Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 29 The Light of Evolution, the Big Mouth Bat Appears

The white light gradually dissipated, and the big-mouthed bat came to visit

Elf: Big Mouth Bat

Gender: female

Attributes: Poison, Flying

Features: Penetration (can penetrate the opponent's barriers and substitutes to attack)

Qualification: Orange

Basic Skills: Drain, Ultrasonic, Fright, Black Gaze, Poison Fang, High Speed ​​Star, Strange Light, Shadow Ball, Fast Defense

Inherited Skills: Cross Poison Blade, Air Slash, Vicious Pursuit

The evolved big-mouthed bat is at least twice the size of the super-sonic bat, and its image is more deterrent.

“Great Big Mouth Bat”

Lu Ze was so excited that he was about to jump up. It was the first time he saw the evolution of an elf, and it was still his own elf, so very happy.

"The big-mouthed bat has not lost its ability to fight, and the battle continues"

The referee waved the flag to signal the battle to continue. Generally, if the evolution of the elves occurs on the field, the referee has the right to suspend the game and wait for the evolution to complete. If the evolution is interrupted by external forces, it will cause great damage to the elves. Breaking the evolution of the opponent's elves will not only be shamed by everyone, but will also be held accountable by the officials after the game.

"Big Mouth Bat, is it okay?"


"Then let's go"

"Big Mouth Bat - Air Slash"

"Haha, let's move on, Coal Turtle - Clearing Smoke"

Suiyan's idea is very simple. Even if the supersonic bat evolves into a big-mouthed bat, his physical strength can be restored at most. It is impossible to evolve to full physical strength at once. In exchange for damage, anyway, the coal tortoise is full of energy, so it must be the big-mouthed bat that falls first

Sure enough, the big-mouthed bat on the field began to pant slightly after eating another shot of [Clearing Smoke]. Evolution did not restore much of the big-mouthed bat's physical strength, it was only able to fight for a short time.

"Big-mouthed bat!"

Lu Ze shouted worriedly

But the big-mouthed bat on the field rejected Lu Ze. She wanted to finish the battle, even if she lost, she had to finish the battle.

Lu Ze seemed to understand what the big-mouthed bat meant.

"Then let's go, Big Mouth Bat—Shadow Ball"

"Coal Turtle, Sharp Rock Attack"

Sui Yan hit Lu Ze by surprise. I thought that Sui Yan would continue to use [Smoke of Clearance] to exchange blood, but I didn't expect that Sui Yan, a young man who didn't talk about martial arts, directly released [Sharp Stone Attack]

The supersonic bats on the field had already decided to take the damage, but what came was not mud, but sharp stones. The big-mouthed bat relied on its own speed and reaction to avoid the sharp stones in front of it. It's a pity that the sharp stones are too dense, and the ones behind can't hide.

"The big-mouthed bat can't fight, the coal tortoise wins, the loser replaces the next elf, and the timeout will result in a loss"

"Thank you, Big Mouth Bat"

Lu Ze took the big-mouthed bat back into the poke ball, and then took out the poke ball of the little squirrel

"Go, little Snorkel, give this despicable Suiyan a big punch"


The little Kabimon appeared in the arena, and its cute face tried to make a fierce expression, which seemed very funny. Lu Ze tried his best not to laugh out loud, but Sui Yan over there couldn't hold back his laughter. very happy

The little Kabimon scratched his head foolishly, a little at a loss

"Small Snorkellings—Closer, double return"

"Coal Turtle, Sharp Rock Attack"

The Snorby was hit by a sharp rock while rushing forward, and it took advantage of the opportunity to launch double return. A black ball rushed out of the Snorkel and hit the Coal Turtle hard.

"Damn it, it's been read, this Lu Ze is really too much, you have to read it first for every training match"

Sui Yan glared at Lu Ze with some displeasure, but Lu Ze smiled very happily. He knew that Sui Yan could only use sharp stones to attack first, but Sui Yan didn't know that the little Kabimon would repay this move twice , the special defense of the small carbine is very high, which means that the special attack skills of the coal turtle are difficult to be effective, and the damage of the ice and fire skills of [thick fat] is halved, and the damage of the fire special attack skills is halved again, hitting the small carbine It's really like scratching an itch, so it can only be attacked with sharp stones.

"Little Snorkel - Megaton Punch"

"The Coal Turtle - Retracted into its Shell"

The little Snorkel rushed over, and hit the coal turtle's shell with a [Million Ton Punch], shaking the ground, but the actual damage was not much.

Lu Ze can't help it, and Sui Yan can't help it either. The little Kabimon hasn't learned any special attack skills yet, basically they are physical attack skills, and the coal turtle's physical defense is ridiculously high, plus the [shrink into the shell] physical attack skills The defense level is increased by one level, and it is even more immovable, and the restraint skills stomping, stomping, and earthquake have not yet been learned. There is a genetic skill ground crack that can be used, but the hit rate is too low, so use it with caution.

Suiyan is also very helpless. Although the speed of the little Kabimon is very slow, the speed of the coal turtle is not fast. What's more, after attacking, it can't run anyway. But the physical attack skills of the coal turtle are only those two, and it also needs to guard against the [double return] of the small Kabimon.

"Little Snorkelling - Bodybuilding"

"Coal Turtle - Cloudy Fog"

The little Snorkel was sprayed with purple poison on the face by the coal turtle after posing in a fit posture. Unfortunately, the little Snorkel was not poisoned

"Little Snorkel, continue - bodybuilding"

"I don't believe it, Coal Turtle—Mist"

"Little Snorkelling - Bodybuilding"

"Coal Turtle - Cloudy Fog"

Finally, after the third round, Zhuowu successfully put the poisoned state on the little Kabymon

"Another wave of small Snorkellings - Bodybuilding"

"Coal Turtle - Sharp Rock Attack"

It's a pity that Coal Turtle's [Sharp Rock Attack] didn't deal any damage. Under the physical defense increased by the fourth layer of bodybuilding, [Sharp Rock Attack] can only scratch it

Now, except for the poisoned state, the coal turtle can't do any damage to the little Snorkelling at all.

"Small Snorkelling - Continuous Lightning Punch"

"The Coal Turtle - Retracted into its Shell"

With lightning flashing in both hands of the little Snorkelling, it punched the coal turtle's thick shell one by one. The attack power bonus brought by bodybuilding made the coal turtle unable to withstand the damage of one punch after another.

"Coal Turtle, hold on—shrink into the shell"

"Haha, little Snorkelling - Earth Crack"

The little Kabimon smiled foolishly, and stomped its foot on the ground, a small crack appeared on the ground, just enough for the coal turtle with only its shell to fall into.

"The coal tortoise can't fight, but the little Kabimon wins"

The referee looked at the circling coal turtle and raised the chess piece in his hand

Sui Yan took the Coal Turtle back with a wry smile. The battle was over, and he also understood that the [Bodybuilding] enhancement in front of the little Kabimon was completely a false move by Lu Ze. The real killing move was waiting for the Coal Turtle to use the [Shrink] Into the Shell] [Earth Crack] when increasing physical defense

After all, even if the little Kirby's physical attack is fully stacked, the coal turtle's physical defense is also full, and no one can beat anyone. The little Kirby is still in a poisoned state. The chances of winning are very high, but unfortunately, Lu Ze hid it.

"Not bad lad, great progress"

Lu Ze walked over and patted Suiyan on the shoulder with a smile and said

Sui Yan smiled bitterly: "Unfortunately, I still haven't defeated you"

"It's not your fault, after all, things like genetic skills are really hard to guard against."


After Lu Ze's enlightenment, Sui Yan also recovered his escaping nature. He returned to the spectator stand and asked Tang Yunqin and Su Tingxi

"Do you two want to have a fight?"

Su Tingxi glanced at Tang Yunqin with a wry smile and said

"No, just now I asked her elf if she had any hidden skills, and she told me that her big tongue shell has learned the two skills of [Ice Pick] and [Ice Gravel], plus the Ugly Fish's [Frozen] Light beam], I feel that my mini dragon may not be able to beat one and two, so forget it.”

Sui Yan hugged Su Tingxi's head and said

"Forget it, how do you know you can't beat if you don't fight?"

Su Tingxi broke free and looked at Suiyan and said, "Then why don't we come next time?"

Sui Yan: "I don't want it, why don't you fight with Lu Ze?"

Su Tingxi: "I fought him and lost"

Sui Yan: "Then I fought you, and I lost too."

Su Tingxi smiled and said, "It's because you lost to me last time, I still want to win you this time."

Sui Yan was anxious: "Zhuo, come here, I don't believe it yet"

Su Tingxi smiled like a fox who stole a rabbit: "After the blue cotton bird hatches next week, we'll be two against two, fair"

Tang Yunqin: "Baby Cup Next Week"

Su Tingxi narrowed his eyes: "Then next week, there will always be a chance"

Sui Yan was unhappy with the real-name system: "Hmph, it's not like I can't fight with you"

Su Tingxi squinted his eyes and smiled happily: "Okay."

After a while of laughing, they trained the elves for a while, and Lu Ze said that he would go back later, and left first if he had something to do.

Lu Ze thought of yesterday's super evolutionary stone. In his past memory, there seemed to be some similar stones in Lu's father's research institute, but he didn't pay attention at the time. Now that he thinks about it, it should be a super evolutionary stone.

So Lu Ze wanted to go to Dad Lu's research institute to take a look. If it was a super evolutionary stone, then he could justifiably research it. Maybe the MAGE evolution in this world will appear in advance.

In the breeding house, as soon as Lu Ze entered the door, he saw Lu's mother who was doing nothing by the counter and brushing short videos

"Mom, is my dad in the research institute??"

Lu's mother put down her phone, with a bad expression on her face: "You talk about your dad all the time, but keep your dad shut, can you tell me anything?"

Lu Ze said helplessly: "Mom, don't learn from short videos, I have some questions for my dad."

"Cut, it's boring, your dad is here, go find him yourself"

After Mama Lu finished speaking, she lay down on the counter and continued to watch the short video without interest.

"Okay Mom"

Lu Ze greeted Lu's mother and walked back


"Hey~ I'm going!"

"Geng Gui, you scared me again"


As soon as Lu Ze arrived at the back, he was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Geng Gui. The spooky racial characteristics of the ghost system are fully displayed on Geng Gui's body.

"Wait to play with you, where is my dad, I'll ask him something first"


Geng Gui agreed, took Lu Ze's hand and walked all the way to the door of the research institute, and pointed to indicate that Father Lu was inside.

"Okay, then I'll go in Ang, remember not to go in front, my mother is in front"

Before Lu Ze walked in, he did not forget to tell Geng Gui, so that he would not dare to go out for a month because of being intimidated by Lu's mother because of being scary.


Geng Gui stretched out his short hand to wipe off the virtual sweat beads on his head, with a look of fear

Lu Ze smiled triumphantly, if you scare me, I will scare you too.

Immediately, he opened the door and entered the research institute. There was not only Father Lu alone in the research institute, but another person was talking to Father Lu. Hearing the voice, that person turned around

Lu Ze said in surprise

"why you?"

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