Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 529 New Lava Team New Ocean Team

Because it was a three-sided attack by Super Rayquaza, Lugia and Mega Megalodon.

So Kyogre was quickly beaten and lost his ability to fight.

And Dark immediately took back Super Rayquaza when Kyogre was lying on his back on the sea level.

Almost at the same time, the Rayquaza of this world had arrived.

However, the Rayquaza of this world is still in its normal form.

The Rayquaza of this world is not like the one on Dark's side. The super evolution of the Rayquaza of this world needs to consume the meteorite energy stored in the body, which is limited.

To replenish it, Rayquaza has to eat meteorites.

So under normal circumstances, Rayquaza survives in its normal form to reduce the consumption of meteorite energy.

It should be said that whether it is Dark or Shui Wutong and others looking at the newly appeared green Rayquaza, they can't help but have a feeling in their hearts.

'It's so ugly. '

After seeing the domineering and majestic appearance of the pitch-black Super Rayquaza, the green ordinary Rayquaza became a little unsightly.

It can't be said that Rayquaza is ugly.

If you haven't seen Shiny Super Rayquaza, then Rayquaza's appearance is still very cool.

It can only be said that there is no harm without comparison.

Rayquaza's eyes that look a little gloomy glanced at Kyogre on the sea surface, and then glanced at Lugia who had not been taken back by Dark, and there was a look of doubt in his eyes.

He just felt the same but more powerful aura.

Did he feel it wrong because he was sleepy?

Rayquaza's head was confused.

However, since another Rayquaza appeared, and it was not a meeting between Fathead and Standing Lizard, then other things had nothing to do with him.

Even if Kyogre was captured by humans, it had nothing to do with him.

As long as Kyogre didn't do anything wrong, especially fighting with Groudon every day, then Rayquaza would not care.

He just wanted to quietly stroll in his own ozone layer, and when he had nothing to do, he would run into the universe to beat up those ignorant rubber men.

Rayquaza came and went quickly, basically just showing up and going through the motions.

"It came so quickly, it's only been five minutes."

Dark breathed a sigh of relief and shrugged his shoulders.

If it weren't for Lugia and Mega Megalodon beating up Kyogre, the battle wouldn't have been resolved so quickly, allowing him to take back Mega Rayquaza.

Although Rayquaza in any world always appears to be relatively calm and decent, it's hard to say what will happen if he meets another of the same kind.

The Rayquaza in this world is also a first-level upper god after it evolves into Mega Rayquaza through meteorite energy.

And because it has lived long enough and has rich combat experience, it can make up for the ability gap between it and Dark Rayquaza.

When the battle starts, I can't imagine what will happen.

Origin Giratina is around now and can't help.

The other Pokémon that Dark carried were all level 1 mid-level Pokémon or below, so they might not be able to help much even if they participated in the battle.

It was impossible to lose, and Dark's lineup would definitely win.

But it was not easy to win in a short time.

What kind of impact would such a long battle between level 1 gods have on the world was another matter.

Fortunately, none of this would happen.

Although he could not think of it so specifically, Shui Wutong also roughly knew that bad things would happen after the two met, so he was relieved at this moment.

Then he turned his head and looked at Dark.

"So, I should call you the leader now, right?"


About a quarter of an hour passed.

The battle on the other side of the island was also over.

At this time, the island was completely covered by lava, but fortunately, the few wild Pokémon on the island had been taken away by a large number of lava team members.

And Groudon fell unconscious in the lava.

"Thank you for your hard work. Come back, Giratina."

"So, what kind of Pokémon is Giratina? Why haven't I heard of it?"

As Chi Yansong watched Giratina being taken back, the pressure in his heart suddenly eased, and he had the opportunity to ask.

He was really curious.

That posture looked more powerful and noble than the Rayquaza he had seen in the past.

Moreover, the fact that it could defeat Groudon with ease was enough to show that the Pokémon was extraordinary.

"There is another side to this world, and the two sides support each other. Giratina is the overlord of the reverse world. If you want to know more, you can go and talk to Miss Sirona of the Sinnoh League later."

"Reverse Overlord. Sinnoh Champion, I know, I hope I won't be beaten when we meet."

Seeing that the matter on Groudon's side had been almost resolved, Chi Yansong was in the mood to joke.

"Don't worry, Miss Sirona is still very stable, but I can't guarantee that Yulongdu and Dandi will be safe."

"Really? I don't want to meet them either."

"Let's go? Take you to see the new world?"

"Okay, leader."

... .

Sailing world.

Dak took Shui Wutong through a door and brought Shui Wutong, whose worldview was shattered, to the Seven Waters City.

This is the first branch of the Magic Cultivation House that Dak opened, and it has a special meaning.

"This, this, this, this is a crossover?"

"Generally speaking, if a normal person wants to cross the world, they need to go to the alliance base to register and use the portal. My place is special and can cross the world through another transfer station."

Dake explained briefly.

"Xiaoyi, bring me a map of the sailing world."

"Okay~ Lord Alliance~"

A mechanical voice sounded, and a man-made person with a beautiful appearance and a maid outfit handed over a piece of paper.

"Is this a robot?"

Shui Wutong's eyes widened as he watched Xiaoyi leave.

If it weren't for the mechanical voice, this robot would be no different from an ordinary person just from the appearance!

"Yes, the store robot made by Dr. Vegapunk, I don't know the model."

Dake spread out the map, then looked up and said,

"Remind you, in order to ensure that your power will not lack cutting-edge scientific research products in the future, I suggest that you build good relationships with several doctors in the alliance as soon as possible and move around more."

"Oh, I see."

Shui Wutong nodded, and then his eyes were attracted by the map that Dak spread out.

The painted map, at least 92% of the area is blue at a glance.

The red earth continent accounts for 5%, and the remaining 3% is the total area of ​​each island.

"These blue areas..."

When Shui Wutong saw this map, he was so excited that he trembled all over.

"Yes, these blue areas are all oceans."

"What?! How can there be such a perfect world! This is simply a holy land!"

Shui Wutong was completely upset when he heard Dak's answer. He grabbed the map and looked at it fiercely, wishing he could put his face into the map to see it.

"Calm down and listen to me."

"Okay, leader."

This time, Shui Wutong's attitude towards Dak was a shocking reversal.

If the previous respect was only 5 points, it is now 11 points, with a full score of 10 points.

"There is generally peace between humans and Pokémon in this world, but other problems have also emerged."

"In the past, people did not dare to go out to sea, but now everyone goes out to sea, which naturally aggravates the severity of marine pollution and destroys the ecological environment of the ocean."

"Once the ocean is finished, what will happen? I think you, the leader of the Ocean Team, should have done in-depth research."

"So, I hope you will lead your Ocean Team to become the ocean protection organization of this world and protect this sea."

Dak took out a magical token from his pocket.

Nowadays, this thing is super rare and the only choice to prove your identity.

In addition to the two or three pieces distributed at the beginning, only members of the breeding house and various senior leaders of the alliance have it.

The Ocean Team and the Magma Team will be the direct forces of the Pokémon Alliance in the future, and their status is comparable to those of the Navy, the Graveyard Army, and the Akatsuki.

As the leader of the Ocean Team, Shui Wutong should also get one.

"Just what I want! All those who destroy the ocean must be severely punished!"

Shui Wutong took the token without hesitation.

This is exactly what their Ocean Team wants to do.

Originally, he planned to expand the ocean first and then protect it. He thought his dream had been shattered.

Who would have thought that there would be a new hope after a dark period.

Now Dake has helped him to complete the first step directly. Next, he just needs to complete the second step happily. It's so easy!

"Well, I'll give you a Pokémon illustrated book, which records the contact information of the heads of various departments. Once there is a problem that cannot be solved, just send a message in the group, and the nearby Gefu Army, Procuratorate, and Navy will rush to help as soon as possible."


Shui Wutong took the blue Pokémon illustrated book.

He never thought that he could get a Pokémon illustrated book in his life.

You have to know that in the Pokémon world, you need to verify your identity to get this thing, and a guy like him with an improper identity naturally can't get it.

"Then, I'll leave this sea to you to protect."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

In the neighboring Zero Envoy World, Chi Yansong's performance was naturally much calmer than Shui Wutong's.

But from his eyes that never left the map from beginning to end, Chi Yansong was just suppressing his excitement, and in fact he couldn't help but show his strength.

Dake repeated the words he had thought through to Chi Yansong, and the latter also understood what he was going to do.

Because the Zero Envoy World is relatively backward.

So those non-magician civilians basically bury and burn garbage, which will cause great environmental pollution and need to be solved as soon as possible.

And the future mission of the Lava Team is to protect the continental environment of the Zero Envoy World and try their best to develop it to perfection.

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