Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 7 Qualifications and Pricing (please read more!)

[Main mission: Trainer’s starting point, completed]

[Obtain: Ability-Qualification Detection (Pokémon)]

The main mission is completed, and the Qualification Detection item is added to the ability column in the personal panel.

However, this is an ability that does not show a level. There must be no higher level term for this level.

[The main mission has been updated]

[Main Mission: The First Lesson of Cultivation-Crystal Block Production]

[Content: Prepare your own materials and successfully manually create a qualified Pokémon crystal according to the guidance of Bulturer: From Novice to Master. 】

[Reward: Store expansion-production area and residential area]

Sure enough, it can be expanded. This task must be completed as soon as possible. It's best to complete it in these two days, otherwise we won't even be able to find a place to sleep.

Duck took a look, and there wasn't much surprise.

As a training house that wants to open all over the world, how can it always be such a big place.

On the other hand, the living area is too necessary for Duck. Now there is not even a place to bathe or use the toilet in this shop.

The daily tasks are still the same three, they are all relatively simple tasks. I just happen to do the task ① before going to Moby-Dick, and do the task ② after going to Moby-Dick, and ask the Whitebeard Pirates for help. .

Open the Magic Mall.

Dak muttered silently, and then a panel appeared in front of him.

[Balance: 0 magic coins]

Magic Coin is the exchange currency of Magic Mall and the funds required to start the Magic Roulette. 1w Bailey is equal to 1 Magic Coin.

There are many things displayed on the panel, too many.

Everything from specific Pokémon Eggs to specific Pokémon-related items.

Even rare props such as slates, orbs, and specific super evolution stones can be purchased, but the prices are also quite expensive.

But some things seem to have been changed.

For example, resurrection grass, which can only be used on Pokémon, can also be used on humans, without the side effect of reducing favorability.

[Resurrection Grass: As long as you have one breath, you can fully recover to your health. 】

There are also some things that will definitely make the entire sea crazy if released, such as.

[Tears of the Phoenix King: Resurrection of the dead. 】


Dak was not too excited because these things were not something he could afford now.

However, he has many more ideas in his mind, and he seems to have found a way to change the situation in today's world.

Forget it, those are still too far away, let's try the new abilities first.

Duck shook his head and brought his attention back to the balls under the tree.

【Qualification Detection】










1 white, 3 green, 3 blue, and 2 purple. The proportions of green and blue are the highest. This should be the average qualification of Pokémon eggs.


Dark frowned as he looked at the sudden color radiating around the balls.

This ability is more rubbish than he thought.

He thought he would at least be able to detect what Pokémon the unborn eggs were, but it turned out that he could only detect the qualifications?

And it’s still a way to only light up one color.

just like.

It's as if this ability is just to allow me to better set prices for different Pokémon eggs.

Duck walked over and picked up the green egg that showed white. This was the egg with the worst qualifications.

This made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

In his opinion, Pokémon's future is unlimited, and qualifications should not be used on Pokémon.

System, do the qualifications here represent the upper limit of Pokémon?

Dak reached out and stroked the green egg in his arms, and then asked reluctantly.

[Qualifications do not represent the upper limit of Pokémon. The upper limit of Pokémon is 'infinite'. Qualifications only represent the level of gain gained by Pokémon after hard work, that is, the 'progress speed'. 】

After hearing this explanation, Dak immediately smiled in relief.

This is in line with his impression of Pokémon.

Putting the egg in his arms back to its original position, he felt a little relieved.

What are the specific levels of qualifications?

[White-Green-Blue-Purple-Orange-Gold-Red, you can improve the Pokémon's qualifications by purchasing props in the magical mall. 】

Dak held his chin, looked at the group of balls, and began to think about the issue of 'pricing'.

One hundred thousand white, one million green, ten million blue, one hundred million purple, one billion orange, ten billion gold, let's talk about it after we meet red.

Duck nodded, thinking the price was not bad.

The white and green levels are obviously prepared for civilian customers. If they want to buy Pokémon, it is probably not for any ambition, but just because they are lonely in life and want to find a companion or daily helper.

If you can find such a trainer as a partner, then these less qualified Pokémon will not need to feel the pressure to become stronger.

The pricing strategy before and after the birth of a Pokémon must not be the same. After the Pokémon is born, the personality, attributes, and characteristics of the Pokémon will be revealed. By then, each Pokémon will have a different price. Of course, the most important thing is It’s still the Pokémon’s own wish.”

After being born, Pokémon will gradually have their own will. Each Pokémon has different ideas. Some are willing to leave the breeding house, but some definitely want to stay with Dak.

At that time, it will not be the guests choosing Pokémon, but the mutual choice between each other.

Only when the Pokémon and the guest see eye to eye will Dark start to consider the price of the Pokémon.

Specifically, we need to analyze the financial situation of the customer. If that person is really too poor to open the pot, then Dak will also lower the price to the bottom price of 100,000 beli. After all, the Pokémon also wants to leave with him. He can't because If you don’t make enough money, you’ll force the Pokémon to stay.

Dak silently formulated such a set of rules in his heart.



Darkrai gradually emerged from Dark's shadow, still looking low in interest.

Dark used [Qualification Detection] to look at the light on Darkrai. It was golden and almost blinded him.

But he glanced at Darkrai's level on the panel, Lv. 100.

System, can't Darkrai's level be improved any further?

[Darkrai has only reached the upper limit of strength in the One Piece world. Due to the particularity of his 'Dark Hole' ability, continuing to grow may disrupt the spatial order of this world. Therefore, he is restricted by the world. He can still return to the original world. Continuing to increase the level, the current Darkrai is equivalent to Level 85 in the original world. 】

[Even if the level cannot be improved, Darkrai can improve his combat effectiveness by learning or mastering the power of this world. 】

The original world is the world of Pokémon, right, but Level 85?

Duck was a little surprised.

He thought that his Darkrai was at the ceiling level in the Pokémon world, but it seemed to be far behind.

But it doesn't matter, he believes that with the help of the system, Darkrai will reach that level. Even without his help, it shouldn't be very difficult with Darkrai's qualifications.

Darkrai, let's give the balls a bath together.


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