Fortunately, there are many excursion boats in Trilady Bay. Ling Huang boarded the ship quickly, and he felt that he had an obligation to stop those Gyarados.

Just accept it directly.

"Is that there in the past?" the boatman asked.

This boatman is not a Player, nor can he see what's going on there.

"Yes." Ling Huang nodded, paid the ferry directly, and took Minccino directly on board.

Lairon still hesitated. The boat was a little far away. He didn't want to drown anymore. It felt too uncomfortable.

"Get on the boat soon, it's too late." Ling Huang said.

Lairon clenched the teeth, use Bounce to get into the boat. Fortunately, reality cannot be affected, otherwise the boat would have to overturn.

"Mu Li"

Minccino is still on the boat for the first time, and he looks very happy. Looking at the seascape all around, she felt for the first time how right it was to follow Ling Huang to leave Qingxiu Mountain.

Outside the Dragon Elephant Pagoda, even if she is much sought after by her clan, she cannot see such a surging forward with great momentum.

It's just that the two Gyarados in the distance are somewhat terrifying. Gyarados, who loses his mind, will really destroy everything like a catharsis of injustice.


With the last Thrash of Ling Huang Gyarados, Wailord had no choice but to fall.

Wailord Pokémon has a very thick HP, but its defense and special defense are very low. This is a flaw. So even if it is much higher than Gyarados's Level, it is not an opponent.

But even so, Gyarados' HP almost bottomed out.

Moxie Characteristic Trait is launched, and the attack is increased by 4 levels. The current Gyarados is truly unstoppable.

Ling Huang threw out the Poké Ball to subdue Wailord. Putting the Poké Ball with Wailord into the backpack, Ling Huang ordered Gyarados.

"Use Bite for the Gyarados on the left!" Ling Huang said.

He can see that the Gyarados is middle grade, but the level is not high, only lv.25.

"roar! !"

Moxie's Gyarados suddenly rushed out, slamming on the fury attacker of the same kind. Many Magikarp floated on the water, scarred.

"roar! !"

This Gyarados was a little frightened as he watched the appearance of his kind who was much larger than him.

Intimidate Characteristic Trait.

He also wanted to Intimidate Gyarados in turn, but it was useless. He had fallen into fear, so he didn't even think about Intimidate others.

He was Bite.

This middle grade Gyarados, which has just evolved from Magikarp, has been Bite.

Only bitten, he fell down and was conquered by Ling Huang with a Poké Ball.

Ling Huang is relaxed and the confusion state is not triggered.

At this time, Gyarados' Moxie has accumulated 5 layers, and its attack power has never been higher.

He feels that even if the Wailord is now fully charged, he can use Giga Impact to kill in seconds.

His unprecedented expansion.

Without waiting for Ling Huang's order, he rushed to the other Gyarados and knocked down that Gyarados instantly. The Ability used is Giga Impact.

For the fallen Gyarados, Giga Impact is too powerful to bear.

Ling Huang felt that he had to go to the Pokémon Center as soon as possible.

Many players who also went to sea on a boat saw that both of the new Gyarados were subdued by Ling Huang. They couldn't help but sigh Ling Huang's cheapskate and could only silently retreat.

There is no way to compete.

This may also be arranged by Ling Huang.

Inspire Magikarp's Heart of Powerhouse with the mighty power of Gyarados and encourage them to evolve.

"The intimacy with Gyarados is still low." Ling Huang secretly thought, while Gyarados didn't point the finger at him, he pulled out the Poké Ball.

“roar! !”

Gyarados looked towards Ling Huang, it seemed that he was born with a rebellious heart.

He wanted to betray Ling Huang while this power was still there.

But after all, he could not escape the light of Poké Ball and was taken back to Poké Ball. The Poké Ball shook slightly, but after taking it back, the Moxie superimposed by Gyarados also disappeared, and there was no idea of ​​betrayal.


It's really thrilling.

"Master, you can go back now." Ling Huang said.

"Hey!" Master complied and began to turn around. Ling Huang looked at those Magikarps and found that the probability of so many Magikarps in middle grades was really low, a few percent of the probability.

No one can't see Aptitude.

Ling Huang looked up and threw out Poké Ball from time to time, and collected the middle grade Magikarp in his bag.

This is the fabled omission.

Ling Huang, who has the ability to see through, is very suitable for this great profession.

Ling Huang did not dare to delay and went straight to the Pokémon Center.

While passing by Wizeant Gym, Serena saw Ling Huang hurrying back. I wanted to stay, but still sighed and didn't speak.

The challenger was a little strange, and immediately released his strongest Pokémon Rattata to prepare for a desperate duel with Serena’s Pancham.


Pokémon Center.

"Joy, can you treat Pokémon for me?" Ling Huang said.

Speaking, he passed Lairon, Gyarados, and Wailord’s Poké Ball.

"Okay." Miss Joy said indifferently.

"Don't you recognize me?" Ling Huang said in amazement.

"Who are you?" Miss Joy thought, many people are vividly visible, but the only one who has never seen this stunned young man in front of me, "We don't know."

"You have amnesia." Ling Huang categorically said: "Otherwise, you are joking with me, there is no other possibility." Ms. Joy looked strange.

According to her understanding, people in this world should not be interested in foreign world visitors.

After all, you can't touch it if you take off the bracelet.

With a bracelet, there is also a clear barrier.

It's interesting that you molested me? It's still such a poor strike-up technique, it sounds like it's true.

"I think you recognized the wrong person." Miss Joy felt ridiculous and put Ling Huang's Pokémon into a special Pokémon healer.

"Three Gyarados? One of them... actually breeds so well!" Joy whispered: "Wailord with high level, Lairon with high Aptitude..."

Thinking about it, having such a famous Pokémon Player, I shouldn’t be unimpressed.

"Are you Ling Huang?" Joy cry out in surprise.

"You finally remembered me." The loneliness on Ling Huang's face flashed blankly.

Fortunately, Joy still remembers him.

"No, I just know you." Joy said, "Your Pokémon has returned to health. Two relatively ordinary Gyarados and Wailord should have just been conquered?"

Joy resisted envy.

One middle grade and one low grade Gyarados, even for her member of the Joy family, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

"Yes, I just took over in Trilady Bay." Ling Huang nodded, lonely again, "Aren't you the Joy of Qin City?"

He can only think of personnel transfer Up.

"I was transferred later." Joy nodded, "The Joy you know may be the original one."

"Where was she transferred?" Ling Huang Asked.

Even if the person in front of me has the same face as Qin City Joy, it gives Ling Huang a sense of strangeness.

"I used to work in the Pokémon Center in Nanning, but I couldn't stand the dense population there, so I changed positions with the gentle Qin City Joy. Of course, I am Qin City Joy now, and she is now Nanning Joy."

Qin City Joy said with a smile.

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