Brother Huang didn't dare to disrespect Ling Huang at all. After helping Ling Huang tidy up, he left in a hurry.

After finishing the room, Ling Huang looked at the 10x10 luxurious space, as if living in a dream. You know, his house with three bedrooms and one living room is more than 100 square meters. But in Wizeant Gym, a single room costs 100 square meters.

And this bed...

This big bed.

There are five people who can lie down! One man and four women have nothing!

Oh my God, he uses Rollout Ability on this bed!

Ling Huang suddenly didn't want to go home, so just stay in Gym. At least, now he is the owner of Gym.

"But no, father Mother didn't know that I was Player Ling Huang. I didn't say it before, so let's explain it clearly." Ling Huang was lying on Limber's big bed and couldn't help thinking.

He opened the forum and started to check it.

Targeting: National.

Ling Huang took a look and found that his fighting video still has a place on the homepage. And the top one is undoubtedly a post on the National Level forum. And most of them are about him.

"The world's first Gym Leader, National Gym Master Ling Huang! From an ordinary person to global exposure, what has he experienced?"

"Ling Huang has won a hundred consecutive victories, and the number of people in the live broadcast room has broken 350w, strong and invincible!"

"I am a crooked nut, but I play games in China. Yes, this Ling Huang is too strong! My friends in my hometown know Ling Huang’s name, Somehow, I have a sense of pride. Is it because I am studying in Guangxi Province?"

Looking at these posts, Ling Huang felt a sense of airiness.

dong dong dong.

"Come in." Ling Huang said, he knew it was Serena. Except for Pokémon, there is only Serena in the empty Gym.

"Ling Huang, I will talk to you about the handover of Gym Leader..."

"Don't talk about this first, come and take a look at this. Even foreigners admire me. Not great!" Ling Huang changed the subject and said.

Serena was successfully distracted and looked at the post opened by Ling Huang on the forum. The title is okay, there is an international language translation in it, even with English, and "NICE" and "GTEAT" are all coming out.

"Ah, it's really good. Maybe he is your fan." Serena nodded.

It is not too much for Pro Player to have fans. Their technology and strength can be worthy of the praise of ordinary players.

"Maybe it is!" Ling Huang looked at the name of the crooked nut, Kalia. I don't know if it is the real name or the changed ID.

"Who said no." Seeing Ling Huang's sigh, Serena also agreed slightly.

"Okay, I don't know what level of mine I am." Ling Huang shook his head, "How easy is it for fans to come! Don't look at my live broadcast data seems to be good, but now there are 1,000 hardcore fans. I know."

"en." Serena nodded, said: "The handover..."

"What is the hurry." Ling Huang lay on the bed and motioned for Serena to sit down. , Have a good talk.

Serena sits on the edge of the bed, blushing slightly. She slept in this bed, Ling Huang wouldn't rollout on it...Rollout Ability increases the formidable power according to the round.

"Cough cough, doesn't the Gym Leader only have one bed? This is also impossible." Ling Huang said deliberately.

Serena is now living in a guest room. Of course, the bed does not need to be changed. There are also beds in the guest room. The staff, the nanny, will clean up on time, so it looks very clean.

Becoming a Gym Leader is equivalent to someone waiting for you.

No wonder that many people want to be Gym Leaders!

"shameless." Serena said softly. With her temperament, she often stood by and smiled while watching.

During the 100-game winning streak, Serena stood at the back, like Ling Huang's wise help... the firm back-up, so Ling Huang has no worries.

Afterwards, didn’t Ling Huang’s Pokémon also ate macarons?

Delphox did not approach Arcanine either. It seems that after the evolution of Growlithe, the two Pokémons separated. Ling Huang is not sure if Arcanine can be with Serperior or Delphox. However, after the initial freshness, he has not paid much attention.

Even if it is a parent, it is not appropriate to manipulate a child's love.

Perhaps Arcanine has transformed like Aggron, and is no longer immature. Perhaps more time will be spent on leveling and becoming stronger.

Ling Huang also hopes to see Arcanine like this.

"Hehe, shameless, good!" Ling Huang said: "By the way, where do you plan to travel from now?"

"Go all the way north, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan... …" Serena didn't expect, Ling Huang didn't pay attention to Gym, but cared about her.

My heart is a little warm.

This is the so-called friend, don’t look at Ling Huang like this, it’s actually very careful.

"I plan to go all the way to the capital. For a year, I should be able to get there by taking the highway occasionally. The National Conference should also be in the capital. Moreover, the Contest Festival is also there." Serena added.

"Sure enough, it is the Contest Festival." Ling Huang said with a slight smile: "However, the Contest Festival is very different from the performance, so we still have to practice."

"en. "Serena said: "Player has such a large population base, and the competition is definitely more intense. If it's the old lazily, you won't be able to get the ribbon."

"Yes, maybe you will have one more Strong enemy." Ling Huang said.

"shameless." Serena pursed her lips and smiled, "If you don't listen, I won't hand over Gym to you, let you explore it by yourself."

"Yes, You say." Ling Huang actually enjoys a little quarrel with Serena, after all, she is a beautiful woman.

"Forget it, don't tell me, you directly ask system, and system will tell you directly." Serena got up directly and left Ling Huang's room.


Ling Huang could only shake his head and asked the game system: "Are there any precautions for becoming a Gym Leader?"

" Retrieve the Gym Leader page...please check it yourself."

"Gym Leader: Ling Huang

Resident Pokémon: None

Winnings: 50


Failure rate: 0

Send Badge: 7100

Note: The opening time of the museum is 8 am-12 noon every day, please do not delay. Please do not delay. More than 3 If the museum is closed for no reason, the Gym Leader position will be dismissed. Badge must be sent to the losing game, and the winning game can be retained or sent."

Ling Huang looked at his Gym Leader page and it was not difficult to understand .

"But it's quite humane." Ling Huang nodded, "As long as the library is not closed, the Gym Leader position can be reserved."

There are two Level 2 pages below the main page. , Respectively are TM, experience insights.

Click on the first one, and it really is the list of TMs. From the incentive on the 1st to the Confide on the 100th. The most displayed is 10, and the least is 0, which is directly grayed out.

"It is estimated that these TMs and Gym Leaders can also be used at will. If the Badge is not released, I am afraid that all TMs belong to the Gym Leader." Ling Huang was excited, but quickly calmed down." But this is not right. If you don't give it at all, doesn't it mean that no one will come to challenge, you still have to give Player a chance."

Ling Huang considered it properly and looked towards another sub-page.

experience insights.

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