without much joy on his face.

He suddenly thought about whether what he did could be regarded as changing the fate of the world, and whether it would breed a dark atmosphere.

On the original trajectory, Xiaoyao did not capture Marylou, and he did not know what would happen to this journey in the future because of the addition of this Pokémon.

‘Perhaps by helping Arceus to deal with the dark Arceus, these dark auras can be ended. With Arceus’ ability, clearing these things should be nothing. ’

Dark sighed secretly in his heart.

But it didn’t bother me for too long, and I soon stopped caring.

Now that the Pokémon world is considered part of their Pokémon Island universe, there is no need to worry about this or that.

Dak linked these worlds in order to change them, rather than letting them continue to follow their original trajectories.

Being timid would be an embarrassment to the leader of the Pokémon Alliance.

Moreover, considering Xiaoyao's team in the future, one Marylou should not have much impact.

Later, Xiaoyao's team was incredible, including the giant swamp monster, the flaming chicken, the Tanabata Blue Bird, the almost-baby, and Latias who could super evolve.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the protagonist of the Hoenn region.

This life trajectory is almost the same as that of the next champion Mi Keli.

Mi Keli is the apprentice of Adam, the leader of the Liuli Gym, and the master of Huali.

Xiaoyao is the daughter of Qianli, the leader of Chenghua Gym, and the future master of gorgeousness.

Perhaps after Mi Keli abdicates, Xiaoyao may be the next champion of the Fengyuan region.

"Ah, I saw it, Gumei Town."

Xiaoyao's voice sounded.

They had left the unknown small forest and entered a fairly open basin area.

Sparse buildings are scattered everywhere, and it looks like a relatively deserted town at first glance.

"Then it's time for us to say goodbye."

Dark's voice sounded from the young girl's ears.

When Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao turned back, Dak and the Lizard King had disappeared.

The two of them and Pikachu were at a loss, and only the Fire Chicken who was walking at the back saw everything.

He stood there spinning anxiously, dancing and describing what he saw.

Unfortunately, Xiaoyao and Huo Zhiji don't have enough tacit understanding now, so they don't quite understand what Huo Zhiji means.

"Going so fast."

"Yeah, I feel like Brother Dark is so mysterious. What did he mean by what he said before?"


"Didn't Brother Dark say that we will probably know who he is when we arrive in Gumei Town?"

"Yes, why?"

The two people walked towards the elf center while chatting about everything that happened today.

"If it weren't for the pictures, I wouldn't have dared to imagine that such powerful humans existed."

"Yes, but only such a powerful and righteous person can be recognized by the champions of each region and become the overall leader of the alliance."

At this time, two women passed by carrying the vegetables they had just bought.

"A powerful human?"

"General leader of the alliance?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao looked over quickly after hearing these two words with a strong sense of familiarity.

"Well, what is the general leader of the alliance you are talking about? I remember that the alliance has never had a general leader?"

Xiaoyao stepped forward and asked. She was really curious.

"Oh, you guys probably haven't read a newspaper for a long time. You'll know after you read it."

One of the women handed a newspaper to Xiaoyao.

Xiaozhi, Pikachu and Fire Chicken all stretched out their heads to take a look, and then their eyes suddenly widened.

"Leader of the Alliance?!"

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