Mareep: lv.13

Aptitude:? ? ?

At this stage, such a low-level Pokémon is really hard to see in the popular Player. Especially the Pokémon, which is carried around, represents the face of the Player.

Minccino: lv.39

Even Minccino has been upgraded several levels, close to lv.40. Although not much to blame, Minccino itself is elegant and graceful, favored by the system. Even lying down can eat experience, Ling Huang has nothing to say.

Anyway, it must be subdued, even if the level is high.

Wild Pokémon, has a level increase speed far surpassing Player Pokémon's. But the opposite is bottleneck.

Ling Huang estimated that before Minccino evolved, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break through level 50.

Although the level of Mareep is not high, the wool is very pure, even a little reflective and very shiny. And by looking at Mareep's eyes, you know that she is different from those of the same race.

It seems to be more peaceful and uncontested.

Ling Huang still remembers that at the beginning of the test, he let Qin Fan pay attention to Mareep. This can evolve into a powerful Pokémon Ampharos.

At such a low level, Su Rong does not seem to plan to cultivate.

It's a pity.

"Su Rong." Ling Huang said hello.

"en." Su Rong is a little cold, "You Pokémon, you usually eat Berry?"

She pays little attention to Ling Huang, but instead cares about Ling Huang's team. diet.

"Rotom usually eats electricity, and he ate Serena's macarons just now." Ling Huang finished speaking, and gestured to Serena.

Serena is next to Aggron. This is Pokémon who Ling Huang conquered after leaving Qin City. She has never seen it, so she is naturally curious.

She was still thinking about Ling Huang’s previous game, and she quickly nodded when she saw Ling Huang say hello.

"Um, yes. I ate a lot."

"Oh." Su Rong nodded, "You are too bad to yourself Pokémon. Pokémon may not care. , But you did not tap their potential at all. Moreover, because of your overtraining, they have accumulated a lot of internal injury."

Ling Huang was a little embarrassed.

Su Rong is right.

Ling Huang has very strict requirements for Pokémon, like Heracross, now he has mastered Pin Missile. It is 125 points formidable power for 5 consecutive times. Because it is Ability of this system, there is a damage bonus.

Recently, I also learned how to relieve strength from Hawlucha. I had a very fulfilling life, but it was also very hard. It is the most pragmatic and hardest in Ling Huang's team.

Rotom has not been able to idle, even if it is an active Rotom, he is desperately practicing the charge + Discharge combo. Unfortunately, until recently there was no clue, it was difficult after all.

Other Pokémon also have their own things, so Gyarados and Charizard can be idle a little bit. As for Minccino, who is always dangling by Ling Huang's side, it is not Ling Huang's Pokémon.

"What can I do." When it was said that there were shortcomings, Ling Huang could only helplessly said.

He is only a Top Rank researcher, and he is inferior to the low-level Breeder in terms of breeding.

"It seems that Ling Huang really has a black eye on feeding."

Serena is the first time to see Ling Huang so helpless.

He also really thinks about the team Pokémon.

"If things like internal injury cannot be resolved, Ling Huang Pokémon's training can only be stopped." Serena thought.

"Don't talk nonsense." Su Rong said: "Mareep, go on."

Ling Huang's expression froze.

Let this lv.13 Mareep play?

He glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room and found that the audience was laughing, all kinds of screens were swiped, and he couldn't bear to look directly.

The Player at the scene was also a little stunned, but rarely said anything ironic.

Ling Huang doesn't pay much attention to Su Rong, he only knows that she is a rare Breeder.

Perhaps, Su Rong doesn't want to win or maybe he just wants to sell Ling Huang, so that the two parties have the possibility of cooperation.

Ling Huang shook his hand and released Charizard.

It is true that there is no Pokémon in Ling Huang's team that can play against the low-level Mareep. Instead, Charizard, who is disobedient, has the lowest BP.

Among them, there are also factors that test Su Rong's ability. The challenge of Life Player must be different.

"..."Su Rong.


Mareep is full of interest.


Charizard looked at the little bit in front of him. Although Mareep's sales are better than other similar products, I don't know how much, but the level really makes Charizard look down on eye.

Ling Huang also knew that if he couldn't command Charizard, he would not go up and betray him, and directly signaled Su Rong.

"Go up and fight."

"Can't you command him?" Su Rong glanced at the doorway.

Originally, the Player wanted to accuse Ling Huang of not being a gentleman, but he didn't move when he heard the command and gave up instantly.

If the command does not move, the BP will be cut by half. Especially if Pokémon is not close enough, they will be rebellious, and it is normal to disobey orders.

It is wise to ignore it.

Although it is still difficult to beat, at least there are many weak spots.

Charizard's heart is undoubtedly Rage's. After finally coming out, let him deal with this little thing?

Too underestimate him!

"The intimacy is almost too close." Ling Huang replied: "Charizard, you can play at will, now is an important occasion, don't lose."

The more important the occasion, the more Charizard is I don't want Ling Huang to win!

It was very uncomfortable to be subdued, even more how to help Ling Huang in the ring match!

"en." Su Rong is also a sensible person, and said to Mareep: "Use Thunder Wave."


Mareep has not many abilities , But can also play a not-low BP when combined. If you encounter a Hawlucha of the same level, I am afraid that Hawlucha will break.

There are too many restrictions on Ability.


Faced with Mareep who provoked himself, Charizard looked very disdainful, and Ghost claws flashed.

But suddenly, the move was no longer available.

The whole body flickered a little busy, which made Charizard tremble a bit, just in a paralyzed state.

Continuous speed drops to freezing point, and even moves have the probability of failure.

Now, Mareep is faster than Charizard. But Su Rong didn't stop, and said: "Use Cotton Spore."

"Paralysis + drastically reduce speed. This tactic works well." Ling Huang nodded.

Although Ling Huang knows, Mareep is also impossible to challenge Charizard across dozens of levels. But the look of interest in his eyes was still strong.

This breed method is really good. It is even better than Ling Huang's method of using his experience to blacken his eyes.

Even Charizard can only do nothing for a short time, which shows Su Rong's level.

Charizard has a lot of Cotton Spore clinging to her body. He wants to break free, but there is no way, but the speed is reduced.

Moreover, it is greatly reduced.

Charizard now is almost struggling.

"Use Thunder Shock." Su Rong whispered.


To be honest, the damage done by Mareep really shocked Ling Huang. This Thunder Shock seemed to use a very clever technique to induce the Thunder Wave entangled on Charizard's body, causing secondary damage.

In short, very strong.

Su Rong saw it almost, and he brought Mareep back to his side.

"We gave up."

In this unfathomable mystery game, only Ling Huang and Su Rong know each other's goals.

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