Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 543 Shocked Blueberry Students

With Sabo and his team's abilities as trainers, it would indeed be difficult to venture into the Eco-dome.

But the problem is, they are not ordinary trainers.

With Itachi and Neji around, they could hide in advance or change directions to avoid certain powerful Pokémon before they approached.

But Dan Yu would definitely not know about this kind of thing.

She would never have imagined that people in other worlds have all kinds of special abilities.

With the visit and Q\u0026A over, Dan Yu's mission has come to an end.

After taking everyone to the exchange student dormitory, she said goodbye to Dak and left. Everyone could check their schedule for the next 30 days on the computer in their dormitory.

If there are classes on the class schedule, they must go to the corresponding location in the corresponding classroom to attend classes. When there are no classes, they can move around freely.

The exchange student dormitory is for two people per dormitory.

Hinata and Kuina live in the same dormitory. Although they don't usually play together, they are still very close.

Sisters Kuina, Reiju, and Nokiko often play together, and their younger brothers and sisters also play together in the same circle.

Hinata usually likes to play with Zoro, Nami, and Sanji, so Kuina often comes to lead the wandering Zoro home.

"There are almost no courses, and the few courses are all about combat."

Guina glanced at the class schedule and looked a little surprised.

Because she is a combat student in Pokémon Academy, she is very familiar with these courses.

"Then everyone usually enjoys free activities? But what will they do?"

"I guess I keep playing against each other to gain experience."

Kuina thought about what she saw and heard today, and then shrugged.


Hinata nodded, thinking it was the same thing, "It feels a little different from what I imagined. It's not relaxed and happy at all."

"Well, this school puts a lot of pressure on people, urging students to become stronger, but I quite like this feeling."

Guina lowered her head and clenched her fists.

She is a very independent girl, just like her parents want her to be a coordinator, but she resolutely chooses the path of fighting trainers.

Naturally born to be strong, of course she longed for more power. In this kind of school, she could always push herself and not slack off.

"I still prefer the old academy. I won't be able to see my grandpa and brother for the next month."

Hinata sat cross-legged on the bed a little pitifully and sighed.

If Sabo hadn't been with him this time, she wouldn't have come at all.

"Haha, maybe we will find something more interesting next. We can go down there and take a look together then."

Kuina reached out and rubbed Hinata's head.

Kuina, who had grown up with a bunch of snot-nosed brats in the gym, had long wanted to have a younger sister, and her wish came true in the next month.

"Go to sleep."


Early the next morning.

The students of Blueberry Academy discovered something very shocking.

That is, those exchange students from the Pokémon Academy in another world were doing morning exercises with their Pokémon.

Morning exercise itself is not that unusual.

There are many Blueberry students who get up earlier than Kuina and her group.

It's just that the Blueberry students got up early to accompany the Pokémon for morning exercises, while Kuina and the others participated.

Those like Sabo, Neji, and Hinata who practice boxing are okay, after all, there are not no fighters in the school.

Even those who practice swordsmanship like Kuina and Sasuke are not unacceptable.

But things like Itachi's method of spitting fireballs into the air, Shikamaru's method of controlling shadows, and Murloc's method of waving water arrows are simply too outrageous.

In fact, students don't train under normal circumstances.

Because of the suppression of strength in Pokémon Island, they can't do too much exaggerated training. At most, they can hone their physical fitness and physical fitness. They will only start training when they go to other worlds during the holidays.

Many Blueberry students even stood there blankly watching for more than ten minutes.

"Hey, what's going on with those guys?"

"I thought that was some kind of doll holster. What kind of creature is that? Is it a Pokémon?"

"Can a child from another world do this? No wonder the leader of Dark is so powerful that he doesn't even look like a human being."

"By the way, when they conquered the first Pokémon, did they all go directly to the battlefield themselves?"

The commotion in the square was getting louder and louder. Of course, Sabo and his team noticed it, but they had no intention of stopping.

Since they all came here on behalf of the Pokémon Academy, they couldn't just go back without doing anything. They had to let these arrogant Blueberry students see how powerful they were.


Thinking of this, Kuina clenched Hedao Yimonji in her hand and struck down with her sword, splitting a big stone in front of her in half.

Although Kuina has not yet mastered Armament Haki, she is a talented kendo girl who was able to defeat many adults three years ago, and she has already reached the level of stone-cutting.


This slash really shocked many Blueberry students.

This kind of slashing attack is nothing on a Pokémon. A Level 20 Pokémon can do it to this extent.

But it would be very incredible if it were a human.

After all, under normal circumstances, even a Lv.10 Pokémon can kill an ordinary human.

There are many people who share the same idea as Kuina.

A show-off like Sasuke would naturally not miss this opportunity, but he also knew how good his swordsmanship was, so he put down his katana and made seals with both hands in front of his chest.

[Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique! ]


A two-meter-diameter fireball was sprayed into the air in front of Sasuke, and the hot breath swept around.

"Wow!!!" xN

This move was even more exaggerated than the commotion caused by Kuina.

After all, Kuina's move was very powerful, but it was within the range of normal humans. If there was a sharp knife, it didn't even require abnormal physical fitness.

But Sasuke's move was completely different.

This was definitely not something that normal humans could do, it belonged to the category of people with special abilities!


Sasuke raised his chin high and pouted proudly.

These little guys looked down on them before.


Itachi had no intention of showing off, he just thought Sasuke looked cute.

Almost no one else had any intention of showing off, they just trained normally.

Such a movement quickly attracted the attention of the members of the Alliance Club.

Even the champion, Karuri, was pulled over to watch.

Even he couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw this scene.

However, morning exercise didn't take long, and even if Sasuke kept showing off, he had no chakra left in his body.

The morning exercise ended.

That day, these exchange students from another world became famous in Blueberry Academy.

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