The lower alliance structure of the Pokémon world has been selected.

And this alliance does not need as many members as other regional alliances. It only needs to add some talented people in the necessary departments.

Because the official structure of the Pokémon world itself is very perfect.

After the evolution of one era after another, there is nothing to be picky about the human group structure in this world.

The current living environment and atmosphere are the most suitable for the people of this world.

It may even be more perfect than the Pokémon Alliance in Pokémon Island. There is no need for Dark to worry about its composition and operation, which makes him worry-free.

At most, it may be that the law is too kind, which makes Dark feel a little dissatisfied.

This is not incomprehensible.

After all, the world is so big, but the population is so sparse. Humans may not have 150 million people at most, so they will naturally be more tolerant of these compatriots.

But understanding does not mean agreement.

While revising such overly kind laws and regulations, Dark will encourage people to have more children, and give families who are willing to have more children certain financial subsidies or even limited-time land use rights in Pokémon Island.

Fortunately, the alliances in each region are very complete, so there is no need for Dark to send additional members of the guard and inspection team.

Otherwise, the Pokémon League will have to start recruiting again.

The Pokémon World is a large-scale world, comparable to the Maritime World.

Although there are not many humans in the Pokémon World, the number of Pokémon is quite exaggerated. The number of Pokémon in a region is guaranteed to be in the eight digits.

The number of Pokémon in the ocean is even more unimaginable.

To send people to such a large-scale world, this plan cannot be carried out without hundreds of thousands.

As for the Pokémon World Alliance, there are two reasons why it cannot be challenged within half a year.

One is that this "season" has not ended yet.

It is better to wait until the battle competition of the Maritime World ends next year and then start together.

The second is that as the number of lower-level alliances increases, the venue of the battle competition is about to change.

It's like the battle competition of the Maritime World and the Pokémon World will start at the same time next year, but there is only one battle competition venue in the Alliance City.

Who should be allowed to use it then?

Put it in other worlds for battle?

That won't work.

Because that will turn the original regular battle competition into a field battle competition. After all, there will be no rules of strength suppression for trainers in other worlds outside Pokémon Island.

For example, hold the battle competition in the Pokémon world in the Pokémon world.

Then there will definitely be trainers in the sailing world or the ninja world who use the ability of observation Haki or illusion to strengthen their own combat power and interfere with the opponent's Pokémon during the battle.

That would be extremely unfair to ordinary Pokémon world trainers, and the rules of the competition would be similar to field battles.

Therefore, the battle competition must be held in the Pokémon Island.

This is the first and most important factor.

And when the battle competitions of multiple worlds are held, the time will not be staggered, but the location will be different.

This is for diversion.

Force the audience to make choices and go to different cities to relieve the pressure of one city during the competition, so that it will not be as crowded as the Alliance City every time.

There seems to be no particularly good solution to this problem except adding more battle competition venues.

Dark plans to add a battle competition venue with local characteristics in the two large-scale cities of Yggdrasil and Mermaid City.

For example, the battle venue of Yggdrasil should be full of natural atmosphere, mainly green, and built in the forest.

And the battle venue of Mermaid City should naturally be full of marine atmosphere, mainly sea blue, and built in the ocean.

Angel City is not suitable for building a battle competition venue.

Although the reputation of Angel City is not inferior to the three large-scale cities, Angel City is only a medium-sized city.

Building a battle venue on it, Dark is worried that too many people will run up during the competition and Angel City will be driven to the ground.

The probability of this is very small, but it is not impossible.

When there are more cities in the future, if Angel City suddenly runs over with hundreds of millions or even billions of people, plus those Pokémon, can Angel City not sink?

When Dak was making this plan, Vladali also jumped out and volunteered to build a battle competition venue.

This old guy obviously found a big business opportunity and did not intend to miss this opportunity and wanted to fight for it.

The scale of the city built by Vladali is a large-scale city, which naturally meets the conditions for creation.

And Dak does not need to spend manpower and financial resources, so he naturally has no reason to refuse.

Dak only needs to exchange a partial void barrier to protect the audience seats after the battle competition venue is built.

However, Vladali's city has not been built yet, so naturally he will not start construction on the battle venue first.

So the first two venues that need to be built at the moment are still the first two venues.

These two venues are expected to be completed in a maximum of half a year.

Dark will first look for a battle competition venue with a similar style in the Magic Mall, and then let the people in the engineering department make targeted renovations to make the venue more city-specific.

This time should not be particularly long.

If we are lucky, perhaps this Pokémon Battle Competition can be used in one of the venues.

As for the Coordination Competition, there is no need to consider this at all.

The Coordination Competition does not distinguish between upper and lower alliances. It can even be said that the Coordination Master does not belong to the position in the alliance at all, so there is naturally no need to consider subordinate alliances.

The Coordination Competition is only divided into the general competition and the sub-competitions and lower-level competitions for obtaining ribbons.

The sub-competitions and lower-level competitions of the Coordination Competition can be held in various worlds and cities.

No matter where the winning ribbons are obtained, as long as the five ribbons are officially recognized by the alliance, you can get the qualification to participate in the general competition of the Coordination Competition.

The venue for the general competition is naturally only one coordination competition venue in the alliance city.

In addition to the reason that the venue needs to be increased.

Dark also hopes to buy time for other competition areas to work hard.

Strengthen the strength of trainers in other leagues, so that they won't be beaten too badly after going to the Pokémon World.

There is still a year and a half before the Pokémon World Battle Tournament begins.

This year and a half should be enough time for trainers from other worlds to go to the Pokémon World to exchange ideas and learn from the trainers in that world.

Not just these trainers.

Even Pokémon Doctors such as Monet, Vegapunk, Kayaba Akihiko, and Kamishiro Rinko have to go there to learn from them and see if they can promote the technological progress of the Pokémon League.

There is also a plan by Dark to let the students of the Pokémon Academy and the students of some famous schools in the Pokémon World to carry out exchange activities and intensive training competitions, so that they can exchange and learn from each other and experience the local customs and Pokémon culture.

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