The starry night was an endless darkness, he lingered and shouted in this pitch black, I don't know how long it took, this pitch black was more of something else.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a picture, the picture was not very clear, but he could see a round thing, wandering in a space like a tunnel, this round thing kept going in a certain direction, but when it was about to reach a certain place, it would always return to the starting point, and at this time, somewhere in that place, there appeared a figure of divine will, its whole body was white, and it was dotted with gold, looking like the magic of the world, sacred and inviolable.

It seemed to be whispering and then slowly disappeared, and this space, like a tunnel, completely became a closed loop, the black circular figure kept circling in the closed loop, but after it didn't know how long it went around, in the closed loop of the tunnel space, a hand reached in, a black round thing, rushed to that hand, and the black round thing slowly turned into a figure that made Starry Night feel extremely familiar, Starry Night suddenly felt a headache, he felt that the figure was very familiar, But I just can't think back.

Another hand stretched out on the side of that hand, and this pair of hands hugged the figure, and at this moment, the closed loop was broken, and this closed loop extended a new tunnel, and the space of the entire tunnel was like the shape of a number 6, and from a distance it was a bit like the seven stars of the Big Dipper.

And the white-gold divine figure slowly emerged, he seemed to be thinking about something, and then he nodded slowly, even if the picture was very unclear, the starry night seemed to feel his relief, and his location, combined with this breakthrough closed-loop tunnel space, was a Big Dipper, and this divine figure was in the position of the North Star.

The picture was broken, and all the dark space around it shattered like a mirror shattering.

Starry Night opened his eyes and sat up, he recalled the picture he had just seen, and then there was a burst of dizziness, he used all his strength to hold his spirit, after all, he did not pass out again, he looked around, it seemed that there was still the meteor cave, but there seemed to be something wrong.

"Hiss... I seem... Knocked into the water by someone knocked unconscious? Starry Night held back his headache and tried to recall what had happened before, but it didn't work. He looked down to see that his Poké Ball was still there.

Remembering that he was stunned and sneaked up on before, Starry Night immediately released his Pokémon, but when he saw Duolongqi, he was stunned in place, he felt that looking at Duolongqi now, there was a strange emotion that could not be expressed in words, such as nostalgia, or familiar? He didn't know why he had this thought, but he vaguely felt that Doronchi had the same thoughts as him, and now he had a long-lost heart with Doronqi again, and they seemed to be able to feel each other's heartbeats.

And at this time, his system also sounded:

detected the host's mental disorder, about to "correct

" Starry Night's pupils trembled, he himself knew what he was, his spirit was normal, Starry Night dared to determine that the system must be because he had just seen something in that dark space!

"Much... How much to roar? "


Starry Night's Pokémon looked at him worriedly, but Starry Night couldn't see or hear it now.

"Grass! This system! What the hell is he! "Starry Night remembered everything this system had done, as if everything was coercing and luring him to do something, detecting ghost-type elves, forcing him to only take ghost-type Pokémon... These seemingly unintentional moves! Now that I think about it, this system, the picture I just saw, and once I think about those things, I will have a headache... He has already identified this system, which is definitely not a good thing! Even if it is really good for him, it will definitely not be a pie falling from the sky!

Starry Night felt that his memories and thoughts were being eroded little by little, that pitch-black space, that platinum divine figure, that black circle, his current thoughts! Little by little, everything is falling into pitch-black nothingness!

He immediately twisted his arm hard, and kept recalling these things in his mind, his face was hideous, his teeth were gritted, and his muscles were violent, trying to save these things.

At this moment, he felt a black shadow behind him.

Ding, system failure, system "correction" failure, system failure, system failure!

Then, the page of the system goes completely dark.

The system is greatly damaged, the system function is temporarily disabled, and it enters maintenance, and the host can only use its own ghost system specialization ability and elf viewing.

Starry Night's painful expression finally recovered, and he felt it! He felt his memories and thoughts, he felt that black spherical figure! He felt a light in his heart again.

"Here you are..." Then the dark shadow behind the starry night made a voice.

Starry Night knew that it was the "correction" of the system that this black shadow helped him break free, and Starry Night's Pokémon seemed to have just discovered that there was such a huge black shadow, and they all looked at it in shock.

Starry Night stood up and slowly turned around.

Tall gray body, red eyes, golden crown, Bobbit-like body. Lord of reversal, riding Latina, yes too!

"Long time no see..." Riding Latina looked at the starry night like this, looking still nostalgic, which made the starry night very puzzled, why did this riding Ladina look at him so strangely? It's as if... Looking at an old friend who has been away for many years.

Starry Night felt that his experience today was too much, and the huge amount of information made him unable to react for a while.

"Ah, you haven't seen me yet." Riding Latina seemed to remember something, his voice like a calm emperor. Slowly said

: "I am the master of the reversal world, riding Latina, no need to be introduced, I know who you are, this is my reversal world, you will not be in danger anymore." Riding Latina said silently.

Starry Night only then discovered where something was wrong, riding Latina is now in the origin form, which can only be achieved with the blessing of the Great Platinum Orb or if he is in the reverse world, and the difference between this nearby place and the original meteor cave is that this place and the original meteor cave are simply reversed!

"Let's go," said Latina slowly, without hurrying.

Starry Night signaled that his Pokémon were not so restrained, so he also rode Latina forward, today he experienced too many strange facts, and his whole mind was confused.

"Riding Latina, do you know what I saw in that pitch-black space before? You must know what I'm referring to. Starry Night tried to inquire about riding Latina.

"...," Riding Ladina glanced at the starry night, and slowly spit out a sentence in silence: "You can understand all this on your own, the adult also means this, the truth should be found by yourself..."

Then riding Ladina stopped talking, and Starry Night just followed him.

Ahead is a fog, as if in a closed loop....

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