Hawlucha vs Yan Martial King.

Although this Martial King is only middle grade, Hawlucha has the advantage of Aptitude. But Three Initial Starters Pokémon has always been strong, and Ling Huang dare not slacken its efforts.


Yan Martial King looks very strong and oppression. The flames all over the body let the AR Wristband transmit the scorching sensation, and it looks very powerful.

The trainer of Yan Martial King's name is Chen Li, a very majestic middle age person.

"Martial King, use Hammer Arm Ability on Hawlucha." Chen Li said.

"Hawlucha, use Flying Press." Ling Huang said.

Although it is Three Initial Starters, you can only use Fighting Type Ability, and Ling Huang is not a Martial King at all. In the final analysis, Fighting Type is just a secondary Attribute of Yan Martial King.

The Ability of Fighting Type only has Hammer Arm and Push.


Yan Martial King's heavy fist violently collided with Hawlucha's chest, but in an instant, Yan Martial King's arm was bent and Hawlucha pressed him down.

Hawlucha is not in love, so he quickly distanced himself and prepared for the second Flying Press.

"Use Flying Press." Ling Huang appeared calm.

"Martial King, use Hammer Arm Ability!" Chen Li said.

Deserving of Player Ling Huang, he must be amazed by this demeanor.

He still doesn't know that Flying Press has half the Flying Type, otherwise he would not think so.

If I have Flying Press and directly restrain most of the Fighting Type Pokémon, I can also calm down!

Boom, boom, bang!

Flying Press collided with Hammer Arm and saw that Ling Huang didn’t change Ability. Chen Li didn’t show the weak spot and also wanted to play more Damage, and continue to use Hammer Arm.

Every time the Hammer Arm banged on Hawlucha's chest, it made a violent rumbling sound. But the Yan Martial King was not comfortable. Being pressed by Hawlucha was heavier than being pressed by a tank, and his HP decreased quickly.

Neither party changed.

Ling Huang suddenly said: "Hawlucha, give Chen Li the last Flying Press."

Hawlucha only lost 30% of HP.

There is no way, Attribute restrains +Attribute resistance, Yan Martial King is basically unable to move.

Ling Huang has been playing a big game!

Not just to pit Qin Fan, Ling Huang is not so superficial yet! He deliberately chose Hawlucha with special Attribute considering Fighting tournament and so on. Only Hawlucha will be the Reaper of the Fighting tournament!

In the future Fighting tournament, I see one win one!

Ling Huang's heart is full of pride.

Chen Li's expression changes, he naturally knows that Ling Huang can observe Pokémon's state, and the last thing in his mouth is naturally the end.

Is he going to fall here, even if he reaches the top ten, he still gets the same participation award as the players who kneeled in the first round, holding the poor 10 Alliance points?

He doesn't want to!

But what if you don't want to, the young man in front of him is not an opponent at all. Blame it, this Yan Martial King is not a high grade, otherwise it can be a fight.

The gap in Aptitude is insurmountable.

"Martial King, use Hammer Arm."

After Chen Li said this, his eyes gradually dimmed, but soon calmed down. After all, it is middle-aged, just a game, it is difficult to control their mood.


The Yan Martial King fell, declaring Chen Li's defeat.


Hawlucha spreads out his arms, like the ink Brother Xi wrestler, who is very dazzling.

This is Hawlucha's habitual movement after winning. He enjoys this feeling very much and is also very grateful to Ling Huang who brought him victory.

"Congratulations, your Hawlucha intimacy is +2 points, and the current favorability is 240 points."

Ling Huang smiles. After Hawlucha wins, he will increase his intimacy by 1 point. This time I added 2 points. It must be a higher exposure rate and a greater sense of accomplishment.

As long as you continue to win, Hawlucha's favorability will not be worse than Growlithe.

What he yearns for is only victory.

Ling Huang took it back after Hawlucha finished posing. Shake hands with Chen Li and become friends in the game.

Ling Huang discovered that he really made a lot of friends in this P1Fighting tournament.

"I have time to challenge Gym together." Ling Huang said.

"Yes." Chen Li nodded.

Ling Huang doesn't know yet, this Chen Li has 6 Badge, 2 more than him. This is why Chen Li started from being a weak Gym.

Of course, the challenge is Provincial Gym, and the challenge is the Province Cup.

Many Pro-players who challenge Urban Gym have been polished into ordinary players. The experience and achievements after the victory are incomparable, and the level improvement is very slow. Even the rewarded TMs are very ordinary ones.

In the third game, Throh vsSawk, in this Foreordained Confrontation, Throh constantly uses Seismic Toss. But Sawk didn't show weakness, his posture was fierce, Martial Dao clothes fluttered lightly, full of force, and Counter was used from beginning to end.

As a result, most of the blood was lost, Throh was consumed to death, and Ling Huang was palpitated. If Sawk dares to meet force with force, Throh can win. But if you are not trivial, your chances of winning are greatly increased.

Game 4, Blaziken vs Machoke.

The winner is Machoke. This is not what Ling Huang expected. Blaziken is only a middle grade. Compared with the high grade Machoke, there is still a gap.

Game 5, Heracross vs Medicham.

Medicham is pink, and the whole looks like a yoga girl wearing pink pants.

The Attribute of Fighting +Psychic, like Heracross, is twice as resistant to Fighting Type.

Trainer of Medicham is a mature professional woman, wearing an OL skirt, very beautiful.

"Heracross, use Slam Ability." Ling Huang said.

Medicham's own attack power is not strong, but the power of the Characteristic Trait yoga directly doubles her attack power, a very practical Characteristic Trait.

"Medicham, use High Jump Kick Ability!" said the professional woman.

"Aren't you afraid of my dodge?" Ling Huang said with a slight smile.

If the High Jump Kick Ability misses a hit, it will directly lose half blood. Due to the side effects too terrifying, even if Hawlucha learns High Jump Kick, Ling Huang dare not use it.

The half blood of high grade Pokémon is comparable to the full blood of low grade Pokémon! This loss is too great for Ling Huang to bear.

"You have all used Ability, is it still too late?" The professional girl said with a smile.

"Heracross, immediately change your skills and use Counter Ability!" Ling Huang said.

If you think I can’t cope with it, I can only say that you haven’t watched my video of the game and don’t understand the potential of my Pokémon.

The expression of the professional girl was fiercely stiff.

She did not watch Ling Huang's battle video. Many friends recommended her to watch it, but she felt that there was something good about a Pro Player video, and the game was not difficult.

But now, Heracross's actions have completely subverted her ideas!

Her understanding of this game is really too superficial!


Heracross loses blood crazily, but Ling Huang doesn't care, because the benefits far exceed the costs.

When Ling Huang returned all the contempt, both the professional woman and Medicham lost their blood.

"Heracross, give Medicham the final shove, 5 times in a row." Ling Huang said indifferently.

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