Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 329 Where Are You Cheating?

After advancing quickly for a while, Lu Ze's waveguide stopped when he sensed that the people chasing him were getting faster and closer, and they were about to approach.

"The people behind are coming soon, ambush."


Lu Ze had already told them on the way, anyway, there was going to be a fight, so why not make a pre-emptive strike.

So after Lu Ze and the others got out of the safe zone, they speeded up, just to quickly find a suitable place to ambush and catch them by surprise.

But before finding a suitable place, the people behind couldn't wait to start accelerating.

Because there are no riding elves, it is only a matter of time before they catch up, and there is no time to find a good position.


Lu Ze let out a low cry, and Sui Yan immediately commanded the coal turtle with bushes on its back.

"Coal turtle, breathe fire!"

The small eyes of the coal tortoise focused on the armored warrior rushing over, and immediately sprayed [Fire] towards him, and the weather changed at the same time.

【Sunny day】

After a [fire-breathing], the two fire-breathing dragons and forked bats used [hot wind] at the same time, and the [flame jet] of Hackron, Wind Speed ​​Dog and Geng Gui hit the armored warrior and the crowd behind them at the same time .


A violent explosion exploded among the crowd riding goats, and all the elves fell to the ground, and those people did not know whether they were dead or alive.


Lu Ze doesn't know how they play, but he knows that they can only fight once, and they don't run away. If they are delayed, there will be more and more people on the opposite side, and they only have these people.


After taking back their slow-moving elf, everyone ran forward one after another.

"Made, these brats are cruel enough!"

Seeing his companions with extensive burns in front of them, Huzi cursed angrily.

"Cool them down, treat them briefly, and chase after them!"

As mentioned earlier, when humans face the attacks of elves, they will not die immediately, and will also be in a near-death state just like elves.

In this state, if you are saved, you are saved; if you cannot be saved, you are gone.

Fortunately, guns are banned in the Dragon Kingdom, so even in the Black Secret Realm, guns cannot be brought in.

Unlike the US emperor, in the secret realm, my elves can't beat your elves, but can you resist my 7.62?

Lu Ze's wave of attacks reduced the number of people behind them by about a quarter, but there were still many people chasing them.

But the oriole was very happy. When they came over, they saw the people lying on the ground and the few people who bandaged them, and they were immediately happy.

"Hand over the things on your body, we don't want to kill people."

Everyone is a member of the Dragon Kingdom. Under the policies of the Dragon Kingdom and the declaration of the Red Flag, we all follow it, and try not to kill people if we can.

The person lying on the ground was also killed. He immediately threw his backpack and signaled the people beside him to continue bandaging himself.

The oriole was overjoyed, and after searching all the backpacks they threw out, and touched those people again, it continued to chase forward.

When I left, I didn't forget to leave their backpacks behind, and if I didn't let them pack more things, how could I search for more.

Lu Ze in the front attacked the pursuers again, but this time the pursuers did not suffer a big loss.

Although some people were still unable to react in time, most people used the elves to release the elves to resist part of the damage.

In the thick fog where the water and fire collided, Lu Ze and the others changed direction, this time they ran towards the tunnel.

But it's a pity that the ball and grass here can't be burned, otherwise a fire will not only cause heavy losses to the opponent, but also the traces left by oneself will not exist.

"Fuck, it's too exciting!"

While running, Sui Yan excitedly spoke to Lu Ze and the others.

"I don't know if anyone is dead."

Except for Sui Yan, Lu Ze and the others all looked a bit complicated. With such a strong attack power, if the treatment is not timely, it will really kill people.

"You guys are just thinking too much."

Seeing the complex expressions of Lu Ze and the others, Sui Yan immediately enlightened them.

"They are here for the elves. Think about it, if there are no elves, will we die?"


Fu Gui took a deep breath, then turned his head to Lu Ze calmly and said, "Master, I can only blame their greed when they die, don't worry about it."

Lu Ze glanced at Suiyan, then at Fugui who had been adjusted first, and after closing his eyes to calm down, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Phew~ What you said makes sense. If you don't make up the knife, you don't count as a ruthless attack. If you die, you don't blame us."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then Suiyan and Fugui laughed: "That's right, they didn't make up the knife, and they died because they were unlucky, haha."

After the two had a good time, Su Tingxi and You Yuyou also adjusted themselves, and after a chuckle, they no longer cared about their lives.

"We've changed direction now. I don't know if they can catch up." Lu Ze turned his eyes and said to the crowd.

"First, just like before, run to the tunnel with all your strength, hit a wave if you catch up, then run, if you can't catch up, go straight into the tunnel."

"The second method is to find a place to ambush a wave and directly hit the disabled!"

As Lu Ze said, his eyes turned hard. Now that he has decided, it will be done once and for all!

"Be the first."

Lu Ze looked at Su Tingxi: "How to say?"

"The first one is more stable, enough for us to run to the tunnel without being dragged by them, and..."

"And after we enter the tunnel, we can block the door, which is much safer than the way we are doing now."

Before Su Tingxi finished speaking, Sui Yan continued.


Su Tingxi glanced at Sui Yan appreciatively, then nodded.

"Then keep running, they haven't caught up yet."


Running and running, Sui Yan suddenly reacted and asked Lu Ze: "By the way, where's your cheat?"

"The cheat is too strong, he won't come out if it is not necessary."

Lu Ze said without turning his head.

He had made an agreement with Deoxys before coming, if there was no danger, try not to make a move.

Originally, this time I came here just for experience, and all the things that exploded were incidental. If Deoxys took action for everything, then it would be a hell of an experience.

"All right."

Sui Yan tilted his head and said indifferently.

Now the forked bat hasn't really shown up yet, and the Kirby hasn't played yet, so the current situation hasn't reached the time for Deoxys to make a move.

"It's almost there, work harder."

The five of Lu Ze continued to run forward. It has to be said that exercising with the elves is still effective, at least the physical strength is still enough for now.

It's not like the two girls who are panting on the wind speed dog now.

"You guys run pretty fast."

Just as Lu Ze and the others were about to see the tunnel, a voice suddenly came from the side.

PS: Luckily, three chapters today!

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