
Gyarados' trembling body gradually stabilized.

Ling Huang walked over, touched the scales of Gyarados, and felt the hard touch of the AR Wristband to the brain.

"Congratulations, your Magikarp has evolved into Gyarados, and learned Ability Thrash, Bite, Dragon Rage. BP +1173!"

Magikarp has evolved into Gyarados, and BP directly increased by more than a thousand. This is the biggest increase in Ling Huang Pokémon BP!

From the original basis, it has more than doubled, nearly doubled!

Gyarados' current BP is 1863, but Gyarados is only Level 23. At the same time, whether it is Thrash or Dragon Rage, it is a rare and powerful Ability.

Dragon Rage is most suitable for cracking Pokémon with high defense. The formidable power is powerful, and the side effects are not small. Thrash Ability also corresponds to the high attack of Gyarados.

Learning these abilities, Gyarados was impossible into the predicament that there were no moves available before.

The stunned Ma Yang quickly reacted and ordered: "Beautifly, immediately use Mega Drain to Magikarp...Gyarados!"

Ma Yang was full of envy, this kind of Pokémon of the huge monster, there is no male Player who can't look forward to. Taking it around is simply a symbol of face and status.

Many female players at the scene felt that Ling Huang next to Gyarados, who was originally a strong body, was forcibly seen as strong and masculine, full of masculine charm.


Gyarados is completely calm, not lost because of the sudden increase in power, but more loyal.

"Congratulations, Gyarados's intimacy is +20, and the current intimacy is 100!"

Lapras admires Ling Huang very much. When I was in Qingxiu Mountain, he talked a lot about Ling with Magikarp Huang's matter. Magikarp subconsciously planted the seeds of admiration for Ling Huang.

Gyarados thought, if anyone in this world can control him, it can only be Ling Huang.

Whether it is intimacy or command ability, all meet the standards!

"Gyarados, take a look at Mega Drain Ability and use Thrash Ability directly on Beautifly!" Ling Huang said.

Immediately, he whispered: "Let those who look down on you, see your current strength."

Gyarados heard all of Ling Huang's voice.

Gyarados suddenly thought that when he was ridiculed by all Pokémon and even Trainer as a Magikarp, only Ling Huang had always valued him.

"roar! !"

The breath in his chest couldn't radiate, Gyarados' eyes suddenly reddened, and he rushed towards Beautifly!

"Beautifly retreat, but Ability, don't stop!" Ma Yang said: "Grass Type's Mega Drain is definitely better than Water Type's Gyarados, don't worry!"

Ling Huang didn't say anything.

They still don’t know much about Gyarados, and they don’t even know that Gyarados is a water+Flying Type. But think about it, how can those Trainers who have Gyarados expose Gyarados' Attribute, water + Flying Type is four times restrained by Electric Type, and it is easy to be targeted.



Mega Drain hit Gyarados, but Gyarados seemed unscathed, just wantonly impacting Beautifly's petite body.

The 1-meter-high Beautifly in front of Gyarados is similar to an ordinary butterfly, and it is so fragile.

Thrash is a 120-point formidable power Ability. Gyarados’s Species Strength is comparable to Heracross, with a full 125 points. With top grade Aptitude, the damage it hits is much scarier than Hyper Beam!

With such a strong impact, in just an instant, this poor Beautifly was pretended to be swayed and almost unable to fly.

Ma Yang panicked completely.

"Beautifly, use the silver cyclone Ability!"


Beautifly Struggle flew up, brewing a hurricane. But Gyarados is not afraid of this, and his super defense makes him fearless.


Gyarados collided with Beautifly, separated by a whirlwind of silver. Beautifly flew upside down, fainted in the air, and was taken back Poké Ball by Ma Yang with quick eyes and hands.

"roar! !"

Gyarados roared, declaring his first victory!

"pa pa pa!"

Applause and cheers rang together. Who would have thought that the prototype of Gyarados was Magikarp!

Furthermore, Ling Huang’s Magikarp evolved Gyarados is too powerful. Two moves defeated the half-blood Beautifly!

"Gyarados is really strong." Ling Huang secretly thought: "If you are at the same level, I am afraid that you can defeat the high grade Beautifly with three strokes."

This attack power is simply Burst table.

"roar! !"

Gyarados roared again, in exchange for applause and even screaming from the audience. But Ling Huang knew that Gyarados was on the verge of confusion.

"Come back, Gyarados."

Ling Huang put Gyarados away and let him rest and adapt to the surge of power.

Ma Yang ugly complexion.

"Let's go."

Zhang Yong followed silently, Ling Huang admired Zhang Yong, but was disinclined to pay attention to Ma Yang.

Zhang Yong's timing is perfect, but Ma Yang has a grumpy personality and belongs to the aggressive style.

"Damn it." Ling Huang's ignorance made Ma Yang more uncomfortable. But seeing that huge Gyarados, envy and jealousy were beyond words.

Ma Yang thought, he also has to cultivate Magikarp. If he evolves into Gyarados, he will make a lot of money.

"Qwilfish and Beautifly can't fight, so the winner is Ling Huang."

On hearing the familiar victory declaration, the spectators reacted. This is Ling Huang. Shou challenge was successful.

Because Magikarp evolved into Gyarados, it was too shocking, and the outcome was not paid attention to.

Ling Huang glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room. Many Players have doubts about the evolution of Magikarp into Gyarados.

Ling Huang intends to explain it "kindly".

"Presumably everyone has doubts about Magikarp's evolution to Gyarados?" Ling Huang first mobilized the atmosphere.

The audience even nodded, waiting for Ling Huang to solve it.

The number of online viewers in the live broadcast room has grown wildly. Now anyone does not have one or two Magikarp in the family. Although it is low grade, if it evolves to Gyarados, it will be more valuable than the middle grade Butterfree!

10w, 15w, 20w......

These are the actual number of online viewers!

According to the current development of the forum live broadcast, the number of online viewers of 20w is definitely the only one!

No Player anchor can do it!

Many people are already ready to go. As long as Ling Huang can answer reasonably, the rocket will be bundled and flew together!

Ling Huang cleared his throat and stunned the players' appetite. Some Players stopped talking before Ling Huang spoke slowly.

"In fact, it was the game Early-Stage. I had a good relationship with a certain NPC. That NPC felt that I was very confused to subdue Magikarp, so he kindly comforted me and said that Magikarp is the biggest counterattack of Water Type. As long as it reaches Level 20, it can evolve into Gyarados." Ling Huang talked nonsense seriously, "I was very excited at the time and made up my mind to gamble. I believe that fans who follow me know that I have acquired a lot of high for a while. grade Magikarp."

Ling Huang paused, and many Players already knew it.

"Are there any other requirements for Magikarp to evolve into Gyarados?" someone asked.

I knew you would say that!

Ling Huang presents the prepared rhetoric and details.

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