Duck found a few tree fruits in the production room that had previously been harvested from the [Tree Fruit Gift Pack].

Then I found a herb in the [Magic Mall]. This herb was once found by Alice and Yaya in the original work to treat Slippery Boy's injuries.

Mash these things into a paste and hand it to Mihawk.

Is this medicine?

Mihawk took the small bowl, looked at the dark green paste inside, and sniffed it, but found no unpleasant smell.

It's astringent and sweet, so it shouldn't be unpalatable.

Mihawk judged this based on his sense of smell.

Then he picked up the small spoon and planned to give medicine to the duck. However, the duck seemed to reject this kind of thing. He pushed the spoon away with his short hand and turned his head away.

The taste of this medicine is actually not very good. Pokémon have a keener sense of smell and they can detect it.

Dark explained to the confused Mihawk.

This medicine is indeed not very tasty. In the original novel, the face of Hua Hua, who was not very good-looking after taking it, became even more ugly. However, the medicine is also very effective, and Hua Hua soon felt much better.


Mihawk spoke concisely and patted the duck's belly, and the little guy reluctantly opened his mouth.


After eating a spoonful, Kodakya obviously showed a not-so-good look on his face, and he hugged his head with both hands and groaned.

to beat.

Mihawk continued to feed.

Here you go.

Sugar on the side took out a candy from his pocket and handed it to Mihawk, Sister will use this when she feeds me medicine.


good idea.

Mihawk nodded and took the candy from Sugar. He learned another little trick for raising children.

Such daily tricks were absolutely useless to him in the past, but things are different now.

Mihawk waited until Duck Duck had finished taking the medicine, and then Mihawk looked at Duck again.

Pokémon's physical fitness is very strong. Generally, one dose of medicine is enough to recover. It should be fine tomorrow.

Although Mihawk didn't speak, Dak could understand what he meant.

Perhaps because the relationship has become better and there is some tacit understanding, he can already guess what Mihawk means. This guy is surprisingly easy to understand.

Okay, how much is it?

Hmm, 50 Baileys.

Duck was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Because he has not yet planned the charging standards for future treatment services at the 'Elf Center'.

But after Mihawk asked this question, Dak had already started to conceive. In the field of [medical], Dak did not intend to make money.

In the future, when the Elf Center resumes the use of the device, it will only charge an electricity fee of 50 beli.

It is equivalent to the price of a Chopper two years ago, and also the price of a marshmallow.

As for other diseases, only the cost of the medicinal materials will be charged, and no other fees will be charged.


Mihawk nodded, but he did not leave in a hurry, but turned to look at other places in the store.

At this time, he also discovered that there were suddenly many more eggs in the store.

He was dazzled by the sight.

How about it, do you want to buy an egg?

Dark poked Mihawk with his elbow and asked him.

Let's wait a few days until Kodak recovers from his illness.

Mihawk does have the idea of ​​adding another Pokémon.

But it's not to cultivate a great swordsman who can defeat him like before, but he doesn't want Kodak to stay alone as a little duck all day long.

On weekdays, Mihawk often had to practice high-intensity swordsmanship. Kodakya would hold his head and stare at it stupidly. Mihawk didn't know if he would be bored.

Where have you been living these past few days? The Pokémon's physical condition will have undergone a transformation after leaving the juvenile stage. It should not be so easy to get sick. It must be the discomfort caused by the huge changes in the environment.

Duck asked another question that he had been wondering about.


I'll go take a look with you.

Seeing Mihawk's stunned look, Dak's expression became strange, and he decided to follow him to take a look.

All right.

Mihawk nodded.

Let Duck follow him, and he might be able to determine why Duck got sick.

Afterwards, Dak followed Mihawk and left the store.

The first moment he stepped out of the store, Duck couldn't help but shudder.

Sky, it's snowing

This is a small town covered by ice and snow, and Mihawk lives in a house in this small town.

I really don’t know which unlucky pirate this house belongs to.

Where is this?

Probably some winter island on the Grand Line, I'm not sure.

Mihawk shook his head, he always followed wherever he went.

It's really yours, but Kodak may have been frozen.

Duck raised his forehead and shook his head, looking at Kodak.

Although Kodakya didn't seem to react mentally yet, his body had already.

Pokémon like Pidgeot, because they are water-type Pokémon, have a strong tolerance to cold, so even if they feel the cold, it is tolerable, and the body will not give an obvious reaction.

At this time, if you want to detect whether the ducks feel cold, you can only look at the palms of their hands.

Because the duck holds its head all year round and its palms are not in contact with the outside world, it will become more and more sensitive to temperature.

Duck took a look at Kodak's hand that was holding his little head. There was a faint redness in his palm. It wasn't obvious, but it was there.

He explained the situation of the Kodak to Mihawk, who gained knowledge again.

You are afraid of the cold, how can you not be afraid of Kodak? He is not an ice Pokémon.

Duck reached out and pulled off the scarf around Mihawk's neck, and then wrapped it around Duck Duck's neck.

Although the little guy didn't give any action response, it was obvious from the look on his face that he felt much more comfortable.

I see.

Mihawk looked at Kodak and nodded, Thank you.

It's okay, be careful next time, I'm going back.

Duck was so cold that he turned back to the store.

But as soon as he returned to the store, Sugar ran over and looked at Duck with his big watery eyes.

The little girl is very smart and knows how to take advantage of her cuteness and young age to act coquettishly and cutely towards the adults.

And the adults in the store basically like this.


What's wrong?

I want to go out and play in the snow.

Sugar looked at Dake pitifully. She had been in the store for many days.

Dian Dian.




The other little guys followed behind Sugar and showed various expressions to Dak.

Only then did Dak vaguely remember that the little guys hadn't gone out to play in a while.

For little ones who have accepted the novelty of the outside world, staying in the store all the time is quite painful.

Speaking of which, you haven't seen snow yet. In that case, let's have a snowball fight today!

Dak patted his head, regretting his carelessness, but soon he waved and planned to take everyone out to play, Sugar, go and call sister, Robin, help me get Xiao Feng, Bingshan and Lizard King together. Call me back, we all have a day off today, let’s go out and play together.”

“What the boss said is good!!!”

First you hear Bellamy's voice, then you see Bellamy's people.

Bellamy was still exercising in the boys' dormitory when his voice penetrated the door and spread outside, and then he rushed out.

About ten minutes later.

Mihawk, who was still watching Duck build a snowman, turned around and saw Duck rushing towards here with a bunch of people.


Before Mihawk could see who was there, a snowball hit him softly.

You can dodge, but you can't dodge, because you will hit the duck.

Mihawk watched helplessly as the snowball hit his hat, and then the little girl next to Dak showed a naughty smile.


Mihawk turned around and looked at the little duck obediently making a snowman. He felt that the duck was much cuter.

When they came to this piece of snow, there was no need for Dak to give orders. The Pokémon started to play spontaneously.

Those who have snowball fights, build snowmen, and chase in the snow

Both Iceberg and Lizard King were numb.

They thought they were suddenly called here to do something, but it turned out they were just here to play.

Now one of them is thinking about the sea train, and the other wants to sleep in the small forest inside the branch.

Bingshan held his forehead with a headache, but immediately smiled again. Since he was already here, let's play for a while. He hadn't played so freely for a long time.

As for the Lizard King.

After being accidentally injured by a snowball, he cursed and walked away. He hated such cold weather.

After a day of hard work, everyone returned to their work state.

It was on the morning of the third day that news came from Feng Clay.

The branch in the City of Seven Waters was built.

A naval branch base was also built.

The north shore of the City of Seven Waters is already overcrowded. All major shipyards and shops in the entire City of Seven Waters are on holiday, and a large number of people plan to buy a Pokémon.

Dak knew they were in a hurry, but they really couldn't be in a hurry.

He must first finish the business with the Navy and get the two billion Baileys.

Not only for Giratina and the seeds of special abilities, but more importantly, his magic coins are not enough for him to buy such a large number of Pokémon eggs to sell to the people in the City of Seven Waters.

Robin, ask Xiao Feng to hold a pre-order meeting on the North Shore before opening the store. Record how many people want to buy Pokémon eggs. Also, ask these people whether they need family members to accompany them or partners to help them. Psychological expectations Also ask about the price.”

Duck gave the order.

It is necessary to make clear statistics on how many Pokémon Eggs need to be purchased in the Magic Mall and what qualifications the Pokémon Eggs have.

In the days to come.

Money from their magical nursery could come quickly.

But it definitely costs money quickly.

Especially on Pokémon Island, no matter what the situation is there, it can be expected that Dark will definitely need to spend a lot of money to transform it.

The Pokémon species that live there require PokéCoins.

Building various places there also requires hiring workers.

I'm not sure there's anything else I need to spend money on.

Dake must be able to save money, not be stingy where he should spend money, and never spend a penny more on places where he should not spend money.

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