Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 99 The deal with Ge Shujun

This is two hundred million beli.

Karas shook his cloak, and a large number of banknotes began to fall out.

Dark didn't even know where such a large amount of banknotes was hidden. Maybe Karas' Devil Fruit had some abilities that were not exposed in the original work.

Twenty million?

An egg worth 100 million beli, and a Pokédex.

It seems that you came after making sufficient preparations.

Dark nodded.

Ge Shujun probably came to the door after he had figured out the price of Pokémon eggs and the functions of the Pokémon Pokédex [Vip]. He prepared just enough Baileys, no more and no less.

As for how these people knew this news.

There are people from the Navy or the White Corps who are members of the Ge Shu Army. There is a high probability that they are from the Navy. The White Corps is just hanging out in the New World all day long and there is no need to conduct surveillance.

Who will cultivate this Pokémon egg?



Duck nodded and said nothing more.

I bought an egg with 5,000 magic coins in the Magic Mall, and then took a black Pokédex and handed it to the other party.

Pokémon eggs are black, and you don’t know what kind of Pokémon they will hatch. Generally, eggs of this color are mostly ghost or evil types.

1.50,000 magic coins were deposited into the account.

By the way, Mr. Duck, I heard you were looking for this thing recently.

Karas put the Pokémon egg and illustrated book handed over by Dak under his cloak, and then stretched out his bony hand.

The pale hand held a gray-white gourd-like fruit.

Devil Fruit.

Duck murmured.

It seems that the Don Quixote family has been making a lot of noise in the underground world recently, and even the Gelu Army knows the news.

Yes, the Gate Fruit. It seems that the Don Quixote family intends to use this to do a business with you? I wonder if we have this possibility.

Karas' eyes were dark.

Dark's superpower did not detect any malicious emotions from the other party. This look may be Karas's original look, which is as natural as a dead fish eye.


Dark frowned and reached out a hand to hold his chin.

The Gate Fruit is certainly something that Dak wants desperately, and his desire for this Devil Fruit even exceeds his superpowers.

Although we don't know what the Don Quixote family wants from you, we are not very interested in that. According to the information we collected, the Navy seems to have a magical token that allows people to go directly to the breeding house. Our store also makes the transaction process very convenient.”

Seeing Dak's hesitation, Karas directly stated their purpose.

Pocket Token.

For Ge Shujun, it is too difficult to do business at the cultivating house branch in the City of Seven Waters. There are not too many people staring around.

Even Karas must be careful, let alone the other subordinates.

This will make it difficult for them to conduct various large-scale transactions with the Magical Breeding House in the future, whether it is transporting a large number of Pokémon eggs to Bardigo or transporting a large number of Baileys to the City of Seven Waters. Too conspicuous.

With pocket tokens, these risks disappear.

Oh, this is for you.

Dak immediately figured out what was going on, and immediately took out a jade token and handed it to the other party.

The pocket token itself is used to give these organizations power, because the transaction volume of these people will be large, and the existence of pocket tokens makes the transaction process simpler.

This is not a precious thing. The system wholesales it to Dake customers for free, and Dake also gives it to other customers for free.

However, it seems that the Gechu Army did not collect this information.


Karas nodded, took the jade token, and then handed the Gate Fruit to Dark.

It's okay, it's free.

Dake has no intention of becoming a shady businessman. Anyway, Ge Shujun will know about it sooner or later.

If you cheat them now, Ge Shujun will be more clever when doing business with the breeding house in the future.

But you still have to get the door fruit.


Karas' hand holding the Menmen fruit tightened subconsciously.

Unfortunately, it came up empty.

Dak has already used his telekinesis to move the Gate Fruit to his hand.

Karas was still a little distressed at first, but his attention was quickly attracted by the scene in front of him.

Thank you Ge Chujun for your generous gift.

Duck raised his hand to hold the Menmen Fruit in his hand, but was not in a hurry to eat it.

He was not sure if this thing was the Gate Fruit. After he returned, he would let Robin take a look. O'Hara, as a former holy place for scholars, must have such a thing as a Devil Fruit Illustrated Book. Robin might recognize what kind of fruit this thing was.


Karas looked at the departing Gate Fruit, withdrew his eyes, and then warned, You cannot eat two Devil Fruits at the same time, otherwise it may cause your body to explode.

Even though Karas looks gloomy and speaks lifelessly, this character is a decent character.

He has a very stable character and is good at controlling his negative emotions. He looks down on people who bully the weak and likes to participate in various volunteer activities to help others.

Karas thought that Dak's superpower was a devil fruit ability.

Okay, I know.

Duck nodded, with no intention of explaining at all.

Do you have anything else to say?


A question mark popped up on Duck's head.

Didn't you come to find me? I should say this, right?

Dak frowned and reacted, and then used his superpower to sense the other person's mood.


Karas feels that the loss of Menmen Fruit is a big loss, and he wants to get some more benefits, which is normal.

Who can stand it if a Superman-type Devil Fruit worth hundreds of millions of beli is exchanged for a free token?

Do you have this?

Duck thought for a while and took out a few pieces of paper.

Those were the tickets for the Pokémon Showcase. He felt that it was unlikely that the Grenadier Army would blatantly go to the store entrance to buy tickets one by one under the Navy's nose.


Karas took one look and knew what it was, We may not have much time.

If you don't come, you will definitely regret it.

Dark seemed to have anticipated what Karas was thinking, so he spoke in advance, For the sake of the Menmen Fruit, I will tell you an additional piece of news that no one else knows yet. This so-called Pokémon Island is actually us. A world controlled by a magical nursery.”


‘? ’ doesn’t go away, it just shifts.

Karas frowned and stared at Dak, countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

The power of Pokémon is infinite. Even things like creating a world can be done. This Pokémon Island is the world created by a Pokémon in our breeding house.

In the exhibition match, some of the most powerful Pokémon from our Magical Breeding House will also be shown to you a little bit, so that you can recognize the strength and potential of Pokémon.

The Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates will also be there by then, and even Mihawk, Doflamingo and Morgance will be there. At that time, I will also announce some news and plans for the future development of Pokémon Island.

If you don't come, you won't be missing a Pokémon exhibition match, but you will be missing a big step in the entire era.

Dak felt that it was enough to use this news to exchange fruits with Ge Shujun.

Because this news is priceless, as Dak said, if this exhibition match is not held, the Gechu Army will always be one step behind other forces in the future.

Other forces got first-hand information from Dake and were the first to catch up with the first wave of welfare and make full preparations.

And the Gechu Army had to rely on its own strength to collect what other forces had done, and then realized belatedly that it could still be like this.

This is like the difference between closed beta and open beta without deleting files.

I see.

When Karas heard the news, he hadn't fully digested it in his head, but at least he understood the importance and took the tickets from Dak seriously, Thank you.

At that time, you can directly use the pocket token to enter the Pokémon Island in our store. The City of Seven Waters is too conspicuous for you.

Thank you for your understanding.

Then, farewell and welcome to visit next time.

Dark nodded, then waved his hand to Karas.

Karas nodded without any ink, turned into soot and flew out of the branch bit by bit and drifted into the distance.

Dak watched Karas completely disappear into the branch, and returned to the main store of the Nurture House without hesitation.

Robin, please help me find out what this Devil Fruit is.

Dark ran to Robin and excitedly handed the Devil Fruit to Robin.

Robin took it and looked at it, tilting his head to recall.

I still have an impression of the superhuman door fruit. Where did it come from?

Brought by the Gechu Army, it's great. I've been looking for this fruit!

Duck got the exact answer from Robin's mouth, and his excitement turned into excitement in an instant.

Dark, do you want to eat this devil fruit?

Robin opened his eyes, seemingly surprised.

She thought that Dak would not eat any Devil Fruit. After all, when a Devil Fruit user is exposed to a certain factor in the sea water, he will become weak and unable to use the fruit's abilities.

This is a fairly obvious weakness.


Dark nodded.

Robin's doubts were detected by him with his superpower, and he also guessed what Robin was thinking in his heart.

The power of Pokémon is extremely rich.

It is impossible to directly solve the weakness of Devil Fruit and change its nature, but it is not too simple to circumvent this weakness through other means.

However, Duck did not explain to Robin immediately. Instead, he opened his mouth and bit off a piece of the door fruit pulp.

The moment the pulp entered the mouth, a strong sour feeling came, and a strange smell flowed out of the nostrils.

Duck didn't dare to taste it carefully and swallowed the pulp alive like a wild boar.

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