"There are still 30 minutes before the registration is over. Is there any player to register for the P1Fighting tournament?" Host Bai Yeyu said.

Bai Yeyu is a popular anchor of the game forum. At least 3w people watched each live broadcast and many fans.

There are a lot of shooting equipment on the scene, and they are also being broadcast live.

30 minutes passed quickly, Bai Yeyu began to announce the rules of the game.

"P1Fighting tournament is a grand event of Fighting Type Pokémon. Pokémon must have Fighting Type. At the same time, only Fighting Type Ability can be used in battle!" Bai Yeyu said: "P1Fighting tournament is promoted by drawing lots. There were a total of 322 participants. If you can’t make it through the first round, you can only blame bad luck or lack of strength."

No one has any objections. The rules of the competition have long been announced. If there is any objection, just Won't come to participate.

Ling Huang also watched quietly, slightly nodded.

This rule is actually very beneficial to Ling Huang. No one stipulates that each Player can only allow one Pokémon to participate, so Ling Huang secretly signed up for two.

Hawlucha and Heracross.

"Then, please release Pokémon, and bring up the lottery page from AR Wristband, and let Fighting Type Pokémon verify the identity lottery." Bai Yeyu said: "Please act fast. It is said that the sooner the lottery will be, the more opponent will be Weak."

Of course, this is a live broadcast method to arouse the atmosphere. Ling Huang also received a lot of Presents in the live broadcast room of the forum, so she understood it naturally.

He released Heracross and called up the lottery page of AR Wristband.

"Let's draw lots soon." Ling Huang said.



These two earliest partners hooked up their backs and all smiled.

long time no see.

Finally, Heracross was drawn to No. 50 and Hawlucha was drawn to No. 233. The lottery page has also become a team page.

The opponent of No. 50 is No. 49, and the opponent of No. 233 is No. 234.

No. 49 and No. 234 are Gurdurr and Primeape respectively, let Ling Huang relaxed.

Attribute is advantageous.

The draw time is 30 minutes, if there is no draw during the period, it will be considered as a waiver.

"12 abstainers! There are 310 left! Then, please take the stage 1-50 and fight in the divided area!" Bai Yeyu said.


Heracross is gearing up, he is number 50, just in time for the first batch.

Bai Yeyu picked up the camera for a live commentary.

"Is this Pokémon a Heracross?" He suddenly cry out in surprise: "It seems that this Heracross fighting intent is very strong!"

"Thank you." Ling Huang rushed Beckon at the camera.

Bai Yeyu is a little confused, this person is a bit familiar!

It wasn't until the name "Ling Huang" was picked up in the live broadcast room that he woke up. It turned out to be the boss of the anchor!

20w awesome people watching online on the same stage!

"It turned out to be Ling Huang!" Bai Yeyu cry out in surprise: "didn't expect Ling Huang also participated in the P1Fighting tournament. Wait, he has two Pokémons, Heracross and Hawlucha with him. …These are all Fighting Type Pokémon! Is he going to play 2 of them?"

"Yes, these two are Pokémon contestants. Lots have been drawn. Hawlucha is No. 233. I will remember later. Come and take a photo." Ling Huang said.

Bai Yeyu glanced at the live broadcast room.

Found that his limelight has been covered by Ling Huang.

No way, Ling Huang’s popularity is too high, the big brother level existence in the anchor.

"Well, for sure." Bai Yeyu was nodded, but did not move.

Heracross: lv.36

After the Battle of Greenshow Gym, Heracross has been upgraded to Level 2, and only Level 1 can learn the Mega Horn Ability of Bug Type.

Well, Mega stirs base Ability.

Gurdurr: lv.33

This is an evolutionary type of Timburr. After communication evolved, it became Conkeldurr. The changes in these three stages are not only the bigger body, but also the change of the weapon in the hand.

Wooden pillars, iron steel bars, to Conkeldurr, directly two stone pillars, very powerful.

Gurdurr is carrying the iron steel bar, facing Heracross with nothing wrong.


He even be eager to have a try, wanting to defeat Heracross. But for his middle grade Aptitude, Ling Huang didn't know where his confidence came from.

"The players are ready, the battle begins!" Bai Yeyu said.

Battle Field No. 25.

"Heracross, use shove!" Ling Huang said.

"Gurdurr, use Wake-Up Slap!" said the Player.

He is also embarrassed, and now Gurdurr has two methods of Fighting Type Ability!

Ling Huang is not much better.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ Bang!

The two Fighting Type Pokémon are totally worthy of each other, don't care about anything, don't persuade, just do it!

Five consecutive pushes gave Gurdurr a lot of damage. There is no such thing as Attribute resistance between Fighting Types. It’s just blood!


Gurdurr finally found the opportunity, and Tie Gang screamed into Heracross's face!


Heracross's face is hot and painful, and her eyes are a bit sharp.

I really thought that slapped someone would not be angry?

"Heracross, just use Focus Blast like this!" Ling Huang said.

He didn't even care about Gurdurr hitting him, he didn't even care about any Pokémon Fighting Type Ability in the room.

As long as the output environment is created for Heracross, so that his Ability can be effective, it is no surprise that I want to be in the rankings.

Chu Tianjiao also quietly carried the camera over, squatted slightly, and patted Ling Huang's face at a 45-degree angle.

"Yes, that's it, fists to the flesh!" Chu Tianjiao became more excited.

She is very interested in Fighting Type.

Even she quietly signed up and became a contestant. But she knew that she was impossible to get the ranking, her Lucario Aptitude was not high, and Attribute was restrained by Fighting Type.

She only hopes that Ling Huang, whom she admires, can win the first place, which can be regarded as comfort.

"Gurdurr, use Low Kick Ability!" said the Player.


Gurdurr put the steel bar on the ground and slammed towards the Low Sweep of Heracross. Heracross is consolidating Focus Blast, how can it make him do what he wants.


Focus Blast violently exploded against Gurdurr's face, Heracross leapt back with the momentum, and dodge Gurdurr's attack.

The formidable power of Low Kick Ability is calculated based on the weight of Pokémon. The heavier the opponent, the higher the damage.

"Heracross is actually dodged. Instinctively, isn't the damage of this move low?" The Player thought.

But it turns out that he thinks too much.

"Heracross, use shove!" Ling Huang said.

The battle is over.

This time, Gurdurr took the lead, hooking Heracross's ankle and knocking it down.

Heracross quickly climbed up and slammed for the fourth time in a row, defeating Gurdurr.


Heracross returned to Ling Huang's side, a little lamented, compared to the match against Alakazam, this round of winning is really easy. No need to rack your brains to hide from Ability, even if bombardment is.

Fist to the flesh... I haven't experienced it for a long time.

"Heracross won without suspense. This is almost a victory for crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!" Bai Yeyu said exaggeratedly.

In the face of Gurdurr, even his strongest Ninetales can't be defeated in 3 strokes.

Be aware that Heracross is not Ling Huang’s strongest Pokémon!

"This is the gap between Pro-player and Dingplay." Bai Yeyu secretly sighed: "No wonder he is online at 20w and I am online at 3w."

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