Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 54 Clouds are moving in all directions (Part 2) (please read it!)

Are you even interested in Mihawk?

Somewhere in the first half of the Grand Line.

A man with red hair and missing his left arm stared at the newspaper in his hand with great interest, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

The leader of the Red Hair Pirates, ‘Red Hair’ Shanks.

It's exactly what that guy would do, isn't it?

Ben Beckman was smoking a cigar on the side and said casually, Since you broke your arm, that guy has become boring. He must be looking for fun everywhere.

However, if the things in this photo are true, then this kind of creature called Pokémon is quite extraordinary.

Lucky Lu held the chicken drumstick in his hand and said while chewing.

They had been to the City of Seven Waters and had seen the water god ‘Aqua Ragna’. Those waves were not something that ordinary people could handle.

It is a natural disaster that can only be solved by the top warriors at sea! Tsunami hundreds of meters high!

Well, it is said that even ordinary people can become Pokémon partners, but they need to shoulder the responsibility of caring for and training Pokémon. This kind of person's profession is called.


. . .

The Grand Line, The Isle of White Earth, Baldigo.

Dragon, you must use this power!

A big-headed man with a purple afro looked at the man next to him and spoke.

Ivan, I know, but we need to confirm the authenticity of this information first.

That guy Morgans basically doesn't tell false news. This photo must be real.

We have to be more careful, we can't make any mistakes.

The dragon is cautious.

Because he knew exactly what this group of people was doing.

Karas, I have to trouble you to investigate this matter.

Long turned to look at the person behind him.

The man was wearing a furry pure black feather coat, a metal beak-shaped mask on his face, and there were two crows hovering next to him.


As Karas left, Long withdrew his eyes.

But this time, his eyes focused on the lower left corner of the photo.

There was a green-haired figure on the back, which seemed a bit inconspicuous.


A man who can stand next to this creature when that kind of natural disaster strikes.

How could he be a passerby?

. . .

The country of peace.

Yo Rou Rou Rou Rou~

Tun Tun Tun.

A tall, muscular man looked at the news in the newspaper and couldn't help but feel happy, Jin, what do you think?

This man is one of the emperors of the new world, the leader of the Beasts Pirates, Kaido the Beasts.

A creature with great potential, just like an esper who has eaten an animal devil fruit.

Jhin glanced at the green figure on the newspaper, and he also saw what Kaido meant, Do you want Jack to go to the City of Seven Waters?

No, at this time, the City of Seven Waters must be very lively, and the guys from the Navy and World Government are definitely indispensable.

Kaido looked fierce, but he wasn't too worried.

Nowadays, there are still many unfinished matters in Wano, and there is not much manpower available to deal with overseas matters.

It's his, sooner or later it's his.

I'll just grab them all later.

. . .

Chambord Islands.

In this place where merchants and underground dealers from all walks of the Grand Line gathered, the existence of Pokémon definitely caused quite a stir.

Countless people are paying attention to Pokémon, such as buying Pokémon eggs in large quantities and then selling them at higher prices.

There are also many ambitious people who are beginning to plan whether they can use this power to carve out a world in the underground world.

For a moment, the heat was very high, but in the end no one moved.

First, I don’t know where to find this magical breeding house.

The second is that no one can prove the potential and value of Pokémon.

The credibility of the news reported by Morgans is indeed extremely high, but some people think it is a huge conspiracy.

Just like what the Whitebeard Pirates originally thought.

Pokémon must have this kind of potential, and the Magic Breeding House has this power. Instead of dominating the world, just sell it out?

You mean there is no ghost.

But if I believe it, then there is a ghost.

Most people hold a wait-and-see attitude. The underground world has everything to say, and Mihawk is constantly being talked about because of this matter.

Island No. 13, Xia Qi’s rip-off bar.

It's really amazing. Such a powerful creature appeared silently on the sea. I didn't receive any information before.

Xia Qi supported her chin with one hand and tapped the newspaper on the table with the other hand.

The former Xia Qi was the former emperor of Amazon Lily, the former captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, and the original captain of Boya Hancock.

The slave liberation event that shocked the world in 1507 was apparently caused by the fish-man hero Fisher Tiger.

But there is also the shadow of Xia Qi in it. She took Rayleigh and Gu Luoliosa to rescue the three Boya sisters who had just escaped from Mariejoia. Otherwise, how would the three sisters have the strength to escape from CP's pursuit.

Today, Xia Qi is the biggest information dealer in the Shampoo Islands, and there is almost no information on the sea that she cannot collect.

However, the Magical Nurture House was a name she had never heard of before.

Neither creatures like Pokémon nor the power displayed by this green Pokémon should remain unknown.

It was precisely because it exceeded her expectations that Xia Qi was very concerned about the magical breeding house and Pokémon.

The World Government will definitely not be able to sit still.

'Pluto' Rayleigh, who was sitting in front of the bar and drinking, leisurely shook the wine glass in his hand.

When he saw the descriptions of Pokémon in the newspaper, Rayleigh had already predicted what the World Government would do.

Yeah, they won't allow ordinary civilians to have power.

Xia Qi smiled and narrowed her eyes. She could almost predict the reactions of the five old guys.

You're sweating profusely, World Government.

. . .

Just as Xia Qi and Lei Li guessed.

At this moment, on the top of the Red Earth Continent, in a certain room in Mary Joye.

Five old men gathered around a rectangular table and sat on the surrounding sofas.

There was also a phone bug on the table in front of him that was on a call.

Sengoku, do you know about the magical breeding house?

What nursery?

Magical Nurture House.

What is magically cultivated?

Magical Nurture House!

What magical house?


Picking your feet.

The caller was hung up, and the round-headed old man who had just talked to Warring States was staring at him with his beard blown, his face turned red, and he was obviously very angry.

This piece of trash is becoming more and more useless.

It should be said that he is becoming more and more disobedient.

The old man sitting next to him took a sip of tea calmly, Can't you see that this guy is pretending to be stupid?

.The World Government does not need a disobedient Admiral.

The current situation in Dahai cannot be changed, and Sengoku has a high prestige in the navy. Most things have been handled well. We can't replace him yet.

Yes, that guy Sakaski is still too young, and there are not enough people in the navy to support him, so he is not suitable to take over the position of marshal.

What about this magical breeding house?

The five old men began to discuss each other word by word. The five of them had always walked through this.

Old rules, advise them to take the bright road of justice and turn Pokémon into the exclusive power of our world government.

What if they don't?

Then he will be deemed a criminal and a reward will be placed on him.

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